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'India’s air power just 1/3rd of China'

Looks like China is playing India like soviet union..Drive them bankrupt by forcing them into arms race. China may go as far as sportin wooden mockup of huge squardon somewhere on its terriotery for indian spy sats to pick it up and fuel panic.
Looks like China is playing India like soviet union..Drive them bankrupt by forcing them into arms race. China may go as far as sportin wooden mockup of huge squardon somewhere on its terriotery for indian spy sats to pick it up and fuel panic.
u gotta be kidding, india has enormous resources with good diplomatic relation all round, we have faithful arm suppliers in form of israel and russia, actually india is palying game with pakistan, already ur in a mess. our defence budget is only 2.6% of gdp so no problem
Hope India go broke the same way the USSR did.

Hmm... I hope most of our Pakistani bros donot thinks the way you do,btw this thread is about airpower comparison b/w Indo-China, not about Gazwa-e-Hind.

@ topic.
I think India,slowly but steadily making its fleet better as Mmrca, Tejas, Su-30mki, Pak-fa and ofcourse Mca. will pave the way for better future of Iaf.
Before this thread goes down like every other China vs India threads, members on our side and the Chinese side please understand one thing:

The size of any force is not exactly the complete proponent to winning wars; nor is technology ultimate; rather it is the strategy and the time that is laid down by the respective commanders of both countries that makes it all the more crucial.

For now, PLAAF has a considerable quantitative advantage which won't be overcome by us anytime soon nor I think that PV Naik would be interested in quantitatively interested in competing. He'd rather have an air force with blade's edge technology and capabilities 1/3rd the size of PLAAF and fighter pilots that are able to dominate with jaw-dropping kill ratios.

For my fellow Indians I think IAF is still not in a position to completely overpower the PLAAF such that it can dictate the terms of a war. We have to be firmer and work harder to strengthen our defense.

The result: Mutual economic damage; erotion of progress made so far in developing trust and if things go worse, mutually assured destruction.

AS WE ALL KNOW, there'd be a lot of things under wraps by our government and the Chinese government (as usual) and therefore we cannot entirely depend on what is told to the news media whether negative or positive.

One thing assured: India will never be the aggressor ain any Sino-Indian conflict.
Looks like China is playing India like soviet union..Drive them bankrupt by forcing them into arms race. China may go as far as sportin wooden mockup of huge squardon somewhere on its terriotery for indian spy sats to pick it up and fuel panic.

really....but someday earlier i saw a thread opened by a Pakistani stating their defense budget to b raised to 10% to atleast give a match to the Indian's,so actually who r planning to go bankrupt,by the way congrats for an another american aid,u guys really r in need of it
China vs India: Military might report from october 2009

China vs India: Military might

India has over 13.25 lakh active military personnel compared with China's 22.55 lakh troops.

China's Air Force has 9,000 aircrafts with 2000 fighter planes. The Indian Air Force has 3,000 airplanes with 790 fighter planes.

China's combat power is guaranteed through its fleet of Russian Sukohi-30 MKK and indigenously built J-10 fighters.

The Indian Air Force, on the other hand, has French built-Dassault Mirage 2000s and Russian Sukohi-30 MKI as the best aircrafts in its combat fleet. No indigenous fighters or aircrafts have been deployed by India so far.

The Indian Navy is the world's eighth largest navy with a with a fleet of 145 vessels consisting of missile-capable warships, advanced submarines, the latest naval aircrafts, and an aircraft carrier in its inventory. It is experienced both in combat and rescue operations during wartime and peace, as seen from its wars with Pakistan in 1971

In comparison, China's Navy with its fleet of 284 vessels is quantitatively larger but lacking in actual war experience, which could undermine its strategic capability. China currently has no aircraft carriers in its naval fleet but is slated to build and induct an aircraft carrier by 2010.

In strategic nuclear defence and delivery systems, China's army is miles ahead of India's nuclear forces with 200-400 active nuclear warheads. In comparison, India's strategic nuclear force is estimated to have stockpiled about 50-70 nuclear warheads.

The most powerful warhead tested by India had an yield of 0.05 megatons which is quite small compared to China's highest yield of 4 megatons. India's nuclear delivery system consists of bombers, supersonic cruise missiles and medium range ballistic missiles. Agni 2,

India's longest range deployed ballistic missile is capable of a range of 2500 km, carrying a single nuclear warhead of about 1000 kg. In stark contrast, China's nuclear delivery system is far more capable with multiple warheads.
really....but someday earlier i saw a thread opened by a Pakistani stating their defense budget to b raised to 10% to atleast give a match to the Indian's,so actually who r planning to go bankrupt,by the way congrats for an another american aid,u guys really r in need of it
He's fancying himself to be United States and us the Soviets..:lol:
right now we are definately not in comparison with china... in future may be. but who care both of them will not go to war ..
It really doesn't matter that India may have 1/3 the air power of China. Just as China only has 1/8 the air power of the U.S.

You're right, it doesn't matter because there won't be a war.

Nuclear powers don't like to fight each other directly, the risks are too great.

The best thing for China and India to do, would be to cooperate in order to sustain the Economic growth of both nations. This will improve the living standards of all the people in Asia... and this is the best achievement we can hope for. :cheers:

Asia has a great destiny... so we should do our best to make sure that we understand each other and cooperate with each other as much as possible.
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Are we discussing some 2009 article here?
Whats the point in ranting we have an airforce 1/3rd of China.
They have cheap materials like all iron to make planes, unlike our composites!!...

Ask them to make 5000 composite material planes, they will be the next Russia..lol.
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Are we discussing some 2009 article here?
Whats the point in ranting we have an airforce 1/3rd of China.
They have cheap materials like all iron to make planes, unlike our composites!!...

Ask them to make 5000 composite material planes, they will be the next Russia..lol.
They are still better than us in organized work. Look how chaotic India is. We have ten times more corruption that the Chinese have. Whether it is economy or military, they are much better than us at the moment.

We need more organized and dedicated approach to reach their strata. They consolidated their manufacturing field like no other and we've not eve consolidated our knowledge-economy with every second Indian running away to USA and UK because of the un-professional, corrupt and inefficient environment offered in India.

I am not a fan of Chinese but we Indians must appreciate what they are today is because of their own dedication to their country. Compare Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore etc to Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai etc. Which is better? Any 3rd grader would tell all of them are better than our cities. Whether it is in terms of infrastructure of even defense preparedness.

The Chinese J-10 is already complete while we're not even inducted first squadron of Tejas into IAF. Because of corrupt management, now we're going to waste another billion dollars in just getting the Tejas Mark 2. What impact would this have on the taxpayer's psyche? Would he not run to USA and UK and reap better benefits of his hard earned tax money rather than give it to our inefficient and corrupt politicians?

China is today in every way better than us and the more humbly we accept this, acknowledge this and learn from them, the better it is for us. Even political enemies can teach us something and this is the best example.
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