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India & Pakistan : Can we have a dream ?

Lemme give you a easy hint, just watch indians at PDF. They are just ordinary common indians & one can smell hatred against Pakistan, easily from their views. Youtube is one other side too.

So i stand by my point that peace loving indians are minority.
Majority of our population does not surf Youtube and go around searching to comment on anti-pakistan topics. majority does not even come to PDF... thats a fact, I joined here for my interest in defence related topics not to bash Pakistanis, but feel hurt for the kind of misconception you guys hold for Indians..

Oh please don't spread your Propaganda against Pak Army, we know how good you are at it. It was Pakistani General who supported peace talks recently, also it was former Pakistani General who started peace talks with indian govt. On the contrary it was indian generals who talked about cold war doctrine against Pakistan.
Your former general was the one who thought that Kargil could achieve any thing.. and having various centers of powers in pakistan who would not be conscious and plan a strategy? Every country does that.. :meeting:

It is always india who spread propaganda against Pakistan(& China too), indian army & indian media tries to pose Pakistan as a threat to the world. indian govt release thankful & congratulatory comments in case of any misfortune, or misunderstandings b/w Pakistan & the US or Pakistan & the West. On the other hand you will find difficult to see same acts coming from Pakistan.
oh please media is same everywhere, but we dont give lot of chance to let people talk, one bad thing. the mass graves got so much attention, every other day there is article or mention about it in your media..

I'm talking about status-quo. You either know what I mean and are trying to score brownie points (thanks) or you're one of those deluded pacifists :coffee:
Status quo, do you how much status quo is hurting Pakistan? oh sorry you do not live there, if you say here that the figures and I mean stats about your economy are coming out just to match Indian forces.. plz take your nonsensical argument somewhere else..

This has absolutely been my experience as well.
and your experiences are based in PDF right? care to shed more light?

Indians, please leave us alone. Otherwise we will be forced to go to war.
and then what? die, not with honour but lack of food!

Implemented or not, it is talked by them atleast, Pak Army never talked like this even they have more concerns regarding the territory occupied by india & killing of Gujarati Muslims with full support. Also on supporting BLA & TTP animals.
Gujarati Muslism, why do you thing they want your sympath? or your armies? They should be concerned about their borders.
No they crushed BLA terrorists which were send by RAW from Afghanistan.
Any proof? we have enough proofs to prove that you sorry ISI and Army send terrorist across border, if you had you would have gone straight to ICJ but you dont.

Kargil is part of Kashmir which is disputed territory b/w Pakistan & india, what about your indian army who supported mutki terrorists groups in 1971 in an undisputed area?
Your argument is so ill informed, read the incidents before, it is one of the most well documented wars.. go

I hope you also know that this British Installed King was hated by his own people; and that 90%+ people were flying :pakistan: in hopes of joining Pakistan.
Oh yeah they were flying from some rag tag group of people who were looting and raping them...

Why should we? Kashmir is ours! You stole Hyderabad through aggression, but you won't take Kashmir. Kashmir will remain disputed until we take it back the rest of it.
Please be realistic, dont be in your jingoistic dreams. It will not happen, atleast not when we see the terrorism being a state method to coerce, there might be some settlement but only if you have good relations with us other wise your argument will never see the light of the day..

Kashmir was Muslim majority and wanted to be a part of Pakistan regardless of what the Rajah wanted, therefore we had every right to take it just as indian forcefully annexed Hyderabad against the will of the leader of that state.
The time was different the circumstances were different, its over better accept it. We could not accept a small town like place to be another country bang in between, how can one be so stupid to think any country would agree at that time?

Indians can't stop their obsession with Pakistan.

Jitay di khoti otay on khalo-ti.

Cant you think more than that? Im sure you know you can put intelligent responses here.. Please keep the discussion relevant and refrain from giving one liners..
We bought American planes which we showed to the Chinese then put french weapons on them, maintained them with Israeli spares.. and fuelled them with Saudi oil.
Point being.. you are being a shallow jingoist.
That being bending over to accommodate China, selling lands to them.. Those things are only possible because you guys decided to side with a regional power. We did not side any which way to achieve all that, another achievement I will tell you, we refused US the MMRCA deal, tested a near ICBM and all Americans could day was to show restraint and we have a solid non-proliferation record..

hi i am new to this forum, :yahoo:
go, give your intro in the members section.. welcome to PDF..

So in your limited understanding of the world, because you have limited access to 3 countries, you have the best crop of diplomats?

Are you delusional?
No not the best but capable enough, that is actually not the point of this thread too, care to comment on-topic...

Funny thing about these hypocrite bharatis is that when Westerner call us a terrorists they are the first ones to rejoice and believe them, but when the same West considers Pakistan a part of the Middle East these same bharatis are stating otherwise.
Does not matter, we know first hand that Terrorism was and is used by some institutions to spread discontent in India.. We have faced it boss. We just feel happy that increasingly we see more countries realizing the truth and that will help to a certain extent to pressure Pakistan to stop doing that.. more internal security and peace for India..
2 years ago would have said yes but after seeing the arrogant and patronizing attitude of indians towards pakistan.........

2 years ago would have said yes but after seeing the arrogant and patronizing attitude of indians towards pakistan.........
Instead of one liners please tell me more of the arrogant and patronizing attitude and hey remember India is a nation of 1.2 billion, start!
If every Indian was like Mani Shankar Aiyar and MK Bhardrakumar I doubt there would have been any hatred against India - Any such policy would have been protested by Pakistani People.But unfortunately these people are in minority.Even your television channels are completely biased..There is this retard named Arnab who always go out of the way to interrupt Mani Shankar or MK whenever they are on his program talking about Pakistan.
If every Indian was like Mani Shankar Aiyar and MK Bhardrakumar I doubt there would have been any hatred against India - Any such policy would have been protested by Pakistani People.But unfortunately these people are in minority.Even your television channels are completely biased..There is this retard named Arnab who always go out of the way to interrupt Mani Shankar or MK whenever they are on his program talking about Pakistan.
Media does not represent the public mass, if you want to know what India is about start following people from India on twitter, you will get much better insight.. mainstream media is free to say whatever they want to.. that is a problem but one that is necessary!
Some Pakistanis here behave as if the Indians are desperate for peace and somehow Pakistan has an upper hand. Well, hello...wake up and smell the coffee. Peace with India would be more beneficial for Pakistan than it's other way round. India will continue to spend as much money if not more because of the China threat, but you can significantly reduce your defense budget. But I don't see that happening any time soon and frankly from an Indian pov the status quo is just fine.
Some Pakistanis here behave as if the Indians are desperate for peace and somehow Pakistan has an upper hand. Well, hello...wake up and smell the coffee. Peace with India would be more beneficial for Pakistan than it's other way round. India will continue to spend as much money if not more because of the China threat, but you can significantly reduce your defense budget. But I don't see that happening any time soon and frankly from an Indian pov the status quo is just fine.

I guess India will try the best ways to convince Pakistan of peaceful co-existence, we will keep trying no matter what they say.. isnt that the only reason India has developed so much economically, that we keep trying?

Even the hostile intention of Pakistan's institutions India can defend itself quite sufficiently, but if push comes to shove India will not keep quite so Indians are not overly worried about Pakistan but yeah it will help in solving the major headaches India right now has..
I'm Pakistani and can assure you the common man in Pakistan wants nothing to do with India.

After a resolution on Kashmir, we want nothing to do with you.

It's just that simple.

youre jus that a ommon pak who has no voice.. after kashmir is resolved who will tie up all the militants? your dad? they will still keep causing trror in india. so its better to keep them occupied in pak .

We don't think we're the chosen one's; and we don't think you're inferior.
To put it simply, we want Kashmir back, and after that 'India' won't even cross our minds. Frankly that's how insignificant you lot are to us.
it was never yours . in fat please get out of P0K and GB, pay rent for all these years and we'll call it even. you guys are equally insignificant. actually no we love to to see you guys fight among yourselves
I think everyone should agree to turn down the temperature in this thread. It's not productive. All topics between Indians and Pakistanis have been discussed already. It's like beating a dead horse.
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