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India rejects Balochistan charge, says no proof given

Answer me this - do governments never say truth? Do governments never show facts? Are conspiracy theories not most of the time false (there is evidence to contrary if you ask)? Does humanity has role in this world?

I know, I know, your indirect answer is yes hence no time wasted.

Cheap tactic - I have never stated or implied any of what you've said however Indians certainly do use that kind of thinking which shows in their posts.:rofl:

---------- Post added at 05:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:06 PM ----------

Apply the same logic here same as you do to the India dossiers for 26/11. They have provided all kind of proof but your govt wants more. Governments of other countries are convinced about the guilty people but you guys............so, expect the same from India too.:argh:

Actually you've no idea what you're talking about. This has been discussed in other threads.
The thing is that fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. And that is the case with the indians, we are expecting way too much from them, and their denial mode is in full swing. Not only that they want us to believe in the whole mombo jombo of theirs when they dish it out. Just because they have perfected the art of crying and are the current ATM of the world so that they think that the sweet dream will last for ever. Well good luck with the ride on uncle sams lap. The end is never pretty.
Now as far as our good old FM is concerned. Why he didnt open his mouth, is any ones guys. But does that discount the indians from what they have done and are doing no. Proof!!!!!! That is what will be cried about again.

So as i said earlier fool me once shame on you fool me twice sham on me. And that is the thing. How can we allowed our selfs to be fooled for ever, I mean 71 was enough of a reason to be always suspicious of the indian ambitions in Pakistan. And also their activities, all around. Even the released spies when going back to india have admitted of their actions in Pakistan. The only difference between the indians and us at this time is that they have the whole thing going for them, + the beautiful art of whining that they have perfected. And we are being ruled by a bunch of f@gs.
It's interesting to note btw that Musharraf said several times that proof was given to GoI regarding RAW's involvement. It depends on whose words you want to go on. Obviously Indians will take their ministers words and we will take Musharraf's word.

It's important to note that GoI rejecting Baloch evidence is like a thief rejecting evidence of their own crime. RAW is controlled by GoI hence any evidence against RAW means GoI is supporting terrorism itself. Of course it's not gonna acknowledge that einsteins.

Don't talk about Indian ministers, 90% of them are useless. Whatever they speak are only for vote politics. Only 10% are good.

Both countries are giving evidence, why will we accept something when you are not ready to accept the proof for culprits of 26/11.
Second link is very conclusive. Like I mentioned, I have seen Musharraf on TV saying that and I believe he said the same thing in Delhi in 2009.

Speaking at the Senate on Friday, Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik said the government for the first time has taken the issue on the record with the Indian government in this regard."

Very conclusive, no?
Why he evaded the word evidence sharing? He could have simply said that we have shared the evidence with IN. While In same statement he said that evidence is given to Karzai. "taken issue on record means" IN and PK has officialy talked abt that.
We are debating wheteher evidence is given to India. Nope. No official statment from GoP.

Try hard next time chacha
That was due to pressure by western governments dude. Western governments have and had interests in the whole episode. If western governments didn't pressure Pakistan the whole episode would have been long forgotten.
Okay according to u GoI is supporting terrorism in balochistan and Indians/GoI is not going to accept it withot western/international pressure , then why pakistan hav nt shown evidences to world , in UN or even to US . It wil be enough to create pressure , sanctions and give a major loss to India at diplomatic front.
but why didnt anythng like dis happened ???
my wild guess
1.there are no proof(coz Raw is dat good ??)
2.pak politicians playing wid emotional sentiments of nation on old rivalary. Or
3. It is top secret national security matter n information/evidence cnnt b shared wid any western country ?

whats ur guess?
Why he evaded the word evidence sharing? He could have simply said that we have shared the evidence with IN. While In same statement he said that evidence is given to Karzai. "taken issue on record means" IN and PK has officialy talked abt that.
We are debating wheteher evidence is given to India. Nope. No official statment from GoP.

Try hard next time chacha

What the deal with this chacha mama cr@p respect the person and debate like a man, not like a 5 year old.
Why he evaded the word evidence sharing? He could have simply said that we have shared the evidence with IN. While In same statement he said that evidence is given to Karzai. "taken issue on record means" IN and PK has officialy talked abt that.
We are debating wheteher evidence is given to India. Nope. No official statment from GoP.

Try hard next time chacha

Ok so you seem to be in denial mode here. I will just quickly summarize the article and if you still want to be in denial mode then by all means.

1. If you read the article, he has not been quoted directly ever in the article.
2. However, in third person speech, the article is very unambiguous and clear.
3. It says Karzai was also provided proof.
4. He didn't evade 'sharing the evidence', but rather there's multiple ways of saying the same thing.
And irony is that you don't respect your president.

Oh yes the irony, why dont you take him to india if you are so concerned. And by the way its called freedom of speech, the thing that you guys like to cry about all the time. And also he is the president of Pakistan and my tax money pays for his paycheck. Which is not the case with you and any member here so dont try to act like what you are not. And that is acting smart. :wave:
The same FM has said on numerous occasions that India is involved in supporting terrorism. Does that end the unhealthy obsession with what he said? :rofl::rofl:

The current PPP government is a circus so him not replying doesn't mean much. Musharraf government has said more clearly and you're unable to digest that hence you're trying to hang by a thin thread by having the obsession with FM.

My my, kids/keyboard warrior these days.

so you guys selected a circus not government? Who is joker, kiyani or president?
Ok so you seem to be in denial mode here. I will just quickly summarize the article and if you still want to be in denial mode then by all means.

1. If you read the article, he has not been quoted directly ever in the article.
2. However, in third person speech, the article is very unambiguous and clear.
3. It says Karzai was also provided proof.
4. He didn't evade 'sharing the evidence', but rather there's multiple ways of saying the same thing.

Again, its last year news. Find something from PK papers and get surprised. There is only one way to say "We have given the evidence to IN" which he avoided. Why?
Okay according to u GoI is supporting terrorism in balochistan and Indians/GoI is not going to accept it withot western/international pressure , then why pakistan hav nt shown evidences to world , in UN or even to US . It wil be enough to create pressure , sanctions and give a major loss to India at diplomatic front.
but why didnt anythng like dis happened ???
my wild guess
1.there are no proof(coz Raw is dat good ??)
2.pak politicians playing wid emotional sentiments of nation on old rivalary. Or
3. It is top secret national security matter n information/evidence cnnt b shared wid any western country ?

whats ur guess?

What? Providing proof will create pressure? You have no idea what you're talking about, do you? You actually do realize that the idea of western pressure on GoI depends on west's current interests, not based on proof?
Again, its last year news. Find something from PK papers and get surprised. There is only one way to say "We have given the evidence to IN" which he avoided. Why?

So what it's last year news. It still means India was provided proof. Btw, like I mentioned, I have seen both Musharraf government and current government on TV saying they have provided proof to GoI.
What? Providing proof will create pressure? You have no idea what you're talking about, do you? You actually do realize that the idea of western pressure on GoI depends on west's current interests, not based on proof?

Something that is very hard to get into their skulls. Our governments biggest mistake was when they didnt put enough pressure on the Americans to make it an indo-afpak policy committeebut rather then that they whole thing was changed and now the indians have an open hand with no pressure. And on the contrary just because of the poor performance of the ISAF in Afghanistan there is more and more pressure put on us to not to get into a tit for tat with them. Some how I believe that the americans are under the illusion that the indians some how will be more beneficial for them in Afghanistan.
And irony is that you don't respect your president.

Irony is that President and his cabinet has been in jail for anti state and corruption activities.

President is not popular in whole Pakistan.... he never acted as a President of Pakistan.

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