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india really shaken and stirred because of CPEC

Why can't your people do this yourself

Where is your tenacity your drive and ambition.

Where is your leadership

China is foreign alien culture you have given your land and ports to them to milk you dry

All the builders technicians and engineers are Chinease and even Chinease soldiers guard them as they don't trust your army to do it effectively

It's. Much criticised even by likes of mushraff and imran Khan as selling your soul

So why can't india invent, pioneer and produce high tech weapons indigenously by themselves? Why do they need to purchase it from the West & Russia? There are 1.3 billion indians. That's more than the total white population of the world. Yet you still rely on them for advanced sciences and technologies. The Chinese are investing heavily in Pakistan because they know the potential of our nation and people. Which is why CPEC materialised.

Why India will be shaken by project Which Still on Paper

Even Pakistani themselves are Not every positive on CPEC

Overselling CPEC - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

indians also claimed that Pakistan becoming a nuclear weapons state was also just a paper project :azn:
When they cannot comprehend and digest facts, Pakistanis on PDF resort to name-calling and what they think are smart titles. Pity their inability to think and reply back with logic and facts.

You obviously do not understand ground realities or you are simply biased. The unrest is all Pakistani created. The rest of the world now supports India and Kashmir from the atrocities of Pakistani terrorists in the name of freedom fighters.
This was from yesterday:

As I said, just a thought. :)

indians also claimed that Pakistan becoming a nuclear weapons state was also just a paper project :azn:[/QUOTE]

Building a nuclear bomb is no big achievement any old rag tag nation can build few nuke bombs as proven by north Korea and Co.

If you wish to make a mark globally and get noticed and earn clout try building a major economy and gdp.

That's real might and prestige as proven in your region already
Because the Chinese HAVE something our politicians and establishment don't. The WILL to make Pakistan a POWERFUL global nation. Whatever the reasons maybe, the Chinese are achieving the impossible for the Pakistani nation. This is unprecedented.

Two main reasons:

1. Keep India busy facing Pakistan. China has enough enemies like USA and Japan to deal with already.

2. Road and Rail connectivity to the warm waters of the Arabian Sea, bypassing the Malacca straights.

indians also claimed that Pakistan becoming a nuclear weapons state was also just a paper project :azn:

Building a nuclear bomb is no big achievement any old rag tag nation can build few nuke bombs as proven by north Korea and Co.

If you wish to make a mark globally and get noticed and earn clout try building a major economy and gdp.

That's real might and prestige as proven in your region already[/QUOTE]

But indians still claimed it was impossible for Pakistan to become a nuclear weapons state. Yet we still did :azn:.......more to the point, Pakistan is the ONLY NATION in the WHOLE history of mankind that has managed to repel an enemy nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege, for nearly 70 years.

I could not care less what the world thinks of Pakistan. It means nothing to us. The only think that matters now is that the average Pakistani has a high quality of life. CPEC and other ongoing similar programs will ultimately achieve this.

CPEC has ALREADY put Pakistan on a path whereby we will ultimately become an economically sound, developed nation. It will however take between 20 and 30 years to complete.
indians also claimed that Pakistan becoming a nuclear weapons state was also just a paper project :azn:

Quit spewing nonsense!
Show us proof of this statement. India has known of the Pakistani nuclear program since the 80s!
Only the Pakistanis here believe that they pulled a rabbit out of their ars...
Two main reasons:

1. Keep India busy facing Pakistan. China has enough enemies like USA and Japan to deal with already.

2. Road and Rail connectivity to the warm waters of the Arabian Sea, bypassing the Malacca straights.

And if in the process Pakistan becomes a developed nation with a quality of life comparable to that of developed nations for our citizens, the vision of Pakistan is complete. Nothing else matters. Apart from China & Turkey, no other nations on earth matter to Pakistan.
And if in the process Pakistan becomes a developed nation with a quality of life comparable to that of developed nations for our citizens, the vision of Pakistan is complete. Nothing else matters. Apart from China & Turkey, no other nations on earth matter to Pakistan.

It is too far ahead to dream of becoming a developed country for Pakistan right now. Even middle-income is not guaranteed if you look at Pakistan's GDP/capita growth numbers from independence.

CPEC can help but ultimately Pakistan will need much better governance than it has ever had in it's history to escape 3rd world status.
Again, more verbal diarrhea!

Managed to repel how?! By rolling over and letting half your nation be run over by your enemy in a fortnight and to add more shame, surrending 90K POW?!
India has gained more land wrt Pakistan since 1947 while India tore you a new asshole in 71.
You've been shitting yourselves from two orifices ever since.

So Quit while you're ahead doo doo boy!

Lol.......more delusional indian bollywood fantasies.......gained more land??????????.........lol....:rofl::rofl::rofl:.....the biggest joke was when a people who were more than 7x smaller than india tore, ripped,& dismembered india to create Pakistan :devil: and there is NOTHING india can ever do to reclaim land this was conquered from it.......:chilli:

Need a reality check......lol

It is too far ahead to dream of becoming a developed country for Pakistan right now. Even middle-income is not guaranteed if you look at Pakistan's GDP/capita growth numbers from independence.

CPEC can help but ultimately Pakistan will need much better governance than it has ever had in it's history to escape 3rd world status.

That's what people said about Pakistan becoming a nuclear weapons state but we achieved it wheras the all the other Muslim nations failed to do so. I was in Pakistan just under a year ago and the massive world class infrastructure projects going on all over Pakistan is something staggeringly amazing. This was deemed impossible just 3 years ago but is becoming a reality for us. That is the ground reality in Pakistan at the moment.
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It is too far ahead to dream of becoming a developed country for Pakistan right now. Even middle-income is not guaranteed if you look at Pakistan's GDP/capita growth numbers from independence.

CPEC can help but ultimately Pakistan will need much better governance than it has ever had in it's history to escape 3rd world status.
If Turkey can so will Pak for it's one nation two states!!! Foundations of the Turkish Republic and Pak has a lag of 24 years!!! The process has already started. In 24 years time both will be at the same level inshaAllah...

i have personally read the dawn leaks which is old. indians have habit to propagate.
but i have to accept what our govt is doing, all the things are being done by china why are we lacking to do the things which we can do by our own.
What China has achieved since 1948 is not short of a miracle!! And, they want to share the gist and the results of decades of hard work on a platter with Pak!!! How Bahtiyar Pak is to have such a friend!!!!

Because the Chinese HAVE something our politicians and establishment don't. The WILL to make Pakistan a POWERFUL global nation. Whatever the reasons maybe, the Chinese are achieving the impossible for the Pakistani nation. This is unprecedented.
I call it Ilahi help!!! Even with a meager $20b in your treasury, mortal enemies at all corners of your borders and fighting life-and-death proxy wars 24/7 you have volunteered to secure Hijaz and Haremain!!! Allah-u Azimushshan rewards this spirit of sacrifice even under overwhelming odds!!!
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That's what people said about Pakistan becoming a nuclear weapons state but we achieved it wheras the all the other Muslim nations failed to do so. I was in Pakistan just under a year ago and the massive world class infrastructure projects going on all over Pakistan is something staggeringly amazing. This was deemed impossible just 3 years ago but is becoming a reality for us. That is the ground reality in Pakistan at the moment.

True that Pakistan can be proud of becoming a nuclear weapons state. Saying that Pakistan was helped as
the US looked away because of the cold-war and the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.

China is rapidly positioning itself to become a rival to the US in both economic and military fields within the next 10
-15 years and Pakistan is in the enviable position of being it's most trusted ally. But China alone cannot move Pakistan from it's current GDP/capita growth rate of only 3 % a year - please do not confuse GDP/capita with GDP growth as they are not remotely equivalent in a country like Pakistan with a high 2% population growth rate.
Pakistan needs to look at countries like India/BD that are now growing at frankly dizzying GDP/capita growth rates of 6%+ a year, which is the level that countries like South Korea and Singapore sustained for many decades to transform from 3rd world to 1st world in the space of 40 years.

Yes, Pakistan is getting better as it is reducing the chaos in it's country and CPEC will provide a boost to growth, but it also needs to look at it's dismal GDP/capita growth rates that it has been posting since 1947 - it's best decade was 1980s and that was only an average of 3.5% a year.
Why can't your people do this yourself

Where is your tenacity your drive and ambition.

Where is your leadership

China is foreign alien culture you have given your land and ports to them to milk you dry

All the builders technicians and engineers are Chinease and even Chinease soldiers guard them as they don't trust your army to do it effectively

It's. Much criticised even by likes of mushraff and imran Khan as selling your soul
You should be last person saying this.
Seeing that you clearly lack the flags

Why India will be shaken by project Which Still on Paper

Even Pakistani themselves are Not every positive on CPEC

Overselling CPEC - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
Trust me it is nothing like chabhar
Two main reasons:

1. Keep India busy facing Pakistan. China has enough enemies like USA and Japan to deal with already.

2. Road and Rail connectivity to the warm waters of the Arabian Sea, bypassing the Malacca straights.

China also need regional powers as their ally, for that they are making Pakistan a regional power which will have good influence on ME and Muslim world which will help China.
True that Pakistan can be proud of becoming a nuclear weapons state. Saying that Pakistan was helped as
the US looked away because of the cold-war and the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.

China is rapidly positioning itself to become a rival to the US in both economic and military fields within the next 10
-15 years and Pakistan is in the enviable position of being it's most trusted ally. But China alone cannot move Pakistan from it's current GDP/capita growth rate of only 3 % a year - please do not confuse GDP/capita with GDP growth as they are not remotely equivalent in a country like Pakistan with a high 2% population growth rate.
Pakistan needs to look at countries like India/BD that are now growing at frankly dizzying GDP/capita growth rates of 6%+ a year, which is the level that countries like South Korea and Singapore sustained for many decades to transform from 3rd world to 1st world in the space of 40 years.

Yes, Pakistan is getting better as it is reducing the chaos in it's country and CPEC will provide a boost to growth, but it also needs to look at it's dismal GDP/capita growth rates that it has been posting since 1947 - it's best decade was 1980s and that was only an average of 3.5% a year.

Some Muslim countries can't even become nuclear powers even when the americans are helping them let alone looking the other way.............lol........lol.......:lol:......Pakistan became a nuclear weapons state when the entire West, Russia and indian stood against us. When they all claimed that it was impossible for us to do so. When they did everything to try to stop us. We stood tall against these impossible odds and emerged victorious.

Not unduly concerned about Pakistan's current economic growth. Since 2001 we have had the WOT imposed on us and the americans attempting to do to us what they had done to the Iraqis and Afghans. Yet we still survive and thrive. This has probably been the most destructive phase of Pakistan's history. Especially in terms of our economy. Now that is all coming to an end, our economy is all but set to rise massively. This is already evident with the massive world class infrastructure programs going on all over Pakistan right now.

Saying that Pakistan needs to look to countries like bangladesh and india is laughable. Pakistan has absolutely nothing in common with those 2 so is not the model that we can copy. Also the fact that india has 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor is not something we would definitely not like to emulate:


Saying that Pakistan needs to look to countries like bangladesh and india is laughable. Pakistan has absolutely nothing in common with those 2 so is not the model that we can copy. Also the fact that india has 30-40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor is not something we would definitely not like to emulate:



True that India has 30-40% of the entire world's most severely malnourished but that is because it is a 1.3 billion population country. Also most of the poor are concentrated in a few states in the North of India. Take out these massive population very poor states(GDP/Capita is between 500-800 US dollars there only) and India does not actually look too bad.

BD may not be the best example as it is a unitary state and the federal structure of Pakistan is very different, but still worth looking at how it is growing it's GDP/capita at an average of 5% a year since 2000.

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