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India ridiculed at BRICS

I am not sure if this was posted already, but OP did not post everything from the news he/she linked, and here is the last few but important paragraphs:

Suddenly, after the retreat, the South African foreign minister wanted Singh to meet Zuma quickly for 15-20 minutes. By then, the Indians were livid at the lack of care for protocol, and simply refused to comply at such short notice. Singh needed a half-an-hour breather and that was not acceptable to the South African side.

The Indian delegation was then focused on the Xi meeting, for which the senior officials wanted Singh rested and prepared. At Brazil's request, since Rousseff was to leave the same night, India swapped slots for the meeting with Xi. As a result, the meeting eventually happened at 9 pm — a good four hours off schedule.

India was, however, not the only delegation frustrated by the poor time-keeping. At one stage, an irritated Chinese delegation member is learnt to have told the South Africans that the first gift from Beijing to them has to be a good Chinese watch.

So it looks more like a poor organization issue, rather than on purpose.

However, I am quite skeptical about the Chinese delegation member story, as it sounds too unprofessional and rude(however irritated the delegation member could be) and most importantly it is hearsay, so it is more likely invented by the Indian newspaper.
^^^ The entire episode sounds like gossip and speculation.
No reason is correct enough for violating a simple protocol.

As regarding the photos. What do want to prove?

Even I don't like Sonia, but that doesn't mean we be should be posting degrading photos of the Sonia and MMS. We are insulting over selves, after all it is we who elected them in the first place.

Do you think that people would elect Sonia if their votes were not for sale?

it was the least courtesy of the representative of the host nation to meet reps of the guest nations..BRICS is all about bilateral and multilateral meetings and agreements that itself is a summit and the host nation must be careful enough to organize the meetings b/w all the reps .leave aside the meeting..out of 2290 km2 area durban its funny that they cudnt find any place to accommodate our p.m..

All the nations in their send their true leaders. India didn't send Sonia. So that is the result when you send an underling. If India send Sonia, then she would be treated differently as the SA PM would be dealing with the decision maker. But India just sent a figure head instead of the decision maker.
did he at least get a Mercedes or did he have to do that 40 km drive in a chauffered Corolla
Zuma clearly wants IPL in SAF.
We south Asian are such a personality worshipers, In Pakistan we say
-Agar Imran hota to yeh ker deta woh ker deta
-In India, modi is the miracle worker
there is a huge difference between running a state and running the world 2nd largest country, I would like to hear what is it that modi would have done if it was him instead of MMS. Break in to Presidential palace and pull south African president out and ask him to kiss his feet in front of tamash beens?...the world aint bollywood!
Do you think that people would elect Sonia if their votes were not for sale?

All the nations in their send their true leaders. India didn't send Sonia. So that is the result when you send an underling. If India send Sonia, then she would be treated differently as the SA PM would be dealing with the decision maker. But India just sent a figure head instead of the decision maker.

anything else other than trolling??

We south Asian are such a personality worshipers, In Pakistan we say
-Agar Imran hota to yeh ker deta woh ker deta
-In India, modi is the miracle worker
there is a huge difference between running a state and running the world 2nd largest country, I would like to hear what is it that modi would have done if it was him instead of MMS. Break in to Presidential palace and pull south African president out and ask him to kiss his feet in front of tamash beens?...the world aint bollywood!

yes unfortunately people get carried away by this political propaganda..evrybody has some strengths and limitations..afterall everybody is a human..personally i hated this thread when i saw it was converted in to a political debate.but then some sane people like you made me to reply..
India miffed at S. Africa's protocol chaos: report

herers what article says

Singh was scheduled to meet Zuma on March 26 but the plan had to be abandoned because the bilateral meeting between South Africa and Russia overshot by an hour, the paper said.

On March 27, South Africa's foreign minister wanted Singh to meet Zuma quickly for 15-20 minutes. But by then, according to the Express, the Indians were livid at the lack of respect for protocol and refused to comply at such short notice.
Do you think that people would elect Sonia if their votes were not for sale?

Indians can be as sly as you can get. They take money from all the 50 candidates on fray and vote the one they like :lol:
Zuma clearly wants IPL in SAF.

indian bringing politics into sport once again :rofl:

South Africans beat indian team; indians say kick out South African embassy and expel their ambassador :laugh:
indian bringing politics into sport once again :rofl:

South Africans beat indian team; indians say kick out South African embassy and expel their ambassador :laugh:

No country in the world takes this concept of BRICS as seriously as India. BRICS a concept created by western financial company Goldman Sachs has excited the Indians more than anyone, China doesn't care about BRICS, Russia doesn't care about, nor does Brazil. Indian GDP growth rate is down at 5.4%, and their industrial output has decreased in percentage compared to previoue years. So we are currently seeing a deceleration of the Indian economy.
The Chinese side had turned Xi's visit into a state visit, which meant South Africa had full-fledged bilateral fare laid out, with agreements and deals being signed on the side. While Zuma had to give nearly an entire day to Xi in Pretoria, he could not ignore Russian President Vladimir Putin in Durban because Moscow had converted the trip into a "working" visit which meant formalised bilateral content like adding some new clauses to their bilateral treaty of friendship and cooperation.

So the Chinese one is a state visit and the Russians wanted to add clauses and not just talk. Seems to me this isn't like the SA president saying you are not important, more like the Russians and Chinese had appointments and those appointments ran long.

You know even if SA is a small country their president is still busy what with BRICS, 18 African leaders and all.

Next time if you really want to talk, make an appointment.
No country in the world takes this concept of BRICS as seriously as India. BRICS a concept created by western financial company Goldman Sachs has excited the Indians more than anyone, China doesn't care about BRICS, Russia doesn't care about, nor does Brazil. Indian GDP growth rate is down at 5.4%, and their industrial output has decreased in percentage compared to previoue years. So we are currently seeing a deceleration of the Indian economy.

And in spite of all the things you said, all the head of states take time to come to SA and meet for BRICS :lol:
And in spite of all the things you said, all the head of states take time to come to SA and meet for BRICS :lol:

Actually all of africa head of states come to SA to meet china , your PM only managed to meet no more than two african leaders:P
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