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India ridiculed at BRICS

Admittedly India is not in the same league with China, but still an important partner in BRICS. It indeed a snub. Yet we do generalize a few points out of this ridicule.

You need to blame your diplomatic team in SA for messed up agenda and lodging of your PM.

You need to acknowledge Africa is now China's exclusive sphere of influence. China does not build hospitals, convention center, provide leading communication tech, or being the largest donors to the black land, for a normal partner. We see this vividly from SA's arrangement. All african nations went to see China's Xi except only four presidents of insignificant tiny countries who flied to Washington the same day to meet Obama at his call. ( this is so interesting as I am at loss why the US placed such a funny arrangement or those diplomats in white house want to see Who's on its side?)

If the US got ridiculed in such a humiliating way, India should be just well relieved and pacified.

We are living in a changing world.

What a ridiculous post. Does it mean that if Pakistani President visit a country, that country President should not meet just because Pakistan is a weak country. There is a protocol that SA violated.




This is India, the new member of EU, being the Italian colony.

What a ridiculous post. Does it mean that if Pakistani President visit a country, that country President should not meet just because Pakistan is a weak country. There is a protocol that SA violated.

But why it violated the protocol selectively against India and not China, Russia?
But why it violated the protocol selectively against India and not China, Russia?

No reason is correct enough for violating a simple protocol.

As regarding the photos. What do want to prove?

Even I don't like Sonia, but that doesn't mean we be should be posting degrading photos of the Sonia and MMS. We are insulting over selves, after all it is we who elected them in the first place.
I agree. India is sold out to Italy, the white Beach is minting money. She does not have any national interests. India will be Kaput within five years, if she rules again.

China is ruled by Chinese, while India is ruled by Whites.

These stupid Indians did not find one ethnic Indian to rule India but white lady who has her allegiance to Vatican.

While I share your frustration about Congress rule and their policies, let us not belittle ourselves and hose who voted for Congress by making such statements...
While I share your frustration about Congress rule and their policies, let us not belittle ourselves and hose who voted for Congress by making such statements...

Poor indians did not know there would be a scam a day, nine years nine huge scams totaling 100 billion usd.
India ki vat lagani hai kiya?
I don't what happened exactly, but Indians usually like blame others for their own fault.

Did you have a plan to meet with Zuma months ago?

or you just were there and asked SA: can we have a meeting tomorrow?

The answer apparently would be different. We need to find truth not biased story

it was the least courtesy of the representative of the host nation to meet reps of the guest nations..BRICS is all about bilateral and multilateral meetings and agreements that itself is a summit and the host nation must be careful enough to organize the meetings b/w all the reps .leave aside the meeting..out of 2290 km2 area durban its funny that they cudnt find any place to accommodate our p.m..
Honestly, I don't think SA leaders are trying to insult India. As the article already stated, Chinese and Russian leaders got more time because they have more deal to sign and more things to discuss. It is a short summit and time is short.
As for the accommodation, I doubt either India or SA leaders themselves are responsible for booking a hotel for the visit. It is a job handled by lower ranking personals. It is probably just some of them screwing up. It is not really anything new.
Don't read too much into nothing.
Soo... what does this have to do with the word "redicule" :what:

I don't think it's a happy state of events and think someone (maybe our own FM) dropped the ball somewhere, but I'd be surprised if the SA PM deliberately wanted to ridicule anyone of the BRIC leaders.
The best way to avoid ridicule like this in the future is india should avoid or not get involve when china is around meeting world leaders
I agree. India is sold out to Italy, the white Beach is minting money. She does not have any national interests. India will be Kaput within five years, if she rules again.

China is ruled by Chinese, while India is ruled by Whites.

These stupid Indians did not find one ethnic Indian to rule India but white lady who has her allegiance to Vatican.

Then form an India for Indians. Stop bowing down to the Blonde haired, blue eyed Europeans/N.Americans like your ancestors did for the passed 200 years. Join hands with the middle-kingdom (China)...
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