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India preparing for a major war with Pakistan!

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Thorough Pro

Aug 23, 2008
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Analyzing the recent unconventional terrorist attacks on Pakistan military’s strategic assets, tactics employed, methods used, and skill shown by the terrorists’ points towards Indian involvement. Both in the case of Mehran and Kamra attacks the assets targeted had nothing to do with Pakistan's war on terror, rather both assets were India-centric and provided Pakistan defense forces an advantage which countered Indian military supremacy.

While many people are pointing to "insider" information theory, I think Indians are utilizing their newly acquired "eye in the sky" advantage to spy on possible target areas and giving the signal to already embedded terrorist teams in the vicinity living as civilians waiting for such signals.

GOP should not treat these incidents as random acts of terrorism should investigate this from a different angle. If Indian involvement is confirmed, Pakistan should also carry out such operations and destroy Indian strategic assets in a tit for tat move. Not responding to India in the same language would embolden them and future attacks on Pakistani assets might be bigger, more successful and disastrous.
Do you really think we have no other business than to destabilize Pakistan ? Come on we have moved on now Pakistan is not even a threat.

All that we are worried is Pakistan sponsored freedom fighters aka Terrorists now even that is reduced to almost zero thanks to Pakistan's own Taliban problem. Kashmir valley is returning to normalcy and troop levels there are decreasing.

Stop being obsessed about India we have moved way ahead now we no longer have to destabilize Pakistan instead we are happy to see a progressive and stable Pakistan (Social & Secular & Welfare state).

Pakistan's welfare is in our interest so stop wasting energy on thinking on conspiracy theories.

Ultimately Pakistan is getting a taste of its own medicine that is what is the bottom line. I hope Pakistan stops using militants as strategic assets in the future.
oh don't worry, tomorrow at barah bajeh khalifah zaid hamid will be organizing a suicide attack on lal qila. you should go too.
I agree, we should step up funding drastically for Naxalites, Khalistan movement, Kashmir movement and any other secessionist movement in India.
I agree, we should step up funding drastically for Naxalites, Khalistan movement, Kashmir movement and any other secessionist movement in India.

That's unhelpful...
But we should do the fake balochi facebook routine that RAW does, that some seriously fcked up sht LOL
I hope this is not true, where is the source by the way?
Analyzing the recent unconventional terrorist attacks on Pakistan military’s strategic assets, tactics employed, methods used, and skill shown by the terrorists’ points towards Indian involvement. Both in the case of Mehran and Kamra attacks the assets targeted had nothing to do with Pakistan's war on terror, rather both assets were India-centric and provided Pakistan defense forces an advantage which countered Indian military supremacy.

While many people are pointing to "insider" information theory, I think Indians are utilizing their newly acquired "eye in the sky" advantage to spy on possible target areas and giving the signal to already embedded terrorist teams in the vicinity living as civilians waiting for such signals.

GOP should not treat these incidents as random acts of terrorism should investigate this from a different angle. If Indian involvement is confirmed, Pakistan should also carry out such operations and destroy Indian strategic assets in a tit for tat move. Not responding to India in the same language would embolden them and future attacks on Pakistani assets might be bigger, more successful and disastrous.

Thanks for the breaking News.

I wonder why other news media outlets are not covering it? :cheesy:
I agree, we should step up funding drastically for Naxalites, Khalistan movement, Kashmir movement and any other secessionist movement in India.
This is what we want, an excuse to start war and eliminate Pakistan from world map. Indian Govt knows there are fools living in the other side of our western border, they will provide us an good excuse soon.

We are really ready. Believe me! :)
Well even though I am indian, I have to agree that raw might have some involvement in these attacks. Intelligence agencies are naughty and dont need any permission from govt to undertake such attacks.

But My dear Pakistanis dont forget mumbai 2008, Indian parliament and 100s other attacks in India. We will take revenge whenever possible.
Pakistan has always been the target for India. Even if India decides to step away, US, UK, Israel would not let it change it's attitude towards Pakistan.

The reasons for India's existence are as follows:

1. Buy US and EU defecne tech and support their economies.

2. Counter China and Pakistan.

There will be a war and no one should have any doubts about it. Kashmir isssue, Indian wish to poke their nose in Afghanistan and Balochistan, Water issues.
Well even though I am indian, I have to agree that raw might have some involvement in these attacks. Intelligence agencies are naughty and dont need any permission from govt to undertake such attacks.

But My dear Pakistanis dont forget mumbai 2008, Indian parliament and 100s other attacks in India. We will take revenge whenever possible.
Bhagwan maaf nhi karenga
Pakistan has always been the target for India. Even if India decides to step away, US, UK, Israel would not let it change it's attitude towards Pakistan.

The reasons for India's existence are as follows:

1. Buy US and EU defecne tech and support their economies.

2. Counter China and Pakistan.

There will be a war and no one should have any doubts about it. Kashmir isssue, Indian wish to poke their nose in Afghanistan and Balochistan, Water issues.

Buy US and EU defense tech.? do you even know that till now India didn't own any US weapon system and had very few EU weapons, and still most of them come from France, which is not that much of pro US country.

India main concern is China, and the economy. We learned a lot from China, and I think we are trying to implement the same thing by focusing more on the economy than others. If the economy grows, so will the defense procurement and the size of defense budget. Indian army is in the process of modernization, and that is one of the main reason we are seeing this defense spending spree. The army is trying to get the normal soldiers to the Global standards with proper equipment. And are also trying to implement technology.

Afghanistan is a country and has its own leader and people, we and Afghani people don't need Pakistan's approval to do business together. We are investing in their mineral resources, and so are many other top economies like China and US.
Well even though I am indian, I have to agree that raw might have some involvement in these attacks. Intelligence agencies are naughty and dont need any permission from govt to undertake such attacks.
But My dear Pakistanis dont forget mumbai 2008, Indian parliament and 100s other attacks in India. We will take revenge whenever possible.

Are you sure about this?? I hope you are aware that Raw chief reports things directly to the PM and is subservient to him in an absolute manner...
India is always preparing and so is Pakistan, it is prepare, prepare, prepare, until war.
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