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Featured India plans to attempt surgical strikes against Pakistan: FM Qureshi in UAE

Yes sure, Modi would have posted it on his FB page his intentions and timings....just an opposition leader trying to demean the Government in power.....else PM Imran Khan is on record for replying with three missiles for every one that India fires.
India’s mainstays are like Mujib the Murted, Sadik the Munafik etc.....
Yaar there is other important than immigrant visa issue like fix the economy, building infrastructure, fix corruptions, fix energy problems etc etc
But he is FM, so the immigrant visa issue is under his charter. other problems are there, but not directly under his charter and the purpose of the visit was in fact was to help lift the visa ban.
But he is FM, so the immigrant visa issue is under his charter. other problems are there, but not directly under his charter and the purpose of the visit was in fact was to help lift the visa ban.
Yaar why do you think that he is not directly responsible of other problem in Pakistan, he is currently CEO of the country, and what is the benefits of lifting visa ban???
I don't know if you are taking meaning wrongly as such. Attempt doesn't mean Indian succeeded and given the numbers of attempts for so-called surgical strikes; India has been trying since cold start doctrine.
I might be wrong. But did the Pak govt accept that IA soldiers were inside Pak last time around?
I believe they said nothing like this happened. and no one entered our territory.
I might be wrong. But did the Pak govt accept that IA soldiers were inside Pak last time around?
I believe they said nothing like this happened. and no one entered our territory.
Yes, Indian IA came inside the Pakistani area Siachen, Sir Creek, J & Kahsimir and Junghar; other than that, all stories are Bollywood surgical strike.
@TheTallGuy India wouldnt want an all out war with Pakistan by a surgical strike so naval option is out of question IMHO. Even at 26th feb despite crossing LoC India maintained that we went after militants not pak army to legitimize their action, which interestingly was well received by west.
If there is going to an actual surgical strike, then expect action near KKH to get a bargaining chip with China. The idea is clear that,
  • Capture Pakistani land
  • Dissuade Pakistan from further action
  • Threat Chinese investment so that they back off from Ladakh
Doubt india is too fearful. It will just make up a strike

It doesnt has the military capacity to implement cold start or an answer for 220+ BVR capable fighters or answer for salvos of stealth cruise missles

It can hit back but we are talking about us hitting back.

2019 was miscalculation ..modi was given assurance that pakistan will not strike back given it is almost bankrupted and has everything to loose..

2020 we are out of financial crisis so it is no more an issue of pakistan being in desperate position ..so like 2019 we will strike hard
The Bangladesh factor in a future Pakistan India conflict.
Can Bangladeshi "neutrality" be taken for granted? Is it far fetched to assume Bangladesh is not neutral and does pose a very minuscule but still possible threat to Pakistan?
Let's look at the facts:
Bangladesh has supported Indian "surgical strikes" against Pakistan.
Particularly in 2019 and also before, there have threats made by the Bangladesh against Pakistan and Bangladesh has consistently and unequivocally supported Indian aggression against Pakistan.
Bangladesh supported both "surgical strikes " against Pakistan, Indian airstrikes, and Indian Airforce action ( Example: Downing of a PN Atlantic aircraft in a training mission inside Pakistani air space in 1999)

Bangladesh is in a formal military and economic alliance with India. So far Bangladeshi forces and military officials have only maintained an observer status during Indian operations against Pakistan ( Operation Brasstacks in 1987).

With a new aggressively Hindutva fascist governments in both India and Bangladesh, the possibility of Bangladeshi military participation in
war with Pakistan is very real.
Bangladesh's military contribution to India's war effort will be modest, and the aim of India involving Bangladesh would be for propaganda purposes showing an anti-Pakistan coalition just as the USA brought Mongolian troops to fight in Iraq as part of the "coalition". The presence of the Mongols ( all 100 of them) was to demoralize the Iraqis recalling the sack of Baghdad by Hulaku Khan in 1258 C.E.
Similarly the presence of Bangladeshi troops on the Lahore front would in India's eyes be demoralizing to Pakistan evoking memories of the 1971 Civil War.

Realistically what would be Bangladesh's contribution to India's military actions on Pakistan's eastern borders.

A few BAF Su 30s would probably be flying operations in support of the IAF and the Bangladesh Navy would probably be assisting Indian Navy operations in the Palk Straits trying to intercept Pakistani maritime traffic en-route to Chjna , but the ground participation of the Bangladeshi troops would be modest. Bangladesh would probably like to avoid casualties hoping for a grand re-enactment of 1971 with the heavy lifting done by India.

We have already war gamed the India Pakistan ultimate showdown scenario and how the war would escalate.
The question is how would Pakistan treat Bangladesh in the nuclear escalation. Pakistani submarines would doubtless target Bangladeshi commercial maritime traffic through the Arabian sea.
We could war game a huge number of scenarios elsewhere but to conclude with the question:

In an ultimate Apocalypse Pakistan would be targeting Kolkata. Would Pakistan strike Dhaka and the rest of Bangladesh as well, knowing that the vast majority of the civilian deaths would be of our so called "brethren in faith" ?
Nope bengladesh is in chinese camp
I think even a 5yrs old knows that

Admitly over mistake was bloody separation..it should have been a mutual one..but history is history ..
Once haseena goes our relations will be back to normal..
Yes, Indian IA came inside the Pakistani area Siachen, Sir Creek, J & Kahsimir and Junghar; other than that, all stories are Bollywood surgical strike.

you forgot .
You hindutva retards are just that.... retards...

Did you even read what you posted.... the CIA briefing starts off.... word for word...

"This memorandum is a capabilities study- it does not estimate the likehood of indian intervention or discuss the political consideration surrounding such intervention "

So no the CIA did not say india was going to invade BD. You do not have the capability to invade BD and keep it. Learn from your adventure and humiliation in srilanka. BD muslims broke india into two, doubt not our ability to do the same again.

Pretending to be a pakistani and sowing discord between BD and pakistanis requires more finesse than what you have learned in rss school i am afraid. Keep going i am fairly free today .... it is fun to spank you silly accross threads. I just wish you were a bit more intelligent thus proved a more interesting challenge.

India is friend of bangladesh.
friend in need .
You hindutva retards are just that.... retards...

Did you even read what you posted.... the CIA briefing starts off.... word for word...

"This memorandum is a capabilities study- it does not estimate the likehood of indian intervention or discuss the political consideration surrounding such intervention "

So no the CIA did not say india was going to invade BD. You do not have the capability to invade BD and keep it. Learn from your adventure and humiliation in srilanka. BD muslims broke india into two, doubt not our ability to do the same again.

Pretending to be a pakistani and sowing discord between BD and pakistanis requires more finesse than what you have learned in rss school i am afraid. Keep going i am fairly free today .... it is fun to spank you silly accross threads. I just wish you were a bit more intelligent thus proved a more interesting challenge.
BD is a tiny nation, it will always accept Indian pressure/Bully forever, Unfortunately thats how the world and nature works. Strong bully the weak.
@mb444 @Baibars_1260
For sure India can defeat BD easily. I argued even Indian army alone can beat BD airforce. One command of IN ships can block entire BD navy.

But all indian armed forces cannot control BD if population is not your side. The terrain helps the native. If it were so, then IA could have easily defeated all the resistances in miizoram, tripura, assam, nagaland etc
With Pakistan the two nation theory is relevant, With Bangladesh it is not. Geography and climate change are against the concept and more importantly no one in Bangladesh ( at least in the media talks about the two nation theory).
Two nation theory is a concept which comes out when Hindu/Muslim interact, like a cast system. It is not generated by discussion.
@krash @The Eagle
Could you please delete my off topic post's? I was responding to the wrong thread. I had two windows open ( Bad idea)
I am unable to delete the posts myself.
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