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India planning to send 15,000 troops to Afghanistan

Its not how many you are sending its is how many shall return without body bags.
I think if troops will be sent, the the purpose would be to protect Indian interests / investments. There are not there to fight Taliban.

And for some foolish neighbours jumping here, Do you think Sajjan Jindal and other Indian business en who have invested billions have not secure their investments.

Jindal and Party are running entire mineral show in Afganistan. Government and officials are getting their cuts. And probably there must be an under the table deal with Talibans. I see no attacks on Indians investment.

Even if Taliban comes to Power, they will be offered the same and Indian business will carry on
Dear MK,

We need to take a step back and look at the big picture first.

Enter the mind of the Universe, amigo... what do you see?

@Oscar wrote a short essay in an other thread in this section regarding the use of secterian delights for harvesting geopolitical dividends.

Apart from a few subtle aspects he has, as you Yanks call it, nailed it.
(Lately, our youngman is showing signs of wisdom. What giveth? French Existentialists?)


I don't know what happened to him---but whatever did---it is for the good so far.
Dear fellow members . I will say it again , Iran will not attack directly "Never ever" they will use "Shiaism" as weapon , and then they will wait for Indians to do the "Job".
Afghanis will join India , As soon as war start with India , Afghanis will also attack "Mark my words".
I don't know how many of you were there in 80s when Whabiism spread in Pakistan (KSA) and our elite did nothing , Now You are all witnessing Shiaism (Iran) spreading in Pakistan and again our elite did nothing and they are not in any mood.
Persians cant fight in Syria and Iraq on there own they need manpower (shia youth) from Pakistan and our shia youth is playing in hands of mullhas of Iran , and our elite is doing 0000000000000000000000000000.
Dear MK,

We need to take a step back and look at the big picture first.

Enter the mind of the Universe, amigo... what do you see?

@Oscar wrote a short essay in an other thread in this section regarding the use of secterian delights for harvesting geopolitical dividends.

Apart from a few subtle aspects he has, as you Yanks call it, nailed it.
(Lately, our youngman is showing signs of wisdom. What giveth? French Existentialists?)

Your good Pak is a big bone stuck in the throats of many of your brotherlys and of course a couple of hostiles... indians just luuuuuv Pak to death!

First and far most Truth that your countrymen, Paks, need to accept that there is NO such thing as a muslim world. There are muslim countries. But no world. Too much mess, corruption, backwardness and lack of economic development.

Now why Iran would allow/help indians?

Simple. If Pak can become a middle income country, that is 10.000 per capita GDP, then Iran will be stuck in the vice of Turkey, GCC and your beautiful Pak. All of Iran's ambitions will be squashed. Same goes for GCC... they like a dependent Pak elite. Why would they want another competitor?

For indian empire Kashmir has boxed it, both morally and geopolitically. Without consolidation of Kashmir, Sikkim and South Tibet are not secured at all by the indian empire. Their brovados aside...

A strong and prosperous Pak also creates a existential problem for indians from within i.e. their 250 mln muslim minority. What will this 250 mln minority feel when they see Pak being a success story and their own lives in the ghetto???

Ghetto Blues can be nasty for indians...

So if india can squeez Pak from the West it percieves to solve its misery in the East.

And of course, there is a minor detail of a few Trillions worth of good stuff in the hellhole of AF.

The big boys who have put Mr. Modi in power want their ROIs tenfold. Also, indians think they can employ their terror factories for the benefit of China as well just like they have done for Pak. Remember Xinjiang.

Golden opportunity to be great power for indians...

Of why the US would like indians to be on the ground goes without saying.

You know what is most painful in all this mess.... loss of lives, stolen heritage and stolen future of Pak People... by their own elite...in uniform and in civilian robes... Pak could have been a middle income country long time ago!

As I have said before...anything less than 150.000 troops is not going to cut mustard for our great indians.

Over to you,


PS. Pak's future lies with China, EU, EEU, SCO, NATO and the US-JP. This is the world on which Pak business and diplomacy must be focused. From education to technology!

@Max @django @Kaptaan @PaklovesTurkiye @DESERT FIGHTER @Spring Onion @Pakistan First @Irfan Baloch @Rafi @Major Sam @Dawood Ibrahim Pak Friends, I would like to know your views... how do you see this indian adventure into the Heart of Darkness?

Sir, here is the master stroke that Iran/India can play. If Pakistan offers help on the Yemen issue, Iran bullies us with threat of three prong attack. Yet, the same Iran will actually reel in its Houthi allies as soon as India intervenes, making India the darling of Arab world, while at the same time, making Pakistan a pariah, making us lose faith, trust, and a groundwell of support.

The thing is, as long as matters were limited to helping in Yemen, I have been in support of overt involvement by Pakistan, Iran be damned. But then, under Trump's insidious direction, the foolish Arabs tried creating an outright anti-Iran coalition. This is where I draw a red line. Full on, overt confrontation with Iran will be folly of the highest order.

@MastanKhan @PaklovesTurkiye @Oscar
Dear fellow members . I will say it again , Iran will not attack directly "Never ever" they will use "Shiaism" as weapon , and then they will wait for Indians to do the "Job".
Afghanis will join India , As soon as war start with India , Afghanis will also attack "Mark my words".
I don't know how many of you were there in 80s when Whabiism spread in Pakistan (KSA) and our elite did nothing , Now You are all witnessing Shiaism (Iran) spreading in Pakistan and again our elite did nothing and they are not in any mood.
Persians cant fight in Syria and Iraq on there own they need manpower (shia youth) from Pakistan and our shia youth is playing in hands of mullhas of Iran , and our elite is doing 0000000000000000000000000000.

I agree with what you said apart from the Afghan bit. How exactly are the Afghans going to attack? Their nation is completely ruined, they're all starving or are drug addicts. What harm can they possibly do to us? If they do attack us, we should use EVERYTHING & ANYTHING at our disposal to annihilate them.
I agree with what you said apart from the Afghan bit. How exactly are the Afghans going to attack? Their nation is completely ruined, they're all starving or are drug addicts. What harm can they possibly do to us? If they do attack us, we should use EVERYTHING & ANYTHING at our disposal to annihilate them.

In the situation today, in case of a multi-pronged attack, it will be actually Americans attacking. Remember Salala? In the future, if the news story in OP is correct, it will be Indians utilizing pincers to box us in. When we say attack from Afghanistan, we don't necessarily mean attack by Afghans, although the Northern Alliance scumbags and other anti-Pakistan elements will participate in it with gusto and glee.
In the situation today, in case of a multi-pronged attack, it will be actually Americans attacking. Remember Salala? In the future, if the news story in OP is correct, it will be Indians utilizing pincers to box us in. When we say attack from Afghanistan, we don't necessarily mean attack by Afghans, although the Northern Alliance scumbags and other anti-Pakistan elements will participate in it with gusto and glee.

Thanks. Understood now. America & india attacking Pakistan was actually called for by the neocons even before the invasion of Iraq.
Sir, here is the master stroke that Iran/India can play. If Pakistan offers help on the Yemen issue, Iran bullies us with threat of three prong attack. Yet, the same Iran will actually reel in its Houthi allies as soon as India intervenes, making India the darling of Arab world, while at the same time, making Pakistan a pariah, making us lose faith, trust, and a groundwell of support.

The thing is, as long as matters were limited to helping in Yemen, I have been in support of overt involvement by Pakistan, Iran be damned. But then, under Trump's insidious direction, the foolish Arabs tried creating an outright anti-Iran coalition. This is where I draw a red line. Full on, overt confrontation with Iran will be folly of the highest order.

@MastanKhan @PaklovesTurkiye @Oscar

My Pak Friend,

You make valid points. Logical and coherent.

However, all these matters are secondary.

What is the heart of the matter?

1- Pak is an existential threat to indian empire. A strong and prosperous Pak is a death sentence to indians.

No. Not because of war or anything. The indian civil war that would ensue because india has 250 mln problem. Add in other minorities... you get the picture.

Have you ever thought why india doesn't wish to solve the Kashmir issue?

The simple reason is that it will allow Pak the breathing space to focus energies on development and economic growth instead of spending on defence. The indians wish to keep Pak occupied militarily without engaging in actual war.

Think about it.

2- By its very being Pak is Destined to be great regional power of global consequence.

In struggle for supermacy in the ME the secterian divide on either side doesn't wish to have Great Regional Power right in the middle of them. It dilutes their net power potency...despite trillions in the bank. Religion is a tool of the ruling elites on both sides.

Let me take you back in Time to the 50s and 60s Pak... just look around.

See the development and rapid industrialisation. Look at the confidence of your people and your ruling elite rubbing shoulders with the superpowers. Friends Not Masters attitude... and then look at ME or the so-called muslim world.

Thank you, you have seen your true potential!

@Irfan Baloch brought high treason to light and there was no outrage here on PDF. All Paks happy in petty feuds with indians or among themselves.

You are an orphan nation. Your elite is such pathetic form of flesh that robbing the people of their future is nothing for them.

So when we use the Looking Glass we must exercise Truth.

One way or the other... Your Great Land will achieve its Designated place... how long it all depends upon you!

@Kaptaan if you recall we did discuss briefly this inner working and keeping Pak boxed and backward by the brotherly countries as well.


PA working in Afghanistan under blue helmets is unlikely. Afghanistan will not accept it.
Mostly a invitation

When it came to be handled by UN, Kabul regime has no say then. PA will be most favourite to handle same as Africa due to many reasons. The word 'Will'to be seen in future yet making no sense in current scenario so did India send those troops or not?
welcome to Afghanistan but only 15000 troops would be able to achieve Indians objective.
Lovely! I support this brave and humble decision if it is true!
The Taliban would have an amazing time!
Sir, here is the master stroke that Iran/India can play. If Pakistan offers help on the Yemen issue, Iran bullies us with threat of three prong attack. Yet, the same Iran will actually reel in its Houthi allies as soon as India intervenes, making India the darling of Arab world, while at the same time, making Pakistan a pariah, making us lose faith, trust, and a groundwell of support.

The thing is, as long as matters were limited to helping in Yemen, I have been in support of overt involvement by Pakistan, Iran be damned. But then, under Trump's insidious direction, the foolish Arabs tried creating an outright anti-Iran coalition. This is where I draw a red line. Full on, overt confrontation with Iran will be folly of the highest order.

@MastanKhan @PaklovesTurkiye @Oscar

I say, out of all three neighbors, it is Iran from which we needs to be hell careful and develop contingency. They are extremely cunning and clever among all. They, through their lobby in Pakistan, successfully created dent in Pak-Arab relations.

These all three neighboring countries of us can be countered with the help of China/Arabs/Turks...
India should act like pak. Proxy war send weapons and make them fight the army.
May be India can refrain from sending terrorist to kill innocent but if it's necessary they can decide to arm the terrorist and send in the name of religion just like isi did in past. My ethics don't make an iota of difference.

These 15000 should recruit 15lakh local. Target the pak from other side keep em busy.

Those Afghans wil only do what they are best at: Begging Pakistan to come and live in our country............lol...........:lol:
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