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Featured India Plans $3Bln Drone Deal With US to Keep Eye on Border With China, Reports Say

Most Chinese money spent on poverty alleviation, the undisputed number one priority in China, Xi personally pledge to get the task done by the end of 2020, hundreds of billions dollars unlimitedless pour into this grand project.
India maybe has no poverty, and their politicians rarely talk about poverty alleviation, their goal is nothing short of becoming a superpower, at least in purchasing foreign weapons, India beats everyone else hands down.
Unit costUS$15.9 million (flyaway cost, 2019)[3]

Smart, yet so dumb.....you are.

The very same Wikipedia article you are quoting this 15.9 million fly away cost, tell us that in 2013 USA' s NATO ally France signed $1.5 Billion deal for 16 non combat version of MQ -9 reapers (where as India's will be a combat version. Wonder why US is milking it's NATO allies or why would France be over paying.
You have deep pocket but your people are suffering, heart wrenching poverty is everywhere in your country, farmer are committing suicide... so much for deep pocket.
There is enough poverty in china and suicides in china as well. That does not prohibit china to spend on defence.
There is enough poverty in china and suicides in china as well. That does not prohibit china to spend on defence.
Nothng can be in scale with India's and we build our own weapon meaning creating jobs for our own people, unlike India, buying weapons in hundreds of billions from foreign countries and creating jobs and profits for them while leaving your own people jobless and starving.
You guys are amongst the highest defense importers and yet still very INSECURE.
You spend much more than your means, a much higher percentage of your GDP and annual budget on defense, than India does. ..yet even at hint of a conflict with India..you have to resort to nuclear threats ..shows , how all that money you spend on your army does not buy you and ounce of security or peace of mind.

India and China have been at brink of war for so many months..yet not a single nuclear threat from India.
They could have made so many Toilets, Roads, Schools and Hospitals with this money. The unit costs may also include Spares, Repairs, Ammo, Logistics, Training ETC

Are Indians trainable?
When they dont even know to close and seal hatch door of submarine before going to sea?
And dont even know how to make bullets and only contribution to Brahmos is that the Russians allow Indians to pay them throught the nose and to tag along with them and to paint on the missile.
Pakistan will be fine.
We have indigenous MALE UAV programs underway and the results will atleast be 80% as good as a US made machine. That's good enough for us.
The Soviet Union was the foremost military power in the world by sheer size yet all its military strength and nuclear and space capability could not address the basic failure of Soviet society at a human level.
India has chosen to walk the same path.
Didn't the clearance for this deal was already done in 2017/18? 10 for each branch, navy, airforce, army. Also doesn't Pakistan already have wing loong 2?
They could have made so many Toilets, Roads, Schools and Hospitals with this money. The unit costs may also include Spares, Repairs, Ammo, Logistics, Training ETC
They could have made so many Toilets, Roads, Schools and Hospitals with this money. The unit costs may also include Spares, Repairs, Ammo, Logistics, Training ETC

don't worry we will make enough toilets for you too .

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