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India puts up 'Death Trap' at border, Pak sees RED

nope..............u are a landlord in pakistan who trains taliban:victory:

i doubt he is a hindu really........by the way i am @sardar1987

i was banned,so changed the avatar

....sure ....what every makes you banana dance :lol:

Does you avatar in pdf mean so much to you that you keep repeating it as if they are a part of your real identity ? :coffee: .....do you actually have a life outside pdf ? :cuckoo:
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@he-man I told you before instead of engaging with him, report his posts. Moderators will take care of him. PERIOD. :close:
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Thank you for your support but it is all right. :tup:

I am sorry your family has to undergo all that ............thankfully I haven't experienced anything remotely like that.

You are assigning me emotions that I don't experience in pdf :angel:.

I don't hate the muslims nor do I love them. I don't hate the Hindus or love them either. Same is true for any other religion or any other 'group' you can care to name. Hell, I don't even hate the pakistanis :P

Trying to understand me is a waste of time and it would really serve no purpose, its much better if people focus on my message and try to understand that. All my posts are factual, even the unpleasant ones.

Do try to read and understand my post using only logic and rational though. If you clutter your mind with useless emotion you end up drawing conclusions colored by your own prejudices and grudges.

Then the whole point of coming to a form to discuss matters is a waste......... right?

you didn't go through my 7th line mate. As I said don't take my words on face value, try to understand the meaning. These words are so deeper that they look hollow if one doesn't pay pay attention.

And 2nd thing I will urge all Indians to not fight among ourselves. @he-man you too friend. We are not going to do an good here. It's not good to separate us again n again.
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you didn't go through my 7th line mate. As I said don't take my words on face value, try to understand the meaning. These words are so deeper that they look hollow if one doesn't pay pay attention.

And 2nd thing I will urge all Indians to not fight among ourselves. @he-man you too friend. We are not going to do an good here. It's not good to separate us again n again.

man i haven't uttered a single word on religion
heck i am an atheist myself,,,,,but this guy is bringing religion here like pakistanis
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you didn't go through my 7th line mate. As I said don't take my words on face value, try to understand the meaning. These words are so deeper that they look hollow if one doesn't pay pay attention.

And 2nd thing I will urge all Indians to not fight among ourselves. @he-man you too friend. We are not going to do an good here. It's not good to separate us again n again.

You do realize that its your FEAR that is guiding your judgement, right ?

What happens when you are free of that Fear and then take a judgement call based on face value ?
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I think his mother threw him out when he was 10.He is now desperate for some attention.:omghaha:

Ya......and then your mother breast fed me till i was 25. That makes us brothers :smokin:...................how about a high five ? :yahoo:
Ya......and then your mother breast fed me till i was 25. That makes us brothers :smokin:...................how about a high five ? :yahoo:

I think u have memory lapses,u probably dreamt bout it,but what u got was ur great grand mother..:no::no:
...............and u can take a hike.:ashamed:................. as this is my last post for u.L8R
I think u have memory lapses,that was ur great grand mother..:no::no:
...............and u can take a hike.:ashamed:................. as this is my last post for u.L8R

naah...... pretty sure it was your mom. She had that birth mark which is hard to miss. ......... next time keep you nose out of other people's business loser. :butcher:
Barbarians are putting 'one community' to death as we speak in Western UP. :cry:
Funny,your ranting shows you are talk and no walk.My family has walked the talk whether in 1947 or 1980's .
At least we put to death our enemies ,unlike you who just keeps ranting and hating others online . Yours are the kind that do nothing. Ours are the kind who fight ,whether we lose or win. And most hindus will not agree with your mentality. I could have continued the insults with you ,but then I would increased schisms and hate b/w two communities who have close for centuries and stood by each other in bad times and the unity was effected by Arya Samajis and Congress machinations.

Our hindu and other brethren , please tell us do you agree with this claim of the upper caste fellow ? You sound like the UP upper caste fellows who are all talk and can nothing against the nutters like Mulayam Singh Yadav or his samajwadi cohorts who don't rein the Deoband and whine for the days when they could oppress others the fullest @SarthakGanguly @he-man @PlanetWarrior @nick_indian @Flamingo @Vinod2070
and others.

Are we Sikhs barbarians like Mritunjya is talking?
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Don't worry. These are JaiChands. Today they pick out one. Tomorrow it will be Saraswats, Vaishnavs the day next. A highly educated false flagger - makes him more dangerous. Check out the name as well :) He has given a lot of time into it.The guy you are talking about is a Jehadi. Report and forget.
You are our beloved Dharmic brothers. There is just no difference between us.

We have the same love and respect for the Gurus and we feel the same spirituality in a Gurudwara or a temple.
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