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India planning to send 15,000 troops to Afghanistan

My Pak Friend,

You make valid points. Logical and coherent.

However, all these matters are secondary.

What is the heart of the matter?

1- Pak is an existential threat to indian empire. A strong and prosperous Pak is a death sentence to indians.

No. Not because of war or anything. The indian civil war that would ensue because india has 250 mln problem. Add in other minorities... you get the picture.

Have you ever thought why india doesn't wish to solve the Kashmir issue?

The simple reason is that it will allow Pak the breathing space to focus energies on development and economic growth instead of spending on defence. The indians wish to keep Pak occupied militarily without engaging in actual war.

Think about it.

2- By its very being Pak is Destined to be great regional power of global consequence.

In struggle for supermacy in the ME the secterian divide on either side doesn't wish to have Great Regional Power right in the middle of them. It dilutes their net power potency...despite trillions in the bank. Religion is a tool of the ruling elites on both sides.

Let me take you back in Time to the 50s and 60s Pak... just look around.

See the development and rapid industrialisation. Look at the confidence of your people and your ruling elite rubbing shoulders with the superpowers. Friends Not Masters attitude... and then look at ME or the so-called muslim world.

Thank you, you have seen your true potential!

@Irfan Baloch brought high treason to light and there was no outrage here on PDF. All Paks happy in petty feuds with indians or among themselves.

You are an orphan nation. Your elite is such pathetic form of flesh that robbing the people of their future is nothing for them.

So when we use the Looking Glass we must exercise Truth.

One way or the other... Your Great Land will achieve its Designated place... how long it all depends upon you!

@Kaptaan if you recall we did discuss briefly this inner working and keeping Pak boxed and backward by the brotherly countries as well.


Your mind-blowing posts never disappoint me.
I think if troops will be sent, the the purpose would be to protect Indian interests / investments. There are not there to fight Taliban.

And for some foolish neighbours jumping here, Do you think Sajjan Jindal and other Indian business en who have invested billions have not secure their investments.

Jindal and Party are running entire mineral show in Afganistan. Government and officials are getting their cuts. And probably there must be an under the table deal with Talibans. I see no attacks on Indians investment.

Even if Taliban comes to Power, they will be offered the same and Indian business will carry on
A retort is always a welcome sight.. please, do.
You said Pakistan is an existential threat to India. But its history and not me, that tells us that it was Pakistani elites that had traditionally seen India as their existential threat. Rhetoric after rhetoric on how India wants to undo Pakistan had been iterated by both Civilian and Military leaders to the Americans who however turned the other way around and never believed a single word.
Then you go on saying, Indian civil war would ensue because we have 250 mn problems. Sir, this profecy is going on for the last seventy years. India did not disintegrate, neither any civil war ever came.

Next is why India does not want to solve Kashmir issue. Because it will reduce Pakistan's defence spending!!! On the contrary, it was NOT India that has resorted to a Military solution of Kashmir. Take a thorough look at the history between the two countries when it came to Kashmir. Pakistan had again and again reached out to the Americans to seek parity in terms of Military capacity with India, even when there was no threat from us. No body stopped Pakistan to keep Kashmir issue aside and focus on its economic growth, but it's her atavistic resolution to solve Kashmir issue first and everything else comes second keep the issue burning and the region unstable. I can go on and on, but it's difficult to type in mobile.

So when you conveniently put the blame on Indians, I can only laugh my friend. But I do believe that you post them in good intent, and I like to read your posts very much.
why are you ashamed of using your country flag and using hindu name in your ID?
If Ashok is concerned about Indian soldier's lives, he has every right to express his difference of opinion. As a matter of fact, his reasoning are not unfounded at all. Then why should he change the flag or name?
If Ashok is concerned about Indian soldier's lives, he has every right to express his difference of opinion. As a matter of fact, his reasoning are not unfounded at all. Then why should he change the flag or name?
Well since you seem to be a think tank, you may research on all his posts on india till date and you will know why I typed what I typed.
Well since you seem to be a think tank, you may research on all his posts on india till date and you will know why I typed what I typed.
I know what he types. He speaks hard facts most of the times. Sometimes he trolls, I agree. But here when his concern is genuine, to ask him to change flag is uncalled for. Anyways, it's just my opinion.
You said Pakistan is an existential threat to India. But its history and not me, that tells us that it was Pakistani elites that had traditionally seen India as their existential threat. Rhetoric after rhetoric on how India wants to undo Pakistan had been iterated by both Civilian and Military leaders to the Americans who however turned the other way around and never believed a single word.
Then you go on saying, Indian civil war would ensue because we have 250 mn problems. Sir, this profecy is going on for the last seventy years. India did not disintegrate, neither any civil war ever came.

Next is why India does not want to solve Kashmir issue. Because it will reduce Pakistan's defence spending!!! On the contrary, it was NOT India that has resorted to a Military solution of Kashmir. Take a thorough look at the history between the two countries when it came to Kashmir. Pakistan had again and again reached out to the Americans to seek parity in terms of Military capacity with India, even when there was no threat from us. No body stopped Pakistan to keep Kashmir issue aside and focus on its economic growth, but it's her atavistic resolution to solve Kashmir issue first and everything else comes second keep the issue burning and the region unstable. I can go on and on, but it's difficult to type in mobile.

So when you conveniently put the blame on Indians, I can only laugh my friend. But I do believe that you post them in good intent, and I like to read your posts very much.

Kind sir,

First, allow me thank you for a courteous reply. Rare...

You are certainly entitled to your point of view which is fair game really.

Regarding Pak elites well all they care is a green card for their children and kin and some off shore holdings.. in their infinite cleverness they mistakeningly and consistently thought that they could milk the Yanks. Nobody does. Not even the eminently more clever indians.

In a skillful hand the inherit contradictions of your good union can be taken to logical accelerations. Your saving grace has been first the USSR vs. USA tussel where neither side wanted you to go to the other...and your good establishment could benefit from both, playing non-alignment dead horse all along.

Also, in the good old balance of power worked in your favour from UK to US and from USSR to Russia... read China.

Even today all that love that you recieve from our good American friends is really that love...read China.

The fundamental tragedy, mishap or whatever you would like to call is that the Pak elite went overboard with religious indoctornisation... trust me some made tons of money in this enterprise... you do recall those days of global jihad against the Soviets... everyone in this enterprise made tons of money... and Pak is still bleeding for it.

But the biggest theft has been of Pak Ancient Heritage all because of this stupid hindu-muslim nonsense... herein your lot takes full advantage of...claiming everything as their own... where facts are quite the opposite.

Anyhow, I am sure delighted to interact with you. I don't mind you laughing at me at all.... if only Young Paks start accepting their Heritage I will consider all ridicules worth it.

You have yourself a very pleasant evening.


Kind sir,

First, allow me thank you for a courteous reply. Rare...

You are certainly entitled to your point of view which is fair game really.

Regarding Pak elites well all they care is a green card for their children and kin and some off shore holdings.. in their infinite cleverness they mistakeningly and consistently thought that they could milk the Yanks. Nobody does. Not even the eminently more clever indians.

In a skillful hand the inherit contradictions of your good union can be taken to logical accelerations. Your saving grace has been first the USSR vs. USA tussel where neither side wanted you to go to the other...and your good establishment could benefit from both, playing non-alignment dead horse all along.

Also, in the good old balance of power worked in your favour from UK to US and from USSR to Russia... read China.

Even today all that love that you recieve from our good American friends is really that love...read China.

The fundamental tragedy, mishap or whatever you would like to call is that the Pak elite went overboard with religious indoctornisation... trust me some made tons of money in this enterprise... you do recall those days of global jihad against the Soviets... everyone in this enterprise made tons of money... and Pak is still bleeding for it.

But the biggest theft has been of Pak Ancient Heritage all because of this stupid hindu-muslim nonsense... herein your lot takes full advantage of...claiming everything as their own... where facts are quite the opposite.

Anyhow, I am sure delighted to interact with you. I don't mind you laughing at me at all.... if only Young Paks start accepting their Heritage I will consider all ridicules worth it.

You have yourself a very pleasant evening.


Xuang xang returned to China through modern Pakistan via Kashgar. This entire region was enriched with Buddhist monasteries, shrines, statues. Where are they now? Please find it before coming to the conjecture that Indians have stole their Heritage. My sincere apologies if any of my words have hurt you.
Xuang xang returned to China through modern Pakistan via Kashgar. This entire region was enriched with Buddhist monasteries, shrines, statues. Where are they now? Please find it before coming to the conjecture that Indians have stole their Heritage. My sincere apologies if any of my words have hurt you.

That has been exactly my point, my friend. Apathy towards Pak Heritage and consequent neglect...most painful sight. This has created space for your side to expand their narrative. Fair game. Realpolitiek.

No, kind sir, hardly any offence caused or taken. Please, bear in mind, if possible in heart, I see you all as human as I am. Our differences are only regarding policies. Nothing more!

May the Human Condition advance in this region... May the two Great and Ancient Civilisation regain their rightful place.

In the second of half of this century... permanent Peace for everyone. May you live long to see it.

Bless you!

I think if troops will be sent, the the purpose would be to protect Indian interests / investments. There are not there to fight Taliban.

And for some foolish neighbours jumping here, Do you think Sajjan Jindal and other Indian business en who have invested billions have not secure their investments.

Jindal and Party are running entire mineral show in Afganistan. Government and officials are getting their cuts. And probably there must be an under the table deal with Talibans. I see no attacks on Indians investment.

Even if Taliban comes to Power, they will be offered the same and Indian business will carry on
I agree
as long as the Northern Alliance and Taliban get their cut everyone is welcome
not sure if you picked up the news some years ago where Americans were upset that CIA and NATO was having to bribe the taliban for the right of passage through taliban controlled areas to the remote American bases
Special Correspondent


Diplomatic reports reaching here say that the Indian National Security Advisor Ajit Doval is planning to rush to Afghanistan in an attempt to cash on the latest wave of terrorist attacks and make an official offer of sending Indian troops to defend Afghan Government leaders.

A reliable report also claimed that Mr. Ajit Doval had recently met with Afghan National Security Advisor Hanif Atmar in Russia a few days earlier and had asked Afghan government to deliver an official invitation to the Indian Government to dispatch Indian troops.

Reports reaching here from Kabul say that Afghanistan’s pro-Indian lobby had been trying to exploit the blast for its own gains and objectives and has increased anti-Pakistan propaganda despite the fact that Pakistanis had also become victims of Kabul blast.

Afghan Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid has strongly denied any involvement in the attack and said that Taliban leadership had issued instructions against targeting any civilian or civilian facilities. Afghan Talibans says it could be a conspiracy to pave the way for more foreign troops in Afghanistan.

Despite strong condemnation from Pakistan the pro-India Afghan leaders and lobbies including former Afghan intelligence chief Saleh Amrullah have started a campaign against Pakistan. On May 28, 2017, just two day before the Wednesday Kabul attack the Afghan Pajhwok news agency had reported that India could send its troops to Afghanistan under “UN mission”. The Pajhwok dispatch from Washington which was published in the Outlook Afghanistan had quoted a “prominent Indian defense expert” told a Washington audience on May 18, 2017 that “New Delhi could perhaps be persuaded to send up to a division of Indian troops – around 15,000 — to Afghanistan under a United Nations Peacekeeping mission.”

“If invited, if there is a UN peacekeeping force … it is my considered view that perhaps India could be persuaded to send up to a division, provided the logistics are in place, provided Pakistan’s so-called sensibilities can be put in place,” Brig® Gurmeet Kanwal, from the Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis was quoted as telling audience in a close-door round table at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Gurmeet Kanwal, who is known for his close links with Indian military establishment visited Washington DC and tried to convince President Donald Trump Administration to allocate India an official role in Afghanistan.


This cannot be true .. but if it is then
We have been waiting for this very anxiously for a long time,
uniformed boots on ground ...
This cannot be true .. but if it is then
We have been waiting for this very anxiously for a long time,
uniformed boots on ground ...
Indian boots are already there in Afghanistan ,if more are deployed they will do what we have been doing that is to protect our intrests and projects

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