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India rejects Pakistan's help in SAARC satellite project

If its not a saarc project then why would pakistan join in ,why was india moaning abt it earlier? How is it any of our business?

Thats yet another slap on india's face ,by rejecting the offer she just showed to the world what kinda drama mama she is that when pak didnt join in she kept moaning over that and when offered help she took an 180 deg flip and called it a gift to saarc countries.Tooo much sluttiness.

When assistance wasnt required then why the whole drama of inviting consultants orchestrated.?? And if it was for taking wish lists, then lemme give u ours. Not wishlist , our gifts list prepared for u.

1. Nukes are coming baby
2 Some more
3. Some more nukes
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If its not a saarc project then why would pakistan join in ,why was india moaning abt it earlier? How is it any of our business?

Thats yet another slap on india's face ,by rejecting the offer she just showed to the world what kinda drama mama she is that when pak didnt join in she kept moaning over that and when offered help she took an 180 deg flip and called it a gift to saarc countries. When assistance wasnt required then why the whole drama of inviting consultants orchestrated.?? And if it was for taking wish lists, then lemme give u ours. Not wishlist , our gifts list prepared for u.

1. Nukes are coming baby
2 Some more
3. Some more nukes

Tooo much sluttiness.
If you nuke us what do you think will happen to you ? :rolleyes:
India seemed very scared of Pakistan's technical contributions to satellite projects. India is looking for small countries, not Pakistan.

See the points from the article:

"After giving "cold response" to the project, an eight- member Pakistani delegation attended the Space Technology meet on June 22 which saw the presence of experts from all SAARC member states. Among the South Asian nations, Sri Lanka and Pakistan have fairly advanced space programmes. "

Pakistan can move on to do something else. :coffee:
It is not about Money and Technical support, it is about politics.

This is India's way of getting back at Pakistan for its initial rejection in participating in the project.

Buniah apnah app daka hee gia
They don't have technical knowledge of developing there own satellite then how can they help for this one ! I believe India does not want pakistan input so not to delay further project and/or we don't want satellite designs leaks and its purpose.

Yeah just like tejas
India has rejected Pakistan's offer to provide "technical" and "monetary" support to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ambitious SAARC satellite project, maintaining that it was a "gift" by the country to its neighbours.

Why does India need ''monetary'' support? They get $1bn (reduced from $1.5bn) annual hand-outs for their space program from the Britain.

India sends rocket to Mars to show off its 'technological ability' as part of its $1billion a year space programme (but country will still receive British aid until 2015)

India sends rocket to Mars as part of its £1bn a year space programme | Daily Mail Online

As for ''technical'' support, they're getting that from France.
Why does India need ''monetary'' support? They get $1bn (reduced from $1.5bn) annual hand-outs for their space program from the Britain.

India sends rocket to Mars to show off its 'technological ability' as part of its $1billion a year space programme (but country will still receive British aid until 2015)

India sends rocket to Mars as part of its £1bn a year space programme | Daily Mail Online

As for ''technical'' support, they're getting that from France.
LOL.. go and check BBC we already asked them to cancel the aid they still keep it going to fund the NGO's that lobby their voices in the parliament. the Money they give goes to NGO and not the government

India tells Britain: We don't want your aid - Telegraph
Why does India need ''monetary'' support? They get $1bn (reduced from $1.5bn) annual hand-outs for their space program from the Britain.

India sends rocket to Mars to show off its 'technological ability' as part of its $1billion a year space programme (but country will still receive British aid until 2015)

India sends rocket to Mars as part of its £1bn a year space programme | Daily Mail Online

As for ''technical'' support, they're getting that from France.

India gave $2 billion in aid to Nepal just a week ago. India doesn't need aid from Britain and the aid is paltry $200 m and the aid from Britain goes to NGOs not to government of India.

And France didn't send any spacecraft to Mars
And France didn't send any spacecraft to Mars

Stop trying to change my statement. Despicable! French are part of the European Space Program. The problem with you Indians is, you are an ungrateful nation! You can't stop denying others help. ''Smiling Buddah'' would not have been smiling if it weren't for the French in 1964.

India has made nothing on its own - No Nukes, No Missiles! All with foreign help!
Indian Space Mission: The French Connection

Claude Arpi

Indo-French cooperation in the domain of space, which began in the 1960s, is one of the oldest and most stable facets of the relationship, even if not the best-known, says Claude Arpi, as French President Francois Hollande begins his first official visit to India..

Indian Space Mission: The French Connection - Rediff.com News

India is trying to act tough forgetting that any help is great.The more help one can get,the better...
Stop trying to change my statement. Despicable! French are part of the European Space Program. The problem with you Indians is, you are an ungrateful nation! You can't stop denying others help. ''Smiling Buddah'' would not have been smiling if it weren't for the French in 1964.

India has made nothing on its own - No Nukes, No Missiles! All with foreign help!
Indian Space Mission: The French Connection

Claude Arpi

Indo-French cooperation in the domain of space, which began in the 1960s, is one of the oldest and most stable facets of the relationship, even if not the best-known, says Claude Arpi, as French President Francois Hollande begins his first official visit to India..

Indian Space Mission: The French Connection - Rediff.com News

Science is a continuity....people learn from discoveries done before them. Scientist don't start from scratch. India too learned from many countries. But that doesn't mean India's space program is not indigenous. The way India is spending on space, in a short span of time it will surpass European Space Program in budget and missions. The future space missions of ISRO include missions to Venus, Sun, and a rover to Moon, sending Hubble type space telescope into space, and , most important of all, sending humans into space. All these missions will be done in next 10 years.
Again, was a deadline to finish consultations made public? If not, then on on what basis are you arguing that 'Pakistan was putting things in hold'?

This is nothing but the typical Indian establishment and media BS of late - fabricate your own non-existent deadlines and then claim 'Pakistan was trying to hold things up' or 'gave a cold response to the proposal'. The same thing was done with the 'India blocks China attempt to protect Pakistan from APG scrutiny' when the facts are that APG membership requires regular scrutiny of all members to ensure compliance.

It's just fabricated BS upon yet more fabricated BS to make it look like Modi is doing something, anything, to corner Pakistan.

From my reading,

India: hey we want to put this satellite for use among the neighbors

Everyone else: sounds great

Pakistan: We have to think about it. And oh we want a say in what it should be used for and want to draft rules to bring it under SAARC.

India: No and no we didn't ask for any help not do we want it.

I didn't hearing any moaning from GOI. Show me an article which shows it did.
Why the **** would we work with the hindus on anything

We are enemy states

Our whole purpose should be to to do whatever to ensure india has no control or peace in its own back yard let alone anywhere else

We should block india from all trade
block its route to Afghanistan and Central Asia

Work with China, the Maldives and Sri lanka to create space on indian ocean
Lol...you have absolutely no idea about the credibility of the two countries and volume of trade, do you?
All the countries you have mentioned have higher volume of trade with India than Pakistan. It's India that blocks out Pakistan in trade.
As for example Pakistani traders can't sell basmati with it's brand name anywhere as India has the GI. So they sell it to Indian traders instead, who buy in very low price.
Same is the case for cotton. Raw material comes from Pakistan at very low cost, but cloth is produced here.
Also, it's India that can impose a blockade on Karachi, it has been done before. Pakistani navy is virtually non-existent.
Very simple matter But the Ego is making it a bigger one......
3. Bullshit?
Answer: Amazing at it....

Rest of the stuff is as good as hot air coming from a Mallu's hiney and they are experts and making themselves sound intelligent and mocking your intelligence.... kings of running their mouths with nonsensical numbers and vague reference to some vedic sciences!


Ask Mr Bill Gates, he will tell you...............He admitted that after Chinese, South Indians are the most hardworking people on Earth..............You rightly pointed out................. contribution to ISRO success story are MALLUS..............So Chill

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