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India-Pakistan Talks - 2010

I just wanna say...you are wrong my friend...... mumbai attack was nothing but jealous towards growing and peaceful india.
Kashmir will never be solved through talks. I don't know why some Pakistani members keep talking of settling Kashmir. What do you think would happen?
Do you think one day India would just wake up and say take it, Happy Birthday?
No way. Same for Pakistan. Pak will never let India capture the Azad Kashmir
So what remains today is the ideal solution. India has already forgotten about the Pakistan and China occupied regions. Pakistan should do the same and be happy with what it has right now.
If Pakistan takes away the Kashmir, do you think the common Indian would take it lightly? Some insane people will start training themselves for liberation of Kashmir again and kill thousands in Kashmir.
Same would happen if India takes whole Kashmir. Both ways, situation would just worsen.

India and Pakistan should accept the LOC as the final boundaries.
That will end the terrorism. Both parts of Kashmir may flourish and will invite migrants and tourists from all over the world.

Now that is something that will reall benefit the Kashmiris
Kashmir will never be solved through talks. I don't know why some Pakistani members keep talking of settling Kashmir. What do you think would happen?
Do you think one day India would just wake up and say take it, Happy Birthday?
No way. Same for Pakistan. Pak will never let India capture the Azad Kashmir
So what remains today is the ideal solution. India has already forgotten about the Pakistan and China occupied regions. Pakistan should do the same and be happy with what it has right now.
If Pakistan takes away the Kashmir, do you think the common Indian would take it lightly? Some insane people will start training themselves for liberation of Kashmir again and kill thousands in Kashmir.
Same would happen if India takes whole Kashmir. Both ways, situation would just worsen.

True,it may never be solved via talks.But at least by talks,it can improve relations even though its by a slight margin.What is more important now is trust with each other first,and of course solving of the issue of Kashmir.What guarantee do you have that the People Of Kashmir and Pakistan will accept the LOC as the border
Don't you see the irony of a country which has lived for half its existence under military rule, whose history is filled with coups and counter coups and the legal hanging of a serving Prime Minister fight for a "rights" of the Kashmiris? The Kashmiris enjoy more rights in India than they ever could in Pakistan.
Vibes from India are not encouraging: Gilani

Pakistan wants a resumption of the stalled composite dialogue with India, but “the vibes emanating from the other side have not been encouraging,” Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said on Thursday.

Gilani made the remarks while discussing the state of Indo-Pak relations and the forthcoming Foreign Secretary-level talks with visiting U.S. Special Representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan, Richard Holbrooke.

Pakistan is committed to peace in the region and the government is “making sincere efforts for resumption of the composite dialogue process with India,” Gilani said.

However, he “regretted that the vibes emanating from the other side have not been encouraging.”

Relations between India and Pakistan “should not become hostage to the activities of terrorists,” who are the common enemy, Gilani was quoted as saying in a statement issued by his office.

He said both countries “must address core issues, including Kashmir and water disputes,” for lasting peace in the region.

Gilani and Holbrooke also held wide-ranging discussions on various issues, including the major offensive against the Taliban launched by the US-led forces in Afghanistan and proposed US-Pakistan strategic dialogue.

The Premier hoped that the strategic dialogue would be “scheduled expeditiously to discuss agreed components during the first half of 2010” as had been agreed during U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to the country last year.

Gilani “underlined the imperative of the strategic dialogue for building trust to remove misperceptions or misgivings prevalent on both sides.”

On being briefed by Holbrooke and his team on ‘Operation Mushtarik’, the new campaign launched by the U.S. in Afghanistan, Gilani expressed concerns about the “spill-over of refugees and militants” from Afghanistan’s Helmand region into Balochistan and North West Frontier Province in Pakistan.

He hoped these concerns will be kept in mind by U.S. and ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) troops and there would be enhanced coordination and cooperation with Pakistani armed forces in this regard.

Referring to Pakistan’s burgeoning energy needs, Gilani called for fast-tracking of dialogue in this sector to mitigate the power shortage in the country.

He hoped that projects identified in the U.S. strategy for regional stabilisation would be implemented on a priority basis.

Gilani also expressed concern about delay in disbursement of money from the Coalition Support Fund and in the release of aid to Pakistan under the Kerry-Lugar Act, saying this was adversely affecting the economy.

Holbrooke, who arrived in Islamabad after visiting Kabul, briefed Gilani on the political situation in Afghanistan and the operation against militants in Helmand province.

The Hindu : News / International : Vibes from India are not encouraging: Gilani
Don't you see the irony of a country which has lived for half its existence under military rule, whose history is filled with coups and counter coups and the legal hanging of a serving Prime Minister fight for a "rights" of the Kashmiris? The Kashmiris enjoy more rights in India than they ever could in Pakistan.

Just because a country was ruled half of its entire existence by military, doesn't mean the military suppress the freedom of its people, and made people's life miserable. I rather have a thousand military coups than corrupt leaders like Zardari and Nawaz.

Yeah,and the one highlighted in red,rethink about what you just wrote,if you gave them enough freedom,Why don't you give them freedom to choose whether they would like to join Pakistan, or independent?
In the Indo Pak context, talks are more for the gallery.

We must accept the fact that we both shall never see eye to eye and are not the same anymore . We have to agree to disagree,reconcile ourselves to our geography and move on.

Both of us don't trust each other even as far as you could throw a twig, why the charade ?

The world has passed us by and even if peace & tranquility prevails for ever more henceforth along the Radcliffe line India will need two decades to pull itself up.
We will be discussing a global Issue(terrorism) with them, and they will be discussing personal issue(Kashmir) Thats the only stuff gonna happen....
True,it may never be solved via talks.But at least by talks,it can improve relations even though its by a slight margin.What is more important now is trust with each other first,and of course solving of the issue of Kashmir.What guarantee do you have that the People Of Kashmir and Pakistan will accept the LOC as the border

Well ,We have international borders as LOC, Its been recoganised by UN , No one cares if Pakistan Accepts it or not, Well If pakistan dosent accept LOC as the border, why dosent it send soldiers across Instead of terrorists?
We will be discussing a global Issue(terrorism) with them, and they will be discussing personal issue(Kashmir) Thats the only stuff gonna happen....

Iam very much disappointed with the move of the govt for the talks, despite the attackers not punished by pakistan... its not gonna make any sense. it will be failure!

No true indian supports this talks!
pain of cry from mumbai wont get rid of anyone's heart! :disagree: :tdown:
Just because a country was ruled half of its entire existence by military, doesn't mean the military suppress the freedom of its people, and made people's life miserable. I rather have a thousand military coups than corrupt leaders like Zardari and Nawaz.

Yeah,and the one highlighted in red,rethink about what you just wrote,if you gave them enough freedom,Why don't you give them freedom to choose whether they would like to join Pakistan, or independent?

If Pakistan is such a big champion of Right of self determination, have you applied the same logic in all areas within pakistan where some/most people are asking for the same right???????

before someone jumps in with the UN acceptance of disputed status of Kashmir, pl note that the idea of freedom has nothing to do with concept of disputed land.
^^ Dude.. talking does not mean capitulation.. Talking never hurts as long as you can stick to your stand..
Don't you see the irony of a country which has lived for half its existence under military rule, whose history is filled with coups and counter coups and the legal hanging of a serving Prime Minister fight for a "rights" of the Kashmiris? The Kashmiris enjoy more rights in India than they ever could in Pakistan.

The police picks up random innocent men and kills them alleging they were terrorists, although later the allegations prove to be wrong. Women are picked up from the streets and raped by security personals, if this is what you call freedoms than Thank God we dont have these sort of freedoms. I have been to Azad Kashmir a dozen times, i must say its the most peacefull part of Pakistan. I have never had a single problem over there, i must say i feel very comfortable being there. Have you ever been to Jammu Kashmir? :lol:

I am getting a feeling that Indians here think that Pakistanis have absolutely no freedom at all, they are ruled with a gun pointed towards their heads. Let me tell you during the times of Musharraf, never in Pakistan's history people had soo many rights. Although i wouldnt blame you guys for thinking this way because of the sort of Propaganda your media feeds you, it makes sense for Indians to be brainwashed.
The police picks up random innocent men and kills them alleging they were terrorists, although later the allegations prove to be wrong. Women are picked up from the streets and raped by security personals, if this is what you call freedoms than Thank God we dont have these sort of freedoms. I have been to Azad Kashmir a dozen times, i must say its the most peacefull part of Pakistan. I have never had a single problem over there, i must say i feel very comfortable being there. Have you ever been to Jammu Kashmir? :lol:

I am getting a feeling that Indians here think that Pakistanis have absolutely no freedom at all, they are ruled with a gun pointed towards their heads. Let me tell you during the times of Musharraf, never in Pakistan's history people had soo many rights. Although i wouldnt blame you guys for thinking this way because of the sort of Propaganda your media feeds you, it makes sense for Indians to be brainwashed.

and how much brainwashing did PTV did to ur people.
have u ever been to indian occupied kashmir
what ground realities u know except what ur media brag
and what abt opression of baloch people
i dont think they enjoy the same freedom ur azad kashmiries enjoy
first of all clean ur house before pointing at others
Talks do not mean that India or Pakistan will lose anything.
I am surprised that many Indians are saying that Pakistan will not get Kashmir from India via talks so talks will not yield results and Pakistan should not push for it.

Talks are needed because this status quo is just a status quo and was not accepted by the stakeholders as part of any final agreement, let us talk and agree on something.
Once there are talks we can have an agreement, only after that we can have closure!
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