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India ridiculed at BRICS

Utter BS, don't reduce everything to a BJP vs Congress, Modi vs MMS issue. The fact is the S.Africans did this to PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA, the rest of the world really doesn't give a flying eff about India's internal politics. MMS is actually one of the most respected heads of states on the planet (he was voted the most admired not too long ago) so it has zilch to do with MMS but idiocy on the S.African's part.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/243108-india-ridiculed-brics-3.html#ixzz2P81mNIZY

But in India he is not wanted anymore period.
Live within the realms of the reality and not into the past.

Scams after scams under his watch, that also in hundreds of billions.

"US can learn a lot from Gujarat." Newt Gingrich
"Minorities have first right on India's resources" Mad Mohan Singh.
Man mohan Singh should be ashamed of himself to belong to the Congress which killed 4000 Sikhs.
Its time for change......
You are really making Indians look bad, for the sake of India lay off your stupidity. Your posts prove that, you don't have to try any harder.

India does not need any intervention on behalf of BD on this issue, BD is totally irrilivant here.
Or may be Congressi billion dollar soft loan to BD has changed your thoughts in India's fav?
On other counts I found you to be anti Indian anyway.
Tumra ki jano indian politics kaimon hache...beshi bolo na e dige, e vepare.
Under the helm of Modi, this would have never been possible.
Time for regime change in India....

If it had been Modi, Zuma would have kissed his feet, let him sleep in his own presidential palace and worshiped him as his new God...... :cheesy: :hitwall:
India has to wait for 1 more decade before thinking about world kissing its feet just like how the world is doing with China today. Pipe down the expectations and focus on the growth with proper reforms until India is more than 5 Trillion dollar economy with enough forex reserves and buying power.
Admittedly India is not in the same league with China, but still an important partner in BRICS. It indeed a snub. Yet we do generalize a few points out of this ridicule.

You need to blame your diplomatic team in SA for messed up agenda and lodging of your PM.

You need to acknowledge Africa is now China's exclusive sphere of influence. China does not build hospitals, convention center, provide leading communication tech, or being the largest donors to the black land, for a normal partner. We see this vividly from SA's arrangement. All african nations went to see China's Xi except only four presidents of insignificant tiny countries who flied to Washington the same day to meet Obama at his call. ( this is so interesting as I am at loss why the US placed such a funny arrangement or those diplomats in white house want to see Who's on its side?)

If the US got ridiculed in such a humiliating way, India should be just well relieved and pacified.

We are living in a changing world.
Indians should realize that nothing could be taken for granted. A typical Indian look in South Africa does not help much in mutual communications and the aides should have tried to arrange a meaningful schedule for Mr Singh.
Brazil and India are not small countries. If you planed a meeting long ago, I don't see any reason why SA refuse it. No any reason.

Dude, what u said might be true, but it depends on the "Leader" toooo
India does not need any intervention on behalf of BD on this issue, BD is totally irrilivant here.
Or may be Congressi billion dollar soft loan to BD has changed your thoughts in India's fav?
On other counts I found you to be anti Indian anyway.
Tumra ki jano indian politics kaimon hache...beshi bolo na e dige, e vepare.

You do have a serious case of little man syndrome.

Indian clout is no where near where you think it is.

Indian clout is no where near where you think it is.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/243108-india-ridiculed-brics-4.html#ixzz2P8A41uFi

In fact India has no clout at all in the International matrix of political arena.
Funny to see how people make it a congress vs BJP thing so easily.Your party politics sometimes dive down to an idiotic level.
As per the news it seems it was a complete mismanagement from South Africa's part.India and South Africa, both has vowed to increase their trade to 15 Billion USD by 2014 and they are no such stupid to ignore the Indians in this case.Yes,we are no match to China in any level but that does not mean the South Africans have ignored MMS for that reason.It sounds silly.

PS: Title of the article is a childish one,who wrote it?
I think it is an exaggeration.

Of course, UPA has messed up completely on diplomacy.
Under this mad mohan singh banana republic of India has become a global symbol for Himalayan corruption, Himalayan fraud, Himalayan terrorism, Himalayan immorality.

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