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India & Pakistan : Can we have a dream ?

That understanding stems out of a necessity to justify an abomination! In retrospect, there is no way that the ideology under which Pakistan was created can ever be justified. A secular democratic India, a secular democratic republic of Bangladesh are glaring examples of how flawed TNT really is! Yet, people will always try and justify historical events, the occurrence of which they have no control over.

No, he doesnt. He cannot convey certain subtleties that Pakistanis do.

No, he doesnt. He cannot convey certain subtleties that Pakistanis do.

LOL what can I say? This guy is an expert on Pakistan. He is Fareed Zakaria on crack.
That understanding stems out of a necessity to justify an abomination! In retrospect, there is no way that the ideology under which Pakistan was created can ever be justified. A secular democratic India, a secular democratic republic of Bangladesh are glaring examples of how flawed TNT really is! Yet, people will always try and justify historical events, the occurrence of which they have no control over.
Nobody cares what you guys think of the TNT, Pakistan is here to stay and By God it will remain standing.

No, he doesnt. He cannot convey certain subtleties that Pakistanis do.
Well, he's certainly not a Bangladeshi, maybe you haven't read his posts about Bangladesh, i'm sure if you did, the last thing you would be calling him is a Bangladeshi.
I'm Pakistani and can assure you the common man in Pakistan wants nothing to do with India.

After a resolution on Kashmir, we want nothing to do with you.

It's just that simple.
Keep crying Indian; you'll always bring pointless arguments to desperately try to prove the TNT wrong :lol:
I'm guessing you fall under the type on Indians that wet dream about Akhand Bharat :disagree:
Dude, did you even understand what I said in my previous post? I am not among those "fringe elements" who dream of "Akhand Bharat".

Nobody cares what you guys think of the TNT, Pakistan is here to stay and By God it will remain standing.
Does anyone question Pakistan's right to exist and prosper? I simply said that the ideology of TNT is flawed giving glaring examples of why! That partition happened is a historical fact and will remain so. But as I said earlier, people will make attempts to justify what happened - for the simple reason to try to find closure for an abomination.
Dude, did you even understand what I said in my previous post? I am not among those "fringe elements" who dream of "Akhand Bharat".
dude he is anything but bengali, you should check his posts on bengali threads (not that i support them)
Dude, did you even understand what I said in my previous post? I am not among those "fringe elements" who dream of "Akhand Bharat"

Well I always found the group of Indians that try to deny the TNT more Akhand Bharat pro; compared to those Indians that accept Pakistan's existence, but wish Pakistan utter destruction :lol:
Thanks for the kind words Desert Fox. It is probably due to the fact that we have absolutely no history with Pakistanis.

The trend I've noticed with the common Indian is that the further north you go, the more they tend to dislike Muslims and abhor Pakistan.
Well I always found the group of Indians that try to deny the TNT more Akhand Bharat pro; compared to those Indians that accept Pakistan's existence, but wish Pakistan utter destruction :lol:
You couldnt be any more wrong! People deny the TNT because it is flawed. Just like breaking up of joint families into warring nuclear families. But the attempts made for justifying the partition are, IMHO, are attempts to find closure for this mistake and out of this arises the path for reconciliation as evidenced by various attempts to find peace between our two countries. Contrast our efforts for peace with that of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. No one is making any attempts to justify what happened and that has put a spanner into any attempts to find everlasting peace.
Oh, btw, considering the majority, no one wishes for destruction of Pakistan. That is a fact.
Thanks for the kind words Desert Fox. It is probably due to the fact that we have absolutely no history with Pakistanis.

The trend I've noticed with the common Indian is that the further north you go, the more they tend to dislike Muslims and abhor Pakistan.

North Indians seem to hate us more as well.
No we cannot have a "dream". There are institutions in india that have sworn their existence to destory Pakistan and make it subservient to their wet dreams of becoming a "shupar powaar".

So long as these indians continue to occupy Kashmir and consider themselves superior and us inferior then to hell with this so called "dream".

Long live independent, united, and strong Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Oh please! Everyone knows in all 4 Indo-Pak wars Pakistan was the aggressor and started up conflicts she was never in a position to win. Go read up.
Long live independent, united, and strong Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Now now, lets see...
Independent - I don't think that is true, US bombings are like you wanted them right? Dependence on China for anything deemed outside your powers..
United - Army, government and ISI tell me how are they United? Only when the issue evil hindus want to attack you?
Islamic - Agreed, one thing you people have achieved at the cost of obliterating your minorities..
Republic - hmmm, Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia should be suffcient, doubts, ask Gilani!

..Please, keep you sweet words to yourself. We know exactly what India wants from us, and what it doesn't.
How do you know what we want?

Most of India wants nothing but a destroyed Pakistan, a neighbouring wasteland. The remaining have wet dreams about Akhand bharat.
Honestly, I appreciate your ideals, but they're 'ideals' at the end of the day. You and I both know it the seeds of hatred were sown when Nehru showed his greediness and set eyes on Kashmir.
I guess you know that it was not Nehru but the king of Kashmir who acceded to the Union of India?
I guess you know that it was not Nehru but the king of Kashmir who acceded to the Union of India?

I hope you also know that this British Installed King was hated by his own people; and that 90%+ people were flying :pakistan: in hopes of joining Pakistan.
Sorry you also are a minority, Sir.

Though i respect peace lovers indians but at the same time i feel pity on them cuz they are little minority in their own country with no power. All Pakistanis knows what majority of common indian & india's army think of Pakistan. Even professors in ur universities & institutes teach you how to destroy Pakistan economically & pose the image of Pakistan as a threat to world. What india want is economically weak Pakistan depandant on india(point is that economically weak Pakistan can't b able to support it's almost 1 million armed force) Somewhat india wants a Pakistan on the lines of Bdsh, Nepal or Bhutan.
And might I ask how did you come about the Idea? ITs only in the context that Pakistan wants to take Kashmir back and waged three wars on India they are angry, otherwise they dont care much, are occupied with many other things...
I hope you also know that this British Installed King was hated by his own people; and that 90%+ people were flying :pakistan: in hopes of joining Pakistan.

Dude given the current state of your country, if u guys had any real love for the Kashmiris, the last thing u'd ever want for them is to join Pakistan.:pakistan:
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