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India-Pakistan: Can We Ever Be Friends?

I knew someone would bring this up. I did not imply that anywhere what i meant was those cowrads came from pakistan and for me that makes me hate pakistan more and more. Who gives a shit about a common man anyway? Do we really have the time and motive to understand what a common man in pakistan is? NO. What you see from your eyes you react to it. And what do you see when you look at pakistan?

You can but i just meant don't give a way to others as to how things can become better.
They are brainwashed people. look at their syllabus how they teach to hate India and non-muslims.

Pakistan and India are enemies. Eternal enemies.

Recently i went through a pakistani page on fb and i was shocked to find posts like "Happy 26/11" "our tiger kasab destroyed India today" really pathetic!!
I just saw you joined in 2009 and posted only 12 msg,
will you be my fraaaand..
I decided to comment on an thread. Tried to create an account. Found that I already had one from 2009.
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nobody is asking you to go around hugging pakistanis.. but please understand some want to and its their personal freedom to do so.

Yes indeed. I am just giving my opinion. And i made it clear in my previous post that i am not asking anyone to alter their behavior towards pakistanis. But as you said in the beginning of this post, don't advise us as to how we should react and do things to make relations better. Some people don't want to have any relations with them. Agreed?

They are brainwashed people. look at their syllabus how they teach to hate India and non-muslims.

Pakistan and India are enemies. Eternal enemies.

Recently i went through a pakistani page on fb and i was shocked to find posts like "Happy 26/11" "our tiger kasab destroyed India today" really pathetic!!

True. That is why i seek no relations with them. PEACE at LC should be a priority but shouldn't come at the cost of Indian lives.
Yes! :cray: But it's not that @levina does nothing at home, she always checks if the couch is comfortable and the TV is working fine; for hours!! :D

Nooo DRAY...i dont even do that...the guy in my house checks the couch before i sit on it and hands over the remote to me.Then i watch my fav TV show.:devil:

DRAY said:
btw @Armstrong your time is coming!! :D
We'll get him married to a Kashmiri...no nooo not a gal from Azad Kashmir...but from OUR Kashmir.:rofl:

Holy Cow!!!!Every morning 3AM?!:o:


Why are you so shocked???8-)
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Or Pakistan grows more and more insecure.

And I can sympathise with the Pakistanis on this one.

Insecurity is in the mind, not in the state. A powerful India would make Pakistan realize the futility of competing with India. Peace will automatically follow.
No :disagree: Friendship needs the bigger and open hearts while India is a country which involves the politics even in sports.

Here are the reasons why peace can never be achieved until there's a paradigm shift in the psyche of the powers that be. I had posted this in some other thread but it got lost in the labyrinthine maze of traffic on PDF.

The problem lies in the fact that the Zia doctrine is live and kicking in the PA. 'Bleeding India with a thousand cuts' is their signature tune especially after the 1971 war. Retribution for the loss is foremost in the psyche of the PA. They need to hurt India to get even. So any attempt at a detente is going to be a non-starter - unless of course there is a shift in this stereotypical thinking.

The second side of the triangle is the insecurity of the PA. They seem to be paranoid about being enveloped by India in the East, and Afghanistan supported by India in the West and therefore are propping up the Taliban (Haqqani) to take over the helm after American troops withdraw. For this they have been supping with the devil for the past 10 years, playing a game of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. The Americans know this but are caught in a cleft stick as without Pakistan the cost of the WOT in Afghanistan would become prohibitive. If the Pakistan Establishment hadn't helped and supported the Taliban all these years, the game would have been over in Afghanistan long ago.

This has resulted in drone attacks that have killed hundreds of terrorists but resulted in collateral damage too which in turn has given birth to the TTP which has been responsible for the massive casualties of Pakistanis - more than 50,000 soldiers and civilians killed and many more wounded. This has also given birth to a number of militant groups, all jostling for space. The Establishment's support to terrorist groups to fight their wars against India by proxy has started getting out of control with splinter groups charting their own course by getting help of groups inimical to Pakistan's interests. This melds into the third side of the triangle which is:

The need of the PA to keep the Indian 'threat' alive, without which the very raison d'etre of the PA would be at stake. Otherwise they would be sidelined and lose their credibility and importance in Pakistan. So they need an enemy to keep up the charade, which needless to say is India.

At the center of this triangle are the vested interests that need to keep Indo-Pak hostilities going and the pot boiling. An example is the JuD that collects millions of rupees from the sheeple by its anti-India tirades, without which contributions would dry up. They need a reason which is the 'liberation of Kashmir'. A very convenient motive as this could last for decades resulting in a steady flow of funds.

So, the question is: Do vested interest really want to solve the Kashmir dispute? The answer would be, NO!

I would also hasten to add that the Indian media and some politicians need to tone down their rhetoric and stop bashing Pakistan at the drop of a hat. This is vitiating the atmosphere, blowing out the sputtering candle of peace in the wind of hostility by providing a handle to the India-baiters to up the ante.

So, it's not just the conversion of the LoC or other such simplistic proposals that would sort out the Indo-Pak problem as many are led to believe. There are wheels within wheels - almost impossible to extricate from. And therefore, though Aman ki Asha is a noble concept, it will remain a non starter till well into the future.

What do you guys think? Is there hope?
No :disagree: Friendship needs the bigger and open hearts while India is a country which involves the politics even in sports.
Family can never ever be friends. One either tolerates family members no matter how obnoxious some may be or gets along, sometimes famously, well.

The only way I see India and Pakistan becoming good friends even brothers is

If by some miracle most of the Indians become Muslims.....

Pooof.... all problems solved between the two countries :pakistan:
no chance. but can't say the same about Indians & Pakistanis though!
Individual frndship .. but as somebody said "Individuals forget.... Nations never"..

OPs post is biased.. nonsense like "encirclement","thousand cuts","insecurity","Zia doctrine","ISI n proxies"..

I wasnt born in 71... but it was a loss i can never forget... same goes for the blood shed of 47... or how can i even forget what india is doing in my country n my home province? or IOK?
The only way I see India and Pakistan becoming good friends even brothers is

If by some miracle most of the Indians become Muslims.....

Pooof.... all problems solved between the two countries :pakistan:
But you guys can't even sort out your own Muslim Shia-Sunni conflicts and Ahmedis are persona non grata. Set your own house in order first and solve the issue of who a real Muslim is - Shia or Sunni?

So it's not about Kasmir at all! It's a religious thingie, right? In other words, Hindu Vs Muslim, where the twain shall never meet!
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