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'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

sorry,it's a story happened in early 90th ,there is not internet at that time,you can ask your so-call ally russia confirm this,it's your business whether you believe it or not ,since we call it J-11,and update almost everything inside SU-27,i am sure PLA will equiped more J-11 than the number i gave you
I never could understand why you Indians never will accept anything

other than your one track mind !!

Look up a few post, is that so difficult to swallow facts ?:smitten:


Look man i don't know what your problem is....

i asked for some clarification about my doubt,i.e,either it is combination of j-11 and su-27 or simply j-11...

and want link to have back-up proof ,also for further knowledge...

If u don't have any link and no inf. to add here,then please stop trolling here with your copy-paste smilies...


by the way i am talking to aimarraul.....:frown:
sorry,it's a story happened in early 90th ,there is not internet at that time,you can ask your so-call ally russia confirm this,it's your business whether you believe it or not ,since we call it J-11,and update almost everything inside SU-27,i am sure PLA will equiped more J-11 than the number i gave you

then basically its a speculation....

might be true or might be not....

any way thanks for your clarification...:)
that's why i said 250-300,russia authorized 200 ,we buy some before that contract
let's said it's 200-250,what's the different
Sir IAF chief told the truth but what did he said? Does he said PLAAF 3 times stronger? He said PLAAF 3 times in NUMBER. got the point?

Now china seems 3 times more in number but what does it mean? It means its equal to IAF in numbers. But HOW? Its simple. china 3 times large land then india. So they need 3 times more jet fighters then india. Got the point? PLAAF 3 times bigger in size and NOT in quantity. Better watch his video.

ok I admitted I;m confused. you have so many points there but I didn't get much of them.
Let me try to get this size point:
China is 3 times big than India in size so naturally she needs 3 times more fighters than India in order to protect her air space. So basiclly India air force is actually relatively 'on par' with Chinese air force in terms of the number and India air force has better quality as many of you guys believed.
Then my big question is why the hell your air chief crying wolf for what? Isn't this should be the other way around that Chinese air chief should worry about the reality? Why your air chief still wants to squeeze your budget for more fighters? Cannot save the money for other purpose? Why demoralize own people for nothing?

Now about why did he said that in HURRY just after chinese met our chindu? Why china need to send him to meet chindu? What for? Why so worried? Got my point? Its not indian who came to meet. Its the chinese. When the chinese came out all he said was there was no incursion and please cool down to our media and then he quickly runaway. Our IAF got directions to cool the indian media. Thats why IAF chief said what indian media wants? Remove sword and go to war? Hehe said india need numbers. Quality is there but numbers are not there specially in and around our cities. He said playing cool will give IAF the numbers sir.

So Chinese gov is so worried abt being attacked by Indian that they rushed to India for a meeting. And the weaker China despite doing so many incursion to India but somehow still managed to beg India gov to cool down and lie to their own people and amazingly the Indian gov did it. ..
Is that all you want to say? Did I get you correctly?
Look man i don't know what your problem is....

i asked for some clarification about my doubt,i.e,either it is combination of j-11 and su-27 or simply j-11...

and want link to have back-up proof ,also for further knowledge...

If u don't have any link and no inf. to add here,then please stop trolling here with your copy-paste smilies...


by the way i am talking to aimarraul.....:frown:

Mr. Troll; I have already post whats you ask for a page back;

Now read , Ok ?

Fighter Aircraft
Shenyang J-11 China air-superiority multi-role fighter J-11 total
J-11BS 120-130
- Chinese 4-4.5th generation air-superiority fighter originally developed from the Sukhoi Su-27 airframe. J-11A production is the base model of the 4th generation Su-27 manufactured from supplied kits from Russia with Chinese components, while the 4.5th generation J-11B is a modernised indigenous multi-role fighter developed in China using the Su-27 airframe.
[1] 200 J-11A licensed for production, up to 96 J-11A are in service, with ~25 J-11B serving along side the J-11A.
ok I admitted I;m confused. you have so many points there but I didn't get much of them.
Let me try to get this size point:
China is 3 times big than India in size so naturally she needs 3 times more fighters than India in order to protect her air space. So basiclly India air force is actually relatively 'on par' with Chinese air force in terms of the number and India air force has better quality as many of you guys believed.
Then my big question is why the hell your air chief crying wolf for what? Isn't this should be the other way around that Chinese air chief should worry about the reality? Why your air chief still wants to squeeze your budget for more fighters? Cannot save the money for other purpose? Why demoralize own people for nothing?

So Chinese gov is so worried abt being attacked by Indian that they rushed to India for a meeting. And the weaker China despite doing so many incursion to India but somehow still managed to beg India gov to cool down and lie to their own people and amazingly the Indian gov did it. ..
Is that all you want to say? Did I get you correctly?

Sir about ur 1st point. Do you even know how many flying coffin mig21 india flying? Thats our IAF chiefs real worry. Our mig21 cant protect our cities. Old Mig21 now just a showing teeth and it dont bite. Our IAF chief said we are alot strong on borders but our jet fighters split up between indo-pak border and indo-china border. WHAT WE LEFT WITH TO PROTECT OUR CITIES? FLYING COFFIN MIG21s? Did you get my point now sir? Our cities not safe. We need more jet fighters for our cities protects. Large number of mig21s are USELESS. hope u got my point. Better look his full video for more.

About 2nd point. Sir i dont know why chinese met chindu if its india who worried. i think u should ask chinese goverment that. They would answer u better. Why chinese men need to meet chindu? Did mr chindu invited him? Why chinese goverment openly said its indian media provoking indian goverment. Why china need to clarify? What for sir? Its simple. China cant afford a war. If something happens then it wont be gud for both india and china and ur country knows it better sir. Thank you.
PV naik is indeed a cunning man!:D. yes we need more aircrafts to deter any chinese agression. Govt should sanction a force level of 50 squadrons to counter any threat india might face.:coffee:

50 sqdns???why not a hundred and fifty sqdns?
PV naik is being honest but it seems nothing can win over fantasy.
they just need 42.5 sqd b4 2020 thats all not 50 or more than that...

now the sactioned strength is 39.5 but avl is 31.5 --> 2009
Need to build 42.9 with in 2020

i hope India may get it...

Jai Hind...
india got Aircrafts around 800,and china 2,500....

And the US has 5,573 aircraft, of which 2,132 are fighters

You dont see threads about high lighting that obvious fact now do we.
Everyone is trying to get a leg up over the person in front of them.

In fact what is in the Chinese air force
Currently the PLAAF and PLA Naval Aviation operate a mixed fighter fleet consisting of both older aircraft fielded in the 1980s, and newer designs introduced in the 1990s and later. The thousands of J-6 (MiG-19 Farmer) fighters that once made up the fighter fleet have been retired. The current inventory is composed primarily of third- and fourth-generation fighters and fighter-bombers, including 800~1,000 J-7 (MiG-21 Fishbed) and J-8II fighters, 76 Russian-built Su-27 fighters, 95~116 Chinese-assembled J-11 fighters, 76 Russian Su-30MKK multirole fighters, and some 60~80 Chinese indigenous J-10 multirole fighters.

And of course India also Operates Mid-21 but hey most of them have already fallen out of the sky anyway.

This is a list of the force levels of a few air forces .

5,573 aircraft, of which 2,132 are fighters

Comprised mainly of the most advanced aircraft int he world.


* Bomber/attack: 600
* Fighter: 1,300
* AWACS: 4
* Large transport: 80
* Tanker: 10
* Special mission: 30

Take these figures with a Pinch of salt China could have more or even less. All that we know is

While the size of the force has shrunk considerably over the past 15 years, the same could not be said about its quality and capabilities.

In my personal opinion China has more J-11's then they are letting one.


The Indian Air Force has a strength of over 1,915 (combat and non-combat) aircraft.

852 combat aircraft out of which they have about 207 useless Migs.
Out of fairness i have not included the Bisons in the Useless category

so the IAF has about 645 perfectly fine aircraft with no criticism. attached.


The PAF operates 400 combat aircraft alongside various transport and training aircraft.

The primary air defence fighter is the Chengdu F-7, of which two variants are in service; 120 F-7P and 60 F-7PG.

now how do the Pakistani explain the imbalance in air power.
Do you just give up and say your better and there's no denying it.

Frankly size isn't everything .

IAF chief was just looking to rally more public support for expanding the armed forces. the last thing we need is some public debate over is it right to spend money on defense forces. Which knowing the Indian media and India in general is a very real possibility.

China doesn't even have an airbase near the INDIA border.
Could be that is in the interests of peace. Or simply they dont see India as too much of a treat. And i dont know how that's bad news.

I would rather our fine aircraft should see combat is in online forums.
Then on the front lines.

Hope India go broke the same way the USSR did.

That sounds strange coming from someone who has a commie symbol as his Avatar image (except for color of course):D
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