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Featured India Plans $3Bln Drone Deal With US to Keep Eye on Border With China, Reports Say

Forget half a dozen......can probably field 100 for the cost of $100M, if not more. That too the Burraq.

And 30 drones for $3B ain't gonna be enough in war.....each drone shot will have a $50-100M price tag. :rolleyes:
India gets into a catch 22 problem with her military stuffs!!!! They are so expensive Pak can't buy them, so Indians feel damn privileged; however, they can't use them abundantly against Pak for they're so expensive...

No wonder they always send Mig-21s inside Pak air space to be shot down like flies.....
Quite likely with that very high price that huge kickbacks inside for Modi and his cronies making them all happy.

Why care about money to build toilets when the kickbacks and loot can make you and your families so happy?

Only Indian girls and women who got to continue to shit in the fields and bushes and be raped be unhappy. Indian men also happy with their happy hunting in the fields and bushes.

Democracy is rule of majority . And Indian men and Indian politicians reign supreme.

This TEDx talk very illuminating

India gets into a catch 22 problem with her military stuffs!!!! They are so expensive Pak can't buy them, so Indians feel damn privileged; however, they can't use them abundantly against Pak for they're so expensive...

No wonder they always send Mig-21s inside Pak air space to be shot down like flies.....

What is using abundantly mean? Every military has assets that they don't deploy or do so very rarely in peace-time. MQ-9 does not need to cross over the border in peace-time to see deep into the enemy border.

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