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India’s shopping spree & appalling poverty

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Jan 8, 2011
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India’s shopping spree & appalling poverty

India is on a shopping spree with more than $100 billion in hand, and entering into defence deals left, right and centre. After signing nuclear deal with the US, Nuclear Suppliers Group’s countries are ready to sell materials and equipment to India. Apart from France, Britain, Germany, Japan - and strong opponent of nuclear proliferation – eyes the lucrative market; and they all are drooling to benefit from India’s economic development and prodigious indicators of economic growth. But they would not cares less that India as a state is rich but it is land of appalling poverty where more than 400 million people are living below a meanly defined poverty line. Multi-millions are living in slums and sleeping on the footpaths, because Indian government is diverting a very large part of its resources to become a world power and member of United Nations Security Council. Its human rights record is also dismal, as human Watch reports often point out about the violence against 150 million former untouchables, other minorities and the people of Indian Held Kashmir. Other human rights organizations regularly publish atrocities committed on Christians, Muslims and Dalits. Kashmiris are, however, the worst sufferers on earth, perhaps only second to Palestinians.

Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, launched a fierce attack on Pakistan during his recent visit to India, accusing Islamabad of allowing terrorist groups to form safe havens in its territory. He said terrorist groups were free to launch attacks on India and NATO troops in Afghanistan from Pakistan, which is not acceptable. His comments echoed those made by British Prime Minister David Cameron who during his visit to India in end July 2010 had said that Pakistan could not be allowed to “look both ways” or export terrorism to its neighbours. During her visit to India in July this year Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel in reply to a question said: “India is suffering as a consequence of terrorist attacks. We still remember the attack in Mumbai. At that time we criticised what was done by these perpetrators. We want to do whatever we can to ensure that these terror attacks are not repeated.” It is true that foreign relations are no altruistic pursuit but extremely self-centered, self-serving motivated actions. But it is difficult to imagine that heads of above three European countries could stoop so low as to issue statements against Pakistan just to please India just to sell their military hardware and other stuff to India.

France signed worth $20 billion out of which 9.3-billion-dollar framework agreement was for selling two nuclear reactors to India during a trade-centred visit in July this year by French President Nicolas Sarkozy to New Delhi. Deals totalling 15 billion euros (20 billion dollars) were signed with Indian companies including a leasing agreement for 14 Airbus planes and the modernisation of 51 French-made Mirage fighter jets. “Negotiations (with Areva) have reached an advanced stage to pave the way for the launching of nuclear power reactors in partnership with Indian industry,” Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had told a joint press conference with President Sarkozy. The deal is short of a final sale contract, but it means Areva has moved ahead of US and Japanese competitors in the race to sell reactors to India, which aims to tap atomic power for a quarter of its electricity demands by 2050. Sarkozy reiterated his support for India to have a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council - a key foreign policy objective for New Delhi - and suggested it might simply upgrade its current temporary seat in 2012. India is to jointly build a surface-to-air missile with the second biggest weapons supplier Israel and hopes for such collaborations with the other countries. After signing civil nuclear agreement with the US, it will acquire nuclear plants to enhance its capability to make more nuclear devices. Last year, the USS Trentonn, the giant American landing platform dock, was inducted in Indian navy for which order was placed by India for Rs 215 crores in 2007. It was re-christened INS Jalashwa. The acquisition of the INS Jalashva was meant to enormously boost the sealift capability of the Indian Navy. It is equipped with four landing mechanised craft and can carry up to 1,000 troops along with vehicles, tanks, artillery, ammunition and tracked landing vehicles. India has also increased its defence budget, and is poised to spend at least $50 billion on installation of nuclear power plants, which will enhance its capacity and capability to increase it nuclear arsenal. After Indo-US nuclear deal, India has the capacity to increase from its current production capacity of six to 10 additional nuclear bombs a year to several dozen per year.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s visit to India is the latest in a series of high-profile visits by leaders of almost all major countries. A slew of 30 agreements signed by the two sides, covering areas ranging from nuclear and space co-operation, defence and business to counter-terrorism and culture, shows the expanded scope of the relationship. The multi-million dollar programme for joint production of a fifth generation fighter aircraft could be a milestone in collaboration. India’s traditional defence relationship with Russia was that of a customer, with Moscow meeting 70 per cent of its arms and equipment requirements. But the fighter aircraft programme takes it to a new level of partnership marked by joint development and collaboration. Russia has also offered the best terms in its defence deals, supplying India with technologies and hardware, like nuclear submarines, which other countries were not willing to give, and without restrictive conditions like end-user clauses. He also extended full support for India’s bid for permanent membership of the UN Security Council and other bodies like the Nuclear Suppliers Group. The visit made it clear that bilateral ties are not only strong but are poised to become stronger. Germany is making a bid for selling Eurofighter Typhoon combat jets to India when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh goes to Berlin next month, a day-long trip that will focus on expanding the strategic relationship between the two would-be non-permanent members of the UN Security Council. Manmohan Singh visited Britain and Germany after attending India’s summit with the 27-nation European Union (EU) in Brussels. This was the second visit by Manmohan Singh to Berlin since he became the country’s prime minister over six years ago. Manmohan Singh and Merkel met recently at the G20 summit of major and emerging economies in Seoul. Manmohan Singh and Merkel are expected to focus on expanding defence relationship and enlarging the scope of their strategic dialogue on key global issues like UN reforms, the international financial crisis, counter-terrorism, non-proliferation and climate change. Germany will contend that the Eurofighter offer is unique as it involves technology transfer and is likely to stress that it is ready to forego the End-User Monitoring Agreement (EUMA) that even India’s close partners like the US insist on.

New Delhi has recently allocated $11 billion to build and buy six new-generation submarines in what will be one of the biggest military contracts that India has signed. The Times of India has reported that the Defense Acquisitions Council, chaired by federal Defense Minister A.K. Antony, took the decision on the deal. A sum of $12 has been earmarked for the purchase of 126 multi-role fighters for the Indian Air Force. Six global aerospace companies, Lockheed Martin, Boeing (American), Dassault’s Rafale (French), Gripen (Sweden), MIG (Russian) and Eurofighter Typhoon (a consortium of British, German, Italian and Spanish companies), are bidding for the deal. A fresh contract for aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov’s refit for over $2.3 billion is also being negotiated with Moscow. India’s Prime Minister is perched on a booming national economy and a lot of cash, which he is throwing around on massive arms’ purchases and lucrative business deals to buy loyalties, votes for India’s bid for UNSC, and for scurrilous slights that German Chancellor and French President have dealt Pakistan.

India’s shopping spree & appalling poverty
Oh god same topic posted again.

its appalling that india spends billions on military equipment yet half of the country that is half a billion live on 1 USD per day. india claims to be champions of human rights and bash pakistan for "mumbai massacre" when it doesn't give a damn who died that day, because if it did it would take better care of its own people.
its appalling that india spends billions on military equipment yet half of the country that is half a billion live on 1 USD per day. india claims to be champions of human rights and bash pakistan for "mumbai massacre" when it doesn't give a damn who died that day, because if it did it would take better care of its own people.

Buddy check yourself, what we are buying is on our own money. Also you government does not even have money to pay IMF loans and still spending on defence, yet you cannot look inward.

Also I never understand how Pakistani's are rich but government is poor. Maybe because of aid money.
Judging by your tone, I'm no longer surprised that no has cared enough to post this, even though it was on BBC world news on TV here in Canada.

Cold weather kills more in northern India

LUCKNOW, India (AP) — Near-freezing temperatures have killed more than two dozen people in northern India in recent days despite government efforts to distribute blankets and medicine to the poor, an official and a news report said.

In worst-hit Uttar Pradesh state, at least 22 people — many of them homeless — died over the past three days, pushing the death toll from two weeks of cold weather to 63, Ram Mohan Srivastav, a top government official, said Saturday.

Uttar Pradesh is one of India's poorest states and nearly a fifth of its 180 million people are homeless, according to state government statistics.

At least six people died from frigid temperatures in the past two days in neighboring Jharkhand state, the Press Trust of India news agency reported late Friday.

The temperature dipped below 37 degrees Fahrenheit (3 degrees Celsius) in parts of Uttar Pradesh this week, with the mercury plunging to 33 F (0.6 C) in Agra, the city where the Taj Mahal is located.
State authorities have ordered all schools to close until the weather improves, Srivastav said.

Welfare department workers distributed blankets and medicine to the poor and homeless in Uttar Pradesh this week. In the state capital, Lucknow, the government arranged all-night bonfires at major road crossings and near railway stations.

All flights to and from Lucknow were canceled after a dense fog shrouded the city's airport Friday. Almost all long-distance trains were running four to five hours late due to the fog, Srivastav said.
In New Delhi, at least 10 homeless people have died from cold weather over the past two weeks despite a drive by police and welfare officials to persuade people living on the streets to sleep in 80 city-run shelters.

Though India is famous for its brutally hot summers, temperatures fall sharply for a few weeks in December and January. Poor people, particularly those living on the streets, are the worst hit.
Buddy check yourself, what we are buying is on our own money. Also you government does not even have money to pay IMF loans and still spending on defence, yet you cannot look inward.

Also I never understand how Pakistani's are rich but government is poor. Maybe because of aid money.

Why bring Pakistan into this? You have no defense for the claims made in this article? This is not suprising to me. People in your country are suffering **half a billion are suffering** yet you say its your own money. With this type of attitude don't expect to go far in life.
its appalling that india spends billions on military equipment yet half of the country that is half a billion live on 1 USD per day. india claims to be champions of human rights and bash pakistan for "mumbai massacre" when it doesn't give a damn who died that day, because if it did it would take better care of its own people.

I dont know where you got the idea of half the million living on 1 USD statistics which is BS. Anyway since you raised it,..... a family of 4 with 4 USD each day is enough to buy all food including breakfast, lunch and dinner, go for an outing, pay the mobile recharge and buy a family pack of wall's ice cream and a small bottle of brandy.

If you want a price breakdown , i am more than happy to provide it.

Deal with it. :tongue:
I dont know where you got the idea of half the million living on 1 USD statistics which is BS. Anyway since you raised it,..... a family of 4 with 4 USD each day is enough to buy all food including breakfast, lunch and dinner, go for an outing, pay the mobile recharge and buy a family pack of wall's ice cream and a small bottle of brandy.

If you want a price breakdown , i am more than happy to provide it.

Deal with it. :tongue:

Yeah there are no poor people in India! :what:
Why bring Pakistan into this? You have no defense for the claims made in this article? This is not suprising to me. People in your country are suffering **half a billion are suffering** yet you say its your own money. With this type of attitude don't expect to go far in life.

Err.......maybe because you posted from a Pakistani source which btw never has anything good to say about India.
Why bring Pakistan into this? You have no defense for the claims made in this article? This is not suprising to me. People in your country are suffering **half a billion are suffering** yet you say its your own money. With this type of attitude don't expect to go far in life.

I brought Pakistan because you posted this, khud ko bhi dekho. We are spendig because we can, end of story. Only fools think poverty and defense budget are related. We have discussed this so many times. If people does not know basic economics then no point explaining.
Yeah there are no poor people in India! :what:

Yes there are.. of course there are.. but not the scale of what is being said here... even the lowest of the lowest labourer has a daily wage fixed around 2 USD for the lowest of job. And that is enough to maintain a family and send children to school and have a shelter. And yes, they are considered "below poverty level" too..

But some people here repeat this phrase as if there country is in northern europe and everybody there own a limousine. :lol:
I brought Pakistan because you posted this, khud ko bhi dekho. We are spendig because we can, end of story. Only fools think poverty and defense budget are related. We have discussed this so many times. If people does not know basic economics then no point explaining.

Yep a huge defence spending is perfectly fine for you, you don't worry about food, or rent and you get the added bonus of having something gloating about the cool hardware India has on defence forums.
Yes there are.. of course there are.. but not the scale of what is being said here... even the lowest of the lowest labourer has a daily wage fixed around 2 USD for the lowest of job. And that is enough to maintain a family and send children to school and have a shelter. And yes, they are considered "below poverty level" too..

But simple repeat this phrase as if there country is in northern europe and everybody there own a limousine. :lol:

Oh bugger off, unless you've personally have maintained a family and sent children to school and have a shelter all on 2 bucks a day, I'd like to see some price studies and also show me some statistics on how "the lowest of the lowest labourer has a daily wage fixed around 2 USD for the lowest of job" or is that just your general perception/feeling as an expat living in Wales.
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