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India & Pakistan : Can we have a dream ?

We don't want any "dreams" with you people. We are ethnically, religiously, culturally, geographically, and in many other ways different then you, we also have no respect for you.

It's you that keeps begging us for friendship, and we just laugh about that.

We are also not looking for friendship, just peace will do.
We don't think we're the chosen one's; and we don't think you're inferior.
To put it simply, we want Kashmir back, and after that 'India' won't even cross our minds. Frankly that's how insignificant you lot are to us.

And to put it more simply, You wont get it ,until pakistan exist on this world map! :)

Why should we? Kashmir is ours! You stole Hyderabad through aggression, but you won't take Kashmir. Kashmir will remain disputed until we take it back the rest of it.

Yeah sure!! Take it! But make sure you wont lose south pakistan this time in the quest of kashmir :)

We don't want any "dreams" with you people. We are ethnically, religiously, culturally, geographically, and in many other ways different then you, we also have no respect for you.

Yeah true! Wannabe Arabs are totally different...:D

It's you that keeps begging us for friendship, and we just laugh about that.

Tell that to Mr 10% and kayani who gave a statement recently..:laugh:
If you've ever had the pleasure of working with the young and budding Indian diplomats you wouldn't be saying that. Most are locally trained and quickly given important assignments. India simply doesn't have the time to actually train its diplomats. Its an open secret that Indian diplomats are becoming as devastating as American high-tech weapons.

The pakistani seniormost diplomat to UK who said he had interviewed the three pakistani cricketers for 15 minutes and was convinced they were innocent and then made a complte fool of himself on BBC was actually pakistani.

Much more telling than ur personal opinion.
Why? You can't leave on your own? Your obsession no life can't let you?

This is an international forum open to all nationalities. As long as I follow the forum rules OR until the admins think otherwise, I have a right to be here as much as you do.
Sorry you also are a minority, Sir.

Though i respect peace lovers indians but at the same time i feel pity on them cuz they are little minority in their own country with no power. All Pakistanis knows what majority of common indian & india's army think of Pakistan. Even professors in ur universities & institutes teach you how to destroy Pakistan economically & pose the image of Pakistan as a threat to world. What india want is economically weak Pakistan depandant on india(point is that economically weak Pakistan can't b able to support it's almost 1 million armed force) Somewhat india wants a Pakistan on the lines of Bdsh, Nepal or Bhutan.

You are wrong mate, we are not taught anything at all about hate of Pakistan, even in our history books the war with Pakistan only covers a page or two, though I would agree with you that our army has a lot of focus on Pakistan but then what do you expect after three wars Kargil and many other. The hate for Pakistan was long over between the general public the only time it surfaces out is when we had the 26/11 and other terror attacks in which Pakistan was directly or indirectly involved.
No one is your servant, request them youselves.:rofl:

Why should I get my self banned.

He didn't use the word more, i can't hear it. Pakistan have common equally with South Asia, Middle East & Central Asia. Not 'more' or 'less'.

Good that you identify with South Asia as I have seen many Pakistanis here thinking their nation as an extension of Middle east.
LOL...Limited access. Limited access does not get you Phalcon radar or Spyder SAM (to name a few) from Israelmy friend. Limited access also does not buys you port facilities and transit rights in Iran. You said that our diplomats are disastrous, but you still fail to come up with such examples pulled off elsewhere. I never said that our diplomats are the best in the world, but with the limited resources and political, diplomatic and economic leverage available at their disposal, they have done wonders for the motherland.

1. Re-read your posts where you were claiming that no other country's diplomat can do what Indian diplomats have done by gaining "limited access" to 3 countries. Now you are crying over limited resources saga when I told you already that the young and budding Indian diplomats are not trained very well. Why is that? Because the government have no time or resources to train them. This is re-iterated by Mr. Ayer and yet you insist otherwise. Kindly restraint yourself and salvage your remaining credibility.

2. I'm not going to respond to your demands of mud-slinging in a thread that is suppose to encourage India-Pakistan working together.

3. If you don't know the difference between "limited access" or "full access" in foreign policy, you can continue LOLing.

4. If you really know your diplomats so well, let me know what Indian diplomats refer to as "CO office".
sure we can dream but we have to remember that dreams will always remain dreams
1. Re-read your posts where you were claiming that no other country's diplomat can do what Indian diplomats have done by gaining "limited access" to 3 countries. Now you are crying over limited resources saga when I told you already that the young and budding Indian diplomats are not trained very well. Why is that? Because the government have no time or resources to train them. This is re-iterated by Mr. Ayer and yet you insist otherwise. Kindly restraint yourself and salvage your remaining credibility.

2. I'm not going to respond to your demands of mud-slinging in a thread that is suppose to encourage India-Pakistan working together.

3. If you don't know the difference between "limited access" or "full access" in foreign policy, you can continue LOLing.

4. If you really know your diplomats so well, let me know what Indian diplomats refer to as "CO office".

I am just an ordinary fellow with average intelligence trying to understand the working of the universe. So pls free feel to educate me rather than asking 'Kaun Banega Karorpati' like questions.....but still you didn't named any country including USA that has equal relationship with the 3 ME power houses of Israel, Iran & KSA other than India.
Speak for yourself.

Lol this guy is so obsessed its his "dream" to be in the presence of Pakistani people. He worships us, our country, our language, our genetics and appearance, hence spends hours a day on our forum trying to talk to us. For them it is a social outlet. Lol

He doesn't get the point we don't want to talk to them...
Lol this guy is so obsessed its his "dream" to be in the presence of Pakistani people. He worships us, our country, our language, our genetics and appearance, hence spends hours a day on our forum trying to talk to us. For them it is a social outlet. Lol

He doesn't get the point we don't want to talk to them...

Again I don't get the 'we'.
Isnt Bangladesh an independent country? So how are YOU a Pakistani? Or are you still stuck in the pre-71 era?

He's a bangladeshi suffering from some complex, its obvious. No point trying to get into a mudslinging contest with him. Lets just hope he gets over his insecurities one day.
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