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India rejects Balochistan charge, says no proof given

It was job of your FM to contest the Indian FM claim. By keeping mum he accepted than nothing is shared with India. There is no two way about it.

Only in your simplistic way of thinking. Of course in your simplistic way of thinking the world works in very simple ways and interests and other things don't play a part.

Admitting Kasab as Pak national was not in your interest, but your Gov. was forced to accept it.
You cann't lie in face of truth.

That was due to pressure by western governments dude. Western governments have and had interests in the whole episode. If western governments didn't pressure Pakistan the whole episode would have been long forgotten.

Pls share the news article where any serving minister has said so. It should not be difficult. And to be clear, where its said that evidence is provided to GoI. Not some allegation.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

This is the closest that I could find on the web but I do remember ministers from Musharraf government on TV saying they have provided proof to india. 2-3 year old articles are not so easy to find.

Edit: Here you go, found one. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-07/24/content_11767933.htm
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Btw, a Baloch leader in an interview on GEO pretty much indirectly admitted that he is getting support from India. If one watches that interview then no doubt will remain except for Indians.
aare bade miya, jitna aap press ker rahe ho utna toh aapka FM bhi push nahi ker raha tha. i think u have the copy of all the proofs. anyway what i can understand from ur POV is that ur FM blatanly lied in front of whole media that no evidence has provided. now this is really hard to digest...don't u think so?? and wht do u mean by indirectly??? so should v take that an evidence????
The same FM has said on numerous occasions that India is involved in supporting terrorism. Does that end the unhealthy obsession with what he said? :rofl::rofl:

The current PPP government is a circus so him not replying doesn't mean much. Musharraf government has said more clearly and you're unable to digest that hence you're trying to hang by a thin thread by having the obsession with FM.

My my, kids/keyboard warrior these days.
Btw, the same Indian government provides no proof of ISI's involvement in India yet continuously accuses ISI of terrorism.

Same can be said about Indian public. They have no problem accusing ISI without evidence yet go on a trolling rampage when Pakistan does the same.

Hypocrisy and double standards galore.
^ Not "facts" but rather what GoI would like people to believe.

Btw, unnamed CIA sources that accuse ISI of supporting Taliban are obviously not suggesting any conspiracy theory but are reliable sources. Right? :azn::azn:

Its a coverage of what they spoke to the press. Form your own opinion after that..

In my view, if a source can not be named, its not credible .. Indian, Pakistani or American...
Its a coverage of what they spoke to the press. Form your own opinion after that..

Yeah sure. Like I mentioned, GoI will probably not acknowledge it's role in Balochistan unless it's in its interests or there's foreign pressure. Right now neither conditions are true.

In my view, if a source can not be named, its not credible .. Indian, Pakistani or American...

Well Christine Fair is not an unnamed source.

But to your point - the unnamed CIA sources have been used by Indian and western media as their proof of ISI support for Taliban, as well as by Indian and western public. A serious case of double standards and hypocrisy.
do u really expected Krishna to admit it on TV ... :rofl:

Is it so difficult to understand? Its not whether India accepts the evidence as credible or not..

Krishna said it on TV in front of Quereshi that Pakistan has not sent a single piece of evidence (credible or otherwise) to India on this.. And no objections to the contrary from Mr Q... You can form yet another conspiracy theory on this, but the meaning was pretty clear...

Pl note we are not debating whether India has a role in Balochistan or not.. Simply, whether Pakistan has shared some evidence or not..
That's precisely the point and it's such a basic and diplomacy 101 point yet seems to be lost on Indians here. :hitwall::hitwall: It's not really surprising given how simplistic and naive ways of thinking are prominent among Indians.

A state (at least the Indian and western states) can never lie, a state can never hide information, interests don't play a part in this world, conspiracy theories are always false (despite evidence to contrary), and the list of childish/armchair expert/keyboard warrior type of thinking is never ending. :hitwall::hitwall: :rofl:

Answered above and I will anyday take childish/armchair expert/keyboard warrior kind of thinking over illogical/stubborn/non sensical kind of thinking...
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
This is the closest that I could find on the web but I do remember ministers from Musharraf government on TV saying they have provided proof to india. 2-3 year old articles are not so easy to find.
The gist....We have the evidence and we WILL share it with India.
The gist....India is behind Balouch issue. We have talked with them reagarding this. We will provide them proof.

Allow me to repeat myself. Where have your serving minister said that they have given evidence to India. (THats what we are debating. Whther IN is involed or not is diff question.)
Only in your simplistic way of thinking. Of course in your simplistic way of thinking the world works in very simple ways and interests and other things don't play a part.

That was due to pressure by western governments dude. Western governments have and had interests in the whole episode. If western governments didn't pressure Pakistan the whole episode would have been long forgotten.

Well its up to you if you want to be fooled by your govt. There have been reports from unnamed sources\high place contants that evidence is given to IN. But you govt is not saying so. IN denied that outright. Up to you what you want to believe.

I will not respond further till you provide proof that your serving minister made statement regarding handing over evidence to IN
Answered above and I will anyday take childish/armchair expert/keyboard warrior kind of thinking over illogical/stubborn/non sensical kind of thinking...

Yeah, illogical/stubborn/non sensical only to childish/simplistic/armchair experts/keyboard warriors. Answer me this - do governments never lie? Do governments never hide facts? Are conspiracy theories always false (there is evidence to contrary if you ask)? Does interests play no role in this world?

I know, I know, your indirect answer is yes hence no time wasted.
The gist....We have the evidence and we WILL share it with India.

The gist....India is behind Balouch issue. We have talked with them reagarding this. We will provide them proof.

Second link is very conclusive. Like I mentioned, I have seen Musharraf on TV saying that and I believe he said the same thing in Delhi in 2009.

Allow me to repeat myself. Where have your serving minister said that they have given evidence to India. (THats what we are debating. Whther IN is involed or not is diff question.)

Speaking at the Senate on Friday, Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik said the government for the first time has taken the issue on the record with the Indian government in this regard."

Very conclusive, no?

Well its up to you if you want to be fooled by your govt. There have been reports from unnamed sources\high place contants that evidence is given to IN. But you govt is not saying so. IN denied that outright. Up to you what you want to believe.

Well the same can be turned around as regard to your government, can it not be?
Yeah, illogical/stubborn/non sensical only to childish/simplistic/armchair experts/keyboard warriors. Answer me this - do governments never lie? Do governments never hide facts? Are conspiracy theories always false (there is evidence to contrary if you ask)? Does interests play no role in this world?

I know, I know, your indirect answer is yes hence no time wasted.

Answer me this - do governments never say truth? Do governments never show facts? Are conspiracy theories not most of the time false (there is evidence to contrary if you ask)? Does humanity has role in this world?

I know, I know, your indirect answer is yes hence no time wasted.
How many times have we been over this..? You do realize it's pretty much impossible that GoI will acknowledge that proof was given to it? The childness, the naivity, the simplistic logic has no end in sight.

Apply the same logic here same as you do to the India dossiers for 26/11. They have provided all kind of proof but your govt wants more. Governments of other countries are convinced about the guilty people but you guys............so, expect the same from India too.:argh:
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