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india really shaken and stirred because of CPEC

Developed ??
It will take a decade for Pakistan to come up to current level of Indian Per Capita Steel / Electricity/ Cement consumption

Per capita steel consumption is 3 times that of Pakistan
Per capita Electrcity/ Cement consumption if 1.5 Times

Please look at economic indicators before posting crap, I am not talking about 5-10% ahead, consumption numbers of India is in multiples in per capita terms

by 2019 (just two years) Even Bangladesh will have more per capita GDP than Pak aur chale hai developed banne :P
First be better than Bangladesh by 2020, then think of India

Natural gas consumption in Pakistan is much higher than India, most of the household has gas piped connection, unlike India, like all gas stoves, geysers running on natural gas, also many industries have captive power plants producing electricity but is not connected to the national grid.

The total length of natural gas lines in Pakistan is around 10,000 Kms, In India it is about 11,000 Kms, and India is 6.5 times bigger in population and 3.6 times bigger in area. Per capita usage of natural gas is much higher in Pakistan.

Also the electricity consumption per capita difference is miniscule...as there is shortage...and not because of requirement.


Another indianonic fairy tale. You creatures said EXACTLY THE same about Pakistan becoming a nuclear weapons state. And we all know what happened with that indianism. Just as then, so is now.

Its not fairy tale, please do some research before posting crap, I can post most reliable and credible sources for my claims. Its you who are in delusion.

As per IMF Bangladesh Per Capita GDP in 2016 was 1404$ and PAK's was 1474$, Given their growth projections they might over take Pak in 2018.

Natural gas consumption in Pakistan is much higher than India, most of the household has gas piped connection, unlike India, like all gas stoves, geysers running on natural gas, also many industries have captive power plants producing electricity but is not connected to the national grid.

The total length of natural gas lines in Pakistan is around 10,000 Kms, In India it is about 11,000 Kms, and India is 6.5 times bigger in population and 3.6 times bigger in area. Per capita usage of natural gas is much higher in Pakistan.

Also the electricity consumption per capita difference is miniscule...as there is shortage...and not because of requirement.



Sirf Natural Gas se kya hoga, per capita energy consumption is way high in India
Here is worldbank source : http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EG.USE.PCAP.KG.OE

Please quote figures from International independent sources ( WB, IMF , etc.), There are tonnes of Indian sources favoring India and many Pakistani sources favoring Pakistan

The numbers i quoted in my previous post were precise, I can list down credible sources for each data point, please do some research before posting bull shit.

BTW there is a possibility that Bangladesh will over take PAK in per capita GDP by 2018
Its not fairy tale, please do some research before posting crap, I can post most reliable and credible sources for my claims. Its you who are in delusion.

As per IMF Bangladesh Per Capita GDP in 2016 was 1404$ and PAK's was 1474$, Given their growth projections they might over take Pak in 2018.

Sirf Natural Gas se kya hoga, per capita energy consumption is way high in India
Here is worldbank source : http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EG.USE.PCAP.KG.OE

Please quote figures from International independent sources ( WB, IMF , etc.), There are tonnes of Indian sources favoring India and many Pakistani sources favoring Pakistan

The numbers i quoted in my previous post were precise, I can list down credible sources for each data point, please do some research before posting bull shit.

BTW there is a possibility that Bangladesh will over take PAK in per capita GDP by 2018

Pre-May 1998, indians like you were using similar arguments as to why Pakistan could never ever become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. Like all indianisms against Pakistan, it was an epic fail. Just as then, so is now.
Natural gas consumption in Pakistan is much higher than India, most of the household has gas piped connection, unlike India, like all gas stoves, geysers running on natural gas, also many industries have captive power plants producing electricity but is not connected to the national grid.

The total length of natural gas lines in Pakistan is around 10,000 Kms, In India it is about 11,000 Kms, and India is 6.5 times bigger in population and 3.6 times bigger in area. Per capita usage of natural gas is much higher in Pakistan.

Also the electricity consumption per capita difference is miniscule...as there is shortage...and not because of requirement.



Source is karachi school of general feel good?

Dude off hand I can tell u India car ownership is double that of pakistan.

India is worlds 5th largest car producer too.

Have you seen your electricity consumption? if you have those fake number appliances, you are running it on roohani power?

Pre-May 1998, indians like you were using similar arguments as to why Pakistan could never ever become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. Like all indianisms against Pakistan, it was an epic fail. Just as then, so is now.

Tell me where I said my data points are generated by Indians / Indian sources.

I am stating what IMF/ WB/ other credible institutions are telling about BD, And it is going to over take Pak in per capita terms with in 2 years.
Even if you look and Pak government projections , and BD government projection the staory will be the same.

Source is karachi school of general feel good?

Dude off hand I can tell u India car ownership is double that of pakistan.

India is worlds 5th largest car producer too.

Have you seen your electricity consumption? if you have those fake number appliances, you are running it on roohani power?


I obviously was expecting you people to deny the durable ownership in Pakistan, India...but I accepts what you have shared, which says one third in India owns a motorbike....this exactly makes it 33.33 %, almost same figure of 32% given in the chart about household ownership figures of Pakistan and India.

So if you don't believe the rest of the figures, it is your prerogative...I cannot make you believe the figures nor do I intend to do so...


Source is karachi school of general feel good?

Dude off hand I can tell u India car ownership is double that of pakistan.

India is worlds 5th largest car producer too.

Have you seen your electricity consumption? if you have those fake number appliances, you are running it on roohani power?

isn't 1 in 3 of the poorest people in the world indian ?

I obviously was expecting you people to deny the durable ownership in Pakistan, India...but I accepts what you have shared, which says one third in India owns a motorbike....this exactly makes it 33.33 %, almost same figure of 32% given in the chart about household ownership figures of Pakistan and India.

So if you don't believe the rest of the figures, it is your prerogative...I cannot make you believe the figures nor do I intend to do so...



Check the car ownership figure from my link. It also matches with our car sales figures.

It is double that of yours.

Two wheeler figure matches. And makes sense. Most people who have a car wont buy a motorcycle as they are considered dangerous.

Explain your ridiculously low electricity consumption.
Natural gas consumption in Pakistan is much higher than India, most of the household has gas piped connection, unlike India, like all gas stoves, geysers running on natural gas, also many industries have captive power plants producing electricity but is not connected to the national grid.

The total length of natural gas lines in Pakistan is around 10,000 Kms, In India it is about 11,000 Kms, and India is 6.5 times bigger in population and 3.6 times bigger in area. Per capita usage of natural gas is much higher in Pakistan.

Also the electricity consumption per capita difference is miniscule...as there is shortage...and not because of requirement.



Stupid article, is the 6% if 200 million and 6% of 1.2 billion the same?
isn't 1 in 3 of the poorest people in the world indian ?

Our population is much higher. But despite that pakiatab has the max no of children out of school.

This explains why you cant interpret data and why karachi school of feel good has to fudge it.
Shaken that we are not letting Chinese companies, with Chinese engineers working with Chinese machines and Chinese nationals and paying them by loans taken by Pakistani government from the Chinese government and pay a higher rate of interest than available from somewhere else.

Hm.....let me see where we are going wrong?:pop::pakistan::china:
Check the car ownership figure from my link. It also matches with our car sales figures.

It is double that of yours.

Two wheeler figure matches. And makes sense. Most people who have a car wont buy a motorcycle as they are considered dangerous.

Explain your ridiculously low electricity consumption.


Check again the last chart of your own link, It says 14% of car owners goes to work using car, and a majority of car owners use two wheeler's to go to work(55%), 9% car owners uses bicycles...so on and so forth. You didn't got it right. It is not saying 14% of population own cars...
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