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Featured India Plans $3Bln Drone Deal With US to Keep Eye on Border With China, Reports Say

Please enlighten me how there will be a collapse? when India spends around 2% of its National Budget on defence
Its 2.4%...assuming status quo. That figure will have to go up if you want to realistically fight a two front war....5-10% is where spending really should be. I encourage you folks to go for it.
We shouldn't get ourselves entangled into amassing weapons through foreign purchases. We must look inwards. I'm sure we possess at least this ability to manufacture UCAVS in house. Yes the quality might be inferior but for every one of the enemy drones, we can field in half a dozen indigenous ones.

The western economies advanced through advancing their weapons industry. It used its Science and Technolgoy to weoponise systems and chammeled thr money through it's own economies. It didnt try to take the short cut and look at it now. We must do the same. We have plenty of people in Pakistan itching to get in on the R&D scene. Had there been any good opportunities, I wouldnt have left either.
The dutch bought $80 Million a pop in 2018, including ground stations, missiles and support cost.


So you guys paid $20M extra PER drone!? Which comes out to $600M!? :lol:

@jamahir @Ajay Ghatak @charene514 @IsThisNameAvailable This ties back into our conversation about the Indian Mars Orbiter, whose company, Antrix made 20-40M profit per year depending on source.

Like I said in that thread also, you guys are great at wasting hard earned $$$ and I love it.

Indian Mars Orbiter Discussion: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/indi...planet-but-where-is-the-science.685803/page-2 post 16 & 32.
We shouldn't get ourselves entangled into amassing weapons through foreign purchases. We must look inwards. I'm sure we possess at least this ability to manufacture UCAVS in house. Yes the quality might be inferior but for every one of the enemy drones, we can field in half a dozen indigenous ones.

The western economies advanced through advancing their weapons industry. It used its Science and Technolgoy to weoponise systems and chammeled thr money through it's own economies. It didnt try to take the short cut and look at it now. We must do the same. We have plenty of people in Pakistan itching to get in on the R&D scene. Had there been any good opportunities, I wouldnt have left either.

Forget half a dozen......can probably field 100 for the cost of $100M, if not more. That too the Burraq.

And 30 drones for $3B ain't gonna be enough in war.....each drone shot will have a $50-100M price tag. :rolleyes:
Dear the contract had not even been signed yet already people plucking figures out the air without thinking what it includes or what it does include

Even if you include all the other costs....that's still a ridiculous price tag. Another Indian mentioned how the Dutch got the same systems for $80M. You got them for $100M.

a good few years and a sizable R&D budget.

India has been developing drones since before, if not around the same time as Pakistan.....we have the Burraq now, that too with a much lower budget.

If only you guys hadn't wasted $3B and more (talking about past acquisitions)....
Why are we complaining. Let them spend trillions on defense....they will have an internal collapse before any shooting war would take place.

I am quite happy. :lol:

It's unmanned....

Like @Pandora mentioned.....the entire point of a UAV is cost effectiveness along with no fear of losing it.....whether it's going into war or not. And if missiles are being bought.....that thing isn't going to sit at the edge...

You sound like you don't know what you're talking about...
I am quite happy. :lol:

Like @Pandora mentioned.....the entire point of the a UAV is cost effectiveness.....whether it's going into war or not.

You sound like you don't know what you're talking about...
Arms purchases are also for geopolitics. USA has been fairly silent on whats going on. Maybe the Indians hope that an arms deal will secure more American interest.
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India is planning to purchase 30 General Atomics MQ-9A Reaper drones from the United States for approximately $3 billion and use them in the border region with China as well as strategic waterways, India Today reported on Wednesday, citing sources.
The deal is expected to get an "acceptance of necessity" at an upcoming meeting of the Defence Acquisition Council, headed by Minister Rajnath Singh. Though the procedure is only the first step in weapons procurement, the deal, which has been in the pipeline over the past three years, will be fast-tracked.

Six drones are set to be acquired immediately and delivered in a few months, while the remaining 24 unmanned aerial vehicles are to be purchased over the next three years.

The US is the second-largest exporter of arms to India after Russia.

Armed forces personnel from both countries clashed this past June in the Galwan Valley, where the Indian region of Ladakh borders China's Aksai Chin region, amid a territorial dispute between the two countries. An overnight skirmish claimed lives of at least 20 Indian soldiers in the area.

Further incidents have been reported as recently as 8 September.

Fate of India will never going to change even they buy the best of the equipment - they do not have the men who deserves such machines.

Everyone just milking the holy cow before it is butchered :D

China is more than capable of handling whatever India throws at it. Pakistan should also now seriously look into drone procurement especially from Turkey and China.
Sir G, not milking but f .... you know what I mean ...!
Nothng can be in scale with India's and we build our own weapon meaning creating jobs for our own people, unlike India, buying weapons in hundreds of billions from foreign countries and creating jobs and profits for them while leaving your own people jobless and starving.
But the INdian military is too big for PLA to swallow....this isnt 1962 anymore..China will probably lose ALOt before subduing INdia, if possible. dont underestimate your adversary, thats what made US lose many wars.
A MALE drone cost more than a F35, yet they are still happy and party about it, why?ofc, anything they are getting is a "game changer".
Poor indigenous project rustom 1/2.
A MALE drone cost more than a F35, yet they are still happy and party about it, why?ofc, anything they are getting is a "game changer".
Poor indigenous project rustom 1/2.
Indians love getting ripped off ... they are very weird people to say the least.
A MALE drone cost more than a F35, yet they are still happy and party about it, why?ofc, anything they are getting is a "game changer".
Poor indigenous project rustom 1/2.

You guys are dumb.

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