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India-Pakistan Talks - 2010

Talks will not get us anywhere. Bullet is the way to deal with bullies like India. 27% of Kashmir in Pakistan is not because of talks but because of war. We do not need to talk with India @ the moment.

Then what is preventing you from another war with India for kashmir? Go and get it by "Bullets" and finish it of forever.
Well force is not the answer of any question. If you guys think, then Indian army killed more then 90,000 and campaign is tougher and tougher day by day.:azn::azn:

Though the figures are inflated, the number includes Indian civilians (killed by terrorists), terrorists and security forces as well..

And the trend of violence is downwards spiral for last 3-4 years..
And the trend of violence is downwards spiral for last 3-4 years..

If you discount the recent upsurge...

Let's see where the line trends in the next couple of years. The gradient and shape of this curve is tied inextricably to the ebb and flow of Pak-India relations. If the overall Kashmir issue remains unresolved and new disputes, such as water, are introduced into the mix, the trend in question may soon start to resemble the knee of an exponential curve.
Well, we'll just have to wait a year or two and see who has "little knowledge of the ground situation", then, won't we. In the meanwhile, I will call it like it is.

Infiltration is in the opposite direction most of the time - that's how the Uzbeks etc. landed up in Pakistan. Also, while hardly any Pakistanis are living in Afghanistan, unfortunately, 3 million + Afghans *are* living in Pakistan. They have ties across the border and keep jumping back and forth. We've offered to mine, fence and seal the border but the northern alliance thugs in the Afghan government had a problem with that. Probably something to do with their drug smuggling being impacted...

Your assertion that "we don't care about" infiltration is false. If this were true, the President of Pakistan, the COAS and many Lt. Gen's of the PA would not have been on record as having suggested the complete closure of the Pak-Afghan border.

You're grasping at straws now... the Kashmiri boy has exactly nothing to do with violence anywhere else in the world. We were talking about Kashmir but if you can't defend your position without invoking random acts of violence elsewhere on the planet, then that simply exposes the weakness of your position.

Thousands of Taliban have been killed in battle, but the way you've phrased the question, it appears you are a supporter of extra judicial killings... While you are free to advocate such measures, I personally don't condone barbarity. The foreign funded insurgents that get killed in battle are fair game, but once someone is captured or surrenders they deserve a trial.

@TechLahore - I should think twice before replying to your posts! The way you misunderstand them makes me laugh sometimes. Regarding the Taliban men - I was talking about how many Pak soldiers have been prosecuted for such killings and contrasting this with the arrest of the BSF trooper involved in the Kashmir boy incident. Please read the post again and I hope you realise your error - I was in no way condoning extra judicial killings. And the point about shootings and bombings elsewhere - it's tied with the fact that there are bad people and forces everywhere. It's not the policy of the Indian government to shoot innocent boys in Kashmir just like Pak doesn't want to kill it's innocent citizens in Waziristan, Swat.
@xeric - Some Kashmiris might not consider themselves as Indians but all Indians consider Kashmir and Kashmiris as Indians just like South Indians, Keralites, Rajasthanis, Punjabis etc.
Talks will not get us anywhere. Bullet is the way to deal with bullies like India. 27% of Kashmir in Pakistan is not because of talks but because of war. We do not need to talk with India @ the moment.
Yes, but do we have that 'bullet' to deal with bullies? India on the East, America/unfriendly puppet Kabul regime on the North, untrustworthy Iran on the West and the Arabian sea on the South; in the middle of four, a piece of land rott!ng with corruption, paralyzed by nepotism, sunk in almost dead economy, being run by a nonfunctional government....Sir, which 'bullet' are you talking about?
Diplomatic talks not composite dialogue: India to Pak

NEW DELHI: A week ahead of the Indo-Pak Foreign Secretaries' meeting, India on Wednesday said these parleys should not be "mistaken" for resumption of the composite dialogue as these were "exploratory" talks.

Asserting that the composite dialogue was "suspended", foreign minister S M Krishna said, "Let the nation not be under mistaken inference that composite dialogue is being renewed... The issue that we raised remained to be addressed by Pakistan with a degree of seriousness."

The Foreign Secretaries of India and Pakistan will meet on February 25 in New Delhi with the government here maintaining that the focus of the talks will be terrorism.

"These are exploratory talks. All that I am saying is that we are going to concentrate on terror which is emanating from Pakistan and the terror activities and terror infrastructure which is there which is yet to be dismantled.

"So our concern, our core concern is going to be terror," Krishna told TV channels.

On Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed and other jehadi leaders freely addressing rallies against India, Krishna said, "It is the way the Pakistan functions. The government perhaps is not capable of restraining these jehadis from continuing with their vituperative statements against India, showing their hostility openly against India."

The minister also emphasised the need to have talks, saying, "... in order to carry forward the core issue as far as India is concerned about terror and terror driven activities emanating from Pakistan, we thought that it is necessary to engage Pakistan in this very critical area of terror."
If you discount the recent upsurge...

Let's see where the line trends in the next couple of years. The gradient and shape of this curve is tied inextricably to the ebb and flow of Pak-India relations. If the overall Kashmir issue remains unresolved and new disputes, such as water, are introduced into the mix, the trend in question may soon start to resemble the knee of an exponential curve.

While that may be right, I think that its more to do with
1. Pakistan's preoccupation with TTP and Afghanistan
2. Its reduced (though slightly) influence with likes of LeT and Jaish due to its actions agains TTP and now Afghan Taliban

Also, I think water issue is actually one of the reasons why the slope is down. All the bluster aside of blowing up the dams etc etc, thats one way India can really hurt pakistan without firing a shot. I dont think its being done at this time, and the percieved reduction of water is really due to natural/population reasons, but the lever is there and can be used easily to turn the screws on Pakistan..
Diplomatic talks not composite dialogue: India to Pak

NEW DELHI: A week ahead of the Indo-Pak Foreign Secretaries' meeting, India on Wednesday said these parleys should not be "mistaken" for resumption of the composite dialogue as these were "exploratory" talks.

Asserting that the composite dialogue was "suspended", foreign minister S M Krishna said, "Let the nation not be under mistaken inference that composite dialogue is being renewed... The issue that we raised remained to be addressed by Pakistan with a degree of seriousness."

The Foreign Secretaries of India and Pakistan will meet on February 25 in New Delhi with the government here maintaining that the focus of the talks will be terrorism.

"These are exploratory talks. All that I am saying is that we are going to concentrate on terror which is emanating from Pakistan and the terror activities and terror infrastructure which is there which is yet to be dismantled.

"So our concern, our core concern is going to be terror," Krishna told TV channels.

On Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed and other jehadi leaders freely addressing rallies against India, Krishna said, "It is the way the Pakistan functions. The government perhaps is not capable of restraining these jehadis from continuing with their vituperative statements against India, showing their hostility openly against India."

The minister also emphasised the need to have talks, saying, "... in order to carry forward the core issue as far as India is concerned about terror and terror driven activities emanating from Pakistan, we thought that it is necessary to engage Pakistan in this very critical area of terror."
Diplomatic talks not composite dialogue: India to Pak - India - The Times of India
Pakistani response
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Foreign Office said on Wednesday it was concerned over Indian External Affairs Minister’s statements regarding secretary-level talks between the two countries.

“We have noted with concern remarks attributed by the media to India’s External Affairs Minister on the forthcoming meeting of the Foreign Secretaries in New Delhi that these will be univocal and that there would be no resumption of composite dialogue. This is contrary to our understanding,” Foreign Office Spokesman Abdul Basit said in a statement.
Basit said the outcome of the meeting should not be prejudged nor its scope circumscribed and said “a clarification is being sought on this account.”

Pakistan and India’s foreign secretaries are set to meet on February 25. —APP

New term has been added by indian " exploratory " in foreign affair dictionary. Trying to find the ways to prolong or running away from composite dialogue. That is fanning more terrorism in the region in the name of Kashmir. Indian knows well they have best time to exploit talks in the name of terrorism.
Even the bomb blast in pune is more sound like RAW job, because right after job, Indian newspaper The Hindu receive phone call from LeT. So, congrates Indian govt , you have found another reason to linger.Shame on PPP govt who is providing passage to Indian goods for Afghanistan. Again miss Musharraf.
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Diplomatic talks not composite dialogue: India to Pak

NEW DELHI: A week ahead of the Indo-Pak Foreign Secretaries' meeting, India on Wednesday said these parleys should not be "mistaken" for resumption of the composite dialogue as these were "exploratory" talks.

Asserting that the composite dialogue was "suspended", foreign minister S M Krishna said, "Let the nation not be under mistaken inference that composite dialogue is being renewed... The issue that we raised remained to be addressed by Pakistan with a degree of seriousness."

The Foreign Secretaries of India and Pakistan will meet on February 25 in New Delhi with the government here maintaining that the focus of the talks will be terrorism.

"These are exploratory talks. All that I am saying is that we are going to concentrate on terror which is emanating from Pakistan and the terror activities and terror infrastructure which is there which is yet to be dismantled.

"So our concern, our core concern is going to be terror," Krishna told TV channels.

On Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed and other jehadi leaders freely addressing rallies against India, Krishna said, "It is the way the Pakistan functions. The government perhaps is not capable of restraining these jehadis from continuing with their vituperative statements against India, showing their hostility openly against India."

The minister also emphasised the need to have talks, saying, "... in order to carry forward the core issue as far as India is concerned about terror and terror driven activities emanating from Pakistan, we thought that it is necessary to engage Pakistan in this very critical area of terror."
Diplomatic talks not composite dialogue: India to Pak - India - The Times of India

the meeting of feb 25 has been described by an indian diplomat as "Talk for the talks":lol:
what has Pakistan(or India for that matter) gained from Composite dialogs or resolved any disputes for the last 6 years.

They are just a waste of Public money for both the sides.
Koi Faida nahi hai Baat Karne ka

Even if Composite Dialogue takes Place ...
LOL...forget talks to bring about peace in the region - they can't agree on what to talk about. As it is - India is probably talking only because the Yanks are goading them to talk. A poll the other day on a TV channel showed that 70% don't think India should talk to Pakistan till terror stops.
i expect from our GoI, "NO TALKS TILL TERRORISM STOPS" this is the general public voice!!! "STOP TERRORISM, COME TO CD ANY TIME"
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