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India rejects Pakistan's help in SAARC satellite project

Indian find conspiracy in everything....India decline the offer, what's big deal.
NEW DELHI: India has rejected Pakistan's offer to provide "technical" and "monetary" support to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ambitious SAARC satellite project, maintaining that it was a "gift" by the country to its neighbours.

During a meeting of space experts from SAARC countries to discuss the modalities of the project last week, India also did not favour suggestions that it should be brought under the ambit of SAARC, asserting that deliberations at bloc level would delay the launch of the satellite on December 8, 2016, the SAARC Day when the government intends to do so.

Modi, during last SAARC Summit in Nepal in November, had announced India's decision to develop the satellite which will benefit all SAARC countries in various fields including telecommunication and tele-medicine.

After giving "cold response" to the project, an eight- member Pakistani delegation attended the Space Technology meet on June 22 which saw the presence of experts from all SAARC member states. Among the South Asian nations, Sri Lanka and Pakistan have fairly advanced space programmes.

"There was a proposal from the Pakistani side that it was ready to offer monetary and technical support. We politely declined it as the project is a gift from India to its SAARC neighbours," said a senior government official.

It has also declined demands from Pakistan that the satellite project should be taken up at the regional level. India said since it was a "gift" to its neighbours, it did not want to make it a "SAARC project".

"This would have meant deliberations and opinions from other countries and that would have taken time. The Prime Minister has specifically said that it was India's gift to its neighbours.

"There are so many other aspects that are involved. For instance, with the project comes the cost. Not all countries would be able to pay the cost and that would have held up the project. And we intend to complete by December 8, 2016, the SAARC Day," the official said.

However, the official said India was very much "open" to consultations from other SAARC nations on their requirements from the project. Several countries have given their "wish list", but the satellite would primarily be for communication purposes, the official added.
Its the ego thing...Pakistan doesn't like to be seen as the beneficiary of Indian charity. Doesn't like to stand in the same line as BD, SL, Nepal, Bhutan etc & appreciate India's initiative...hence this offer of help!
Its the ego thing...Pakistan doesn't like to be seen as the beneficiary of Indian charity. Doesn't like to stand in the same line as BD, SL, Nepal, Bhutan etc & appreciate India's initiative...hence this offer of help!

India can't see itself in the same line as Pakistan, hence the rejection of the offer. South Asia is all about being condescending and having false pride. If we could learn to simply cooperate, this region would have a much better future outlook. At present it teeters on the edge of nuclear war fueled by decades of distrust, covert state support for insurgency and border disputes. Truly despicable.
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India can't see itself in the same line as Pakistan, hence the rejection of the offer. South Asia is all about being condescending and having false pride. If we could learn to simply cooperate, this region have a much better future outlook. At present it teeters on the edge of nuclear war fueled by decades of distrust, covert state support for insurgency and border disputes. Truly despicable.
& that 'we will we will nuke you' rap popping out even in this thread...:lol:
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& that 'we will we will nuke you' rap popping out even in this thread...:frown:

Can't ignore an existential threat looming over us. As countries we have exchanged nuclear tirade more times than the combined amount of nuclear weapons in our arsenals. I understand the topic makes some people squeamish but I can assure you it's not a non-issue. What with India diversifying it's second strike options and Pakistan considering the use of rocket-artillery nukes, unless and until we solve the Kashmir dispute, both the countries will employ whatever they must to ensure they retain their sovereign integrity.
India ka dimag kuch ziyada kharab ho gya ha thora usa ne sar pe hath rakh diya yeh tu apne apko phana khan samjhne lage ha america k kam nikalte hi patli gali ka rasta dikhayega tera bap tujhe
NEW DELHI: India has rejected Pakistan's offer to provide "technical" and "monetary" support to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ambitious SAARC satellite project, maintaining that it was a "gift" by the country to its neighbours.

After giving "cold response" to the project, an eight- member Pakistani delegation attended the Space Technology meet on June 22 which saw the presence of experts from all SAARC member states. Among the South Asian nations, Sri Lanka and Pakistan have fairly advanced space programmes.

"There was a proposal from the Pakistani side that it was ready to offer monetary and technical support. We politely declined it as the project is a gift from India to its SAARC neighbours," said a senior government official.

Ok.....what's the big deal? India and Pakistan are foes, I can't see them doing anything beyond eating a meal together (even that's rare), but sharing sensitive tech is out of question. Pakistanis and the Indians and the world knows it well.

Pakistanis played it to show "cooperation" in front of the world. As expected, India declined it. At the end, Pakistanis will go develop their own satellites and Indians will do theirs. What difference does this post or the thread really make? 0, nothing, zilch!!
Relax...you are taking your nuclear thing obsession way too seriously. Just listen to this & chill.. All you need to do is replace 'rock you' with 'nuke you'. There you go...you got yourself a nuclear song...

Your posts are so slum-dwellingly stupid it's hurting my head. I've had to report them all for being idiotic. It appears to be time you left your job at the McDonalds drivethrough and got a formal education.

@WebMaster @Jungibaaz @waz

I can understand def.pk has a tolerance policy towards Indian members and allows them a certain degree of trolling flexibility, but doesn't an idiot of this caliber merit a permaban? Just look at the quality of his posts. It's quite possible to have alphabet soup and defecate better posts than his. It's an embarrassment to this defence forum. Please act to save this forum from becoming a total troll fest. Permitting Indians members such as this to continue to post unabated and unhindered has had the unfortunate effect of compelling Pakistani members to counter by trolling as well. In my opinion this forum needs a change of policy.

Relax, it takes a while for us to respond during some hours of the day, there are barely a handful of us and thousands of members.

He has been given a very, very long vacation. And a lot of his posts deleted.
Relax, it takes a while for us to respond during some hours of the day, there are barely a handful of us and thousands of members.

He has been given a very, very long vacation. And a lot of his posts deleted.

And my posts?
Think again, Foreign policy built and run from New Delhi, not Washington DC - can you say the same about yourself? Balanced military relation with russia, ukraine, Israel, US, Britain, France. Bilateral relations with UAE, Saudi, Iran, and Israel on the same footing. ON the NSG waiver Nuclear reactors from France Russia already signed, nuclear material from russia, canada , Australia, and US under negotiations.

amazing diplomacy and then devyani khobragade happens. Oh well!!!
No it does not, especially when the discussions are on a highly technical project with national security ramifications and the country proposing the project is hostile.

No rational analyst would expect that Pakistani consultations on the project would not be significantly more extensive than those of other SAARC countries.

And again, was a timeline on consultations made clear? If not then this is just another one of those media distortions by Modi didi to malign Pakistan. Every State has their own process and unique concerns that need to be evaluated, and therefore it is not guaranteed that every State will finish their internal evaluation/consultations in the same time-frame.

Pakistan never rejected the project or refused to participate in it, so there is no 'folly' to recognize.

The intellectual dishonesty on the part of the Indian Establishment and the Indian media, and the lack of intellectual ability (on the part of many Indians commenting on the web) to spot blatant distortions of facts in the Indian media, is just astounding.

This is well below your standards. Pakistan tried act like they can delay/have big say in regional affairs and are being politely reminded that nothing will be put on hold for them to make up their mind.
This is well below your standards. Pakistan tried act like they can delay/have big say in regional affairs and are being politely reminded that nothing will be put on hold for them to make up their mind.
Again, was a deadline to finish consultations made public? If not, then on on what basis are you arguing that 'Pakistan was putting things in hold'?

This is nothing but the typical Indian establishment and media BS of late - fabricate your own non-existent deadlines and then claim 'Pakistan was trying to hold things up' or 'gave a cold response to the proposal'. The same thing was done with the 'India blocks China attempt to protect Pakistan from APG scrutiny' when the facts are that APG membership requires regular scrutiny of all members to ensure compliance.

It's just fabricated BS upon yet more fabricated BS to make it look like Modi is doing something, anything, to corner Pakistan.
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