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India-Pakistan Talks - 2010

Diplomatic talks not composite dialogue: India to Pak

NEW DELHI: A week ahead of the Indo-Pak Foreign Secretaries' meeting, India on Wednesday said these parleys should not be "mistaken" for resumption of the composite dialogue as these were "exploratory" talks.

Best news I've heard all day. The Pakistan Foreign Office should characterize this as another case of the other party going back on its word and just get the hell out of these useless talks.

Wish India hadn't given in to Uncle Sam's pressure and complied... would have saved everyone time and money.

We should spend the diplomatic energy that was going to be wasted on talks to make sure that the emerging Afghan scenario is 100% to our liking - the time to eliminate unwanted parties draws nigh.
See.. If India decided to play the water card, it will be much more subtle than stopping water supply. Like someone suggested elsewhere, it may be more like reducing the supply by a small percentage at specific times to cause impact but at the same time not crossing the threashold that can lead to war. Similar to what Pakistan has been doing by sending over these terror squads

All these "subtleties" will be measured at inflow and the favour will be returned in a different currency. If we are sitting here on an internet discussion board thinking that the water pilfering conducted by India will be so subtle as to be un-noticeable or so 'under the radar' that it will be immune to retaliation, then I would say we are terribly mistaken.

Now that this "talks" fiasco is almost over, the gloves are about to come off. Since nothing else seems to work, I would say it is back to causing each other as much pain as possible. Let's see what happens in the days ahead...
That would be internationally reguarded as a offence.I return ur trade will be stoped causing billion$$ loss for u and Pakistan will be forced to blow indian damns and this would turn into a bloody war....

Pakistan is the only one who is crying foul over water issue. No one in the world is supporting you. As far as blowing dam is concern....that will be considered as an act of war. and Pakistan will have to face repercussions. International community will hold Pakistan responsible and will labeled as aggressor. Only Pakistan will face sanctions.

This is off topic, lets not discuss it further.

You have your facts mixed up here.. Irrespective of the number of overhead flights, It was Pakistan that suspended some of its flights that needed to overfly India. Look at the the map and the detour Indian flights (from Delhi specifically) need to take to bypass Pakistan.

Look at it this way.. Total annual loss to AI due to closure of Pak space was Rs 50 crore = $12 million

Do you honestly think India would come running for peace for an annual loss of $12 million

The question is, why would we want India to come 'running for peace?'

If memory serves, it was the Indian side that initiated this recent talks offer. We can argue all day about how America twisted Manmohan's arm and how he had to give in, but that is besides the point. India, at the end of the day, initiated the offer.

If we're discussing ways in which we can hurt each other, the air transit issue is small fry... there are very significant problems that can be created for both sides. I've noticed that in many of your posts you keep bringing up India's supposed ability to use water as leverage. I will have to disagree. Here's why. Water will only serve as leverage if India pilfers enough of it to make a real difference. At that point, not only will the IWT be seriously violated with the arbitration/diplomatic implications of it coming into play, if it gets too bad, make no mistake, Pakistan will probably not discourage Kashmiri freedom fighters from "reconfiguring" the offending dam(s).

Then what? Full on war? Fine. You have to ask yourself if India will risk full scale destruction to hold on to the water card.

On the other hand, there is no IWT like treaty on oil/gas and trade transit. Nor is there any agreement or treaty that requires Pakistan to allow India to access Afghanistan or Central Asia. Long term, I think the water leverage is hokey because the scenario just doesn't play out to a logical conclusion where Pakistan is significantly harmed and can't do anything in return. On the other hand, Pakistan can justifiably and without violating any treaties, prevent India from accessing the world's largest reservoirs of energy. That's just one type of potential response.
Get ready for suicide.Then

for whom???:devil:

just slow down the water during harvesting season & open heavly on rainy season to make floods, the quota of water is send but in other way, hw about this idea, then:azn::taz:

That would be internationally reguarded as a offence.I return ur trade will be stoped causing billion$$ loss for u and Pakistan will be forced to blow indian damns and this would turn into a bloody war....

it never cause any International pressure on GoI, when a nation blocks other nations civilians flights, moreover it cause more strain on that nations Image on international arena. you can't stop our trade it not cause more problems on ours, Billion Dollars is too much to lose while we trade not with you...:what:. You can't Enter and Just blow the Dams, you must cross over IA and IAF to reach there. If you succesfully did the Job done then in Inernational arena its diffucilt to show Pakistan as a defender other than the aggressor. It cost you too much after that, be cool and tell then to stop TERRORISM first..:cheers:
Here is a n excerpt from an editorial in one of Pakistani Newspapers today:

Indian diplomacy and guile is at its best. Pakistan has been asking for resumption of the dialogue without any preconditions. India, on the contrary, remained evasive or negative. Now, under global pressure, India has manipulated to emerge as a proponent of the peace process. My assessment is that the initial rounds would be consumed in determining the structure and framework of the talks and substantive issues won't be discussed seriously. Pakistan has been put into an extremely awkward situation. Having repeatedly urged for resumption of the peace process, any insistence on composite dialogue would be seen as negative and disruptive. Sensing this dilemma that Pakistan confronts, the spokesman of the Foreign Office has blandly mentioned that "preconditions for resumption of the dialogue would be counter-productive." It is strange that Prime Minister Gilani tells the nation that India is not agreeable to talk on Kashmir and yet Pakistan is able and willing to re-engage India in a process that till date has proved sterile.

Dialogue with India
We should cancel Indian overhead flights. Only 12 flights of Pakistan need to fly over India while, 120+ Indian flights need to go over Pakistan. The last time we did this - or in fact India did this and Pakistan followed suit, India came running for peace.

This sounds exactly like the stupid suggestion some Indian economist made in rediff.com on 10 steps to economically suffocate Pakistan after the 26-11 attacks!!

Those who resorts to unfair means for BLACKMAILING, like the suggestion above or activities like sending terrorists when they cannot confront face to face etc., should actually be paid back IN KIND with adequate INTEREST.

And how can it be a twist when no Indian official ever confirming the proposed talks to be of COMPOSITE NATURE?

Just that the fighting parties had agreed to any kind of talks should be a welcome step. It is far better then doing nothing and allowing the anti-socials (be it non-state or state sponspored) elements to to ruin the atmosphere to a level where countries have to resort to the mechanism of war.

In my books, any type of talks is better then war (be it direct war or the proxy wars we have been encoutering).
Pakistan is the only one who is crying foul over water issue. No one in the world is supporting you. As far as blowing dam is concern....that will be considered as an act of war. and Pakistan will have to face repercussions. International community will hold Pakistan responsible and will labeled as aggressor. Only Pakistan will face sanctions.

This is off topic, lets not discuss it further.

If we were fouly talking about water issues.Then why did indian team aeive here and assured to talk to indian govt about the issues?and why are pakistani officals going there.Try to act like a adult
for whom???:devil:

just slow down the water during harvesting season & open heavly on rainy season to make floods, the quota of water is send but in other way, hw about this idea, then:azn::taz:
If wishes have been horses every idiot would have been riding one.

it never cause any International pressure on GoI, when a nation blocks other nations civilians flights, moreover it cause more strain on that nations Image on international arena. you can't stop our trade it not cause more problems on ours, Billion Dollars is too much to lose while we trade not with you...:what:. You can't Enter and Just blow the Dams, you must cross over IA and IAF to reach there. If you succesfully did the Job done then in Inernational arena its diffucilt to show Pakistan as a defender other than the aggressor. It cost you too much after that, be cool and tell then to stop TERRORISM first..:cheers:
Indians have a habit of too much talk not action.:lol:
Love the way some Pakistanis think that blowing the dams would help Pakistan...a question from them......Which way does the water flow?
We should cancel Indian overhead flights. Only 12 flights of Pakistan need to fly over India while, 120+ Indian flights need to go over Pakistan. The last time we did this - or in fact India did this and Pakistan followed suit, India came running for peace.

what about stopping the some Water???:toast_sign:

Get ready for suicide.Then

That would be internationally reguarded as a offence.I return ur trade will be stoped causing billion$$ loss for u and Pakistan will be forced to blow indian damns and this would turn into a bloody war....

for whom???:devil:

just slow down the water during harvesting season & open heavly on rainy season to make floods, the quota of water is send but in other way, hw about this idea, then:azn::taz:

it never cause any International pressure on GoI, when a nation blocks other nations civilians flights, moreover it cause more strain on that nations Image on international arena. you can't stop our trade it not cause more problems on ours, Billion Dollars is too much to lose while we trade not with you...:what:. You can't Enter and Just blow the Dams, you must cross over IA and IAF to reach there. If you succesfully did the Job done then in Inernational arena its diffucilt to show Pakistan as a defender other than the aggressor. It cost you too much after that, be cool and tell then to stop TERRORISM first..:cheers:

If we were fouly talking about water issues.Then why did indian team aeive here and assured to talk to indian govt about the issues?and why are pakistani officals going there.Try to act like a adult

who starts the term to stop the civilian flights pass through? EACH AND EVERY ACTION HAVE A OPPOSITE REACTION :smitten:
Well....Dialogue is the way forward. However we should not expect much from it at this stage. Still it is nice to see two nations engaged. It can serve as CBM if nothing else.

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : The need to give dialogue a chance

Resuming dialogue is always weighed down by anxiety over the outcome. But India and Pakistan need not worry. Nobody realistically expects too much out of tentative renewals. They hold little promise of anything except an exchange of chai and samosas. Yet these renewals are bright arcs in the treacherous sky that hangs over the nuclear neighbours. The mere return to dialogue signals a recognition by both parties that a ritual has its uses. It breaks the ice, presages hope, promises substance, and sets the stage for road maps and change.

Rest blocking water or denying airspace is just immature. We should remember that IWT has never been violated.
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DAWN.COM | World | Composite dialogue with Pakistan suspended: Krishna

Composite dialogue with Pakistan suspended: Krishna

Wednesday, 17 Feb, 2010

NEW DELHI: India’s Minister for External Affairs said on Wednesday that next week’s secretary-level talks with Pakistan do not indicate the resumption of composite dialogue.

“Let us be very, very clear that the composite dialogue is suspended. Composite dialogue is not being renewed...The brief to the Foreign Secretary is that terror would be focal point...,” S.M. Krishna said in a television interview.

Pakistan and India are set to renew talks on February 25, for the first after the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

Krishna said that while composite dialogue will only resume once Pakistan address the issues raised by India, it is important to hold talks.

“In order to carry forward the core issue as far as India is concerned about terror and terror driven activities emanating from Pakistan, we thought that it is necessary to engage Pakistan in this very critical area of terror.”
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