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India’s Foreign Debt Grows 13% to $390 Billion

There are 2 things that can see by the graphic displayed.

1. There is money in the market. Why? Because of the increase in the purchase of gold.
2. The sentiment for investment is not good. Why? Because if there is money in the market, one would invest in the mfs or the equity markets or move money to fds.

So you have a situation, where there is money, but it is not being moved to generate capacities or investments, but, into safe instruments like gold. Why could this be happening?

1. People think the market is over valued and hence do not want to invest.
2. People have had no proper returns from the markets hence they are moving investments elsewhere.
3. People are over leveraged in other instruments, hence are creating a 'safe' destination of gold.

The way it can be solved is only through structural changes in policies. which is the problem. This is currently a lame duck government and cannot take decision, because elections are near.

1. Increase inflows of investments into the country
2. Increase exports.

Increase in exports requires competitive pricing. The most important part over here is electricity. Lower power rates, backed by process efficiency means better competitiveness. Ofcourse, if wishes were horses............
Forget about secularism.. Please clear this doubt, Is the loan taken by states also included in this debt?? I mean State governments taking loan from ADB or World bank for their projects.. These organisations usually provided it to the central government and central government provided it to the respective state, Am I correct?
Forget about secularism.. Please clear this doubt, Is the loan taken by states also included in this debt?? I mean State governments taking loan from ADB or World bank for their projects.. These organisations usually provided it to the central government and central government provided it to the respective state, Am I correct?

Of the total loan by Gujarat state , International loan constitutes only 6% with an average interest rate of 4-5%. Gujarat GDP Growth rate is 10-11% .......That is what you were looking for, right ?

Rest is made up of Loan from Center, Provident fund, SDL and NSSF.
Please clear this doubt, Is the loan taken by states also included in this debt?? I mean State governments taking loan from ADB or World bank for their projects.. These organisations usually provided it to the central government and central government provided it to the respective state, Am I correct?

Foreign debt consists of everything. so in a single word..."Yes"
Even China has foreign debt of 8-9% so why this Kolaveri Di :D
Some for facts for 'secular' Gujarat-is-no-miracle brigade.........consider Active Congress center discrimination and its growth despite this discrimination.

-In year 2013-14 Gujarat budget, Rs 40,574 crore out of total Rs 58,500 crore were proposed for Social services.

-The central government forms Finance Commission as per section 280-3A in constitution. Finance Commission allocate money to states as per provisions in constitution. 13th Finance Commission has recommended centre to distribute 32% revenue of taxes among states. As per this formula, 25% weightage is given to state’s population, 10% weightage is given to state’s geographical area, 47.5% importance is given to state’s financial situation while 17.5% weightage is given to state’s financial discipline. As per the recommendations of 13th Finance Commission, Gujarat gets only 3.089% share of central tax revenue. Central government has in its recent budget estimated Rs 10 lakh crore tax revenue. Gujarat will be allocated only 1% of it which is Rs 10,000 crore.

-Every state is permitted for debt which is 27% of total GDP. In year 2011-12 Gujarat government’s debt was only 20.72% while in 2012-13 it was 19.93% and in 2013-14 the estimate is 19.89%. The government has planned to lower down debt in phase manner. The government has proposed Rs 9,000 crore for Sardar Sarovar Narmada Yojana, while Rs 1,000 crore allocation is proposed for SAUNI Yojana. For speedy completion of such major pro-people projects, loan is necessary.

-8 years back Gujarat’s agriculture production was Rs 9,000 crore which is now Rs 90,000 crore.

-While India’s per head yearly income is Rs 61,564, Gujarat’s average per head annual income in year 2012 was Rs 89,268. Per head income in Gujarat is Rs 30,000 more than India.

-India’s growth rate has been 7.87% while Gujarat’s growth rate has been 10.24%.

-VAT on petrol in Gujarat is 23%, but in Andhra Pradesh it is 31%, in Maharashtra it is 25%, Rajasthan has 26% and Madhya Pradesh has 27% VAT on petrol.
The foreign debt of the country has been growing for the past 20 years but that does not mean that the congress is responsible for that. In the past few years the governments which have in the leadership have failed to bring the effective changes which were required to increase the effectiveness and competitiveness of the public as well as private sectors after the opening up of the economy. Not only international customers but local Indian customers will prefer the foreign brands over local Indian brands if they are better in quality.
Let the bozos in the govt. cry over their political partners didi's and annas for backing off from the govt.While the countries manufacturing sector cries for better power support and good infrastructure.
The foreign debt of the country has been growing for the past 20 years but that does not mean that the congress is responsible for that.

I am sorry ....but I squarely disagree on that. It is the Govt. JOB to ensure that our debt is within manageable limits. Congress has been ruling for almost 90% of that time.

Let me share some more figures ...

In Gujarat today the per capital income is Rs 89,268 and the debt per capita is Rs 23,163.

In kerala the per capita income is Rs.83,725, and the debt per capita is Rs. Rs 24,600.

Do you want to know the per capita income for all of India and the central govt. debt per capita due to 10 years of congress rule at the center ?

Pan India income is Rs. 61,564 and our debt per capita is Rs. 33,000.

Do you know what that means ? ...... you as a person has a loan of Rs. 33,000 which the congress govt. has taken on your behalf and has spent it, now the burden to repay it is yours ....... want to guess how much of it must have gone into their swiss bank account ?

PS: The per capita debt figure was fro 2012, when the actual per capita income was Rs 60,972.
don't worry India.our foreign debt is abou 2-3 times of India.a piece of cake.....
don't worry India.our foreign debt is abou 2-3 times of India.a piece of cake.....

Well, our economy is 4 times larger, so it makes sense our foreign debt would be bigger too.

More importantly though, our currency reserves ($3.2 trillion) are several times bigger than our entire foreign debt.
Well, our economy is 4 times larger, so it makes sense our foreign debt would be bigger too.
More importantly though, our currency reserves ($3.2 trillion) are several times bigger than our entire foreign debt.
OMG,i just want to 抛砖引玉
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