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India-Pakistan: Can We Ever Be Friends?

If Kashmir will remain part of India the way it is now
India will remain in trouble in that part the way it is now.
Why is it so hard for you to realize that?

If you continue backing terrorism in Kashmir,

Pakistan would continue to see more violence in Karachi and soon liberation wave of Baluchistan would come knocking at your doors.

Do you realize a repeat of 71 is possible?

Only just the powers responsible for it would not just be Indian.
I would any day prefer Pakistan as a good and reliable friend to India than china or USA. Neighbors make the best of relations.

If only you can stop stroking this business of terror. Without that any talk is pointless and useless.
Listen bhai sahib,

I have travelled to Punjab and I have travelled to Bihar to see my cousins.

Bihar with all the numbers you quote, is still BIMARU compared to Punjab. even Indian Punjab let alone its Western cousin.

Wiki is a start of your analysis and not the end.

open your eyes and ears.

Travel meet people then decide.

Thank you

If Kashmir will remain part of India the way it is now


India will remain in trouble in that part the way it is now.

Why is it so hard for you to realize that?

In short, India doesn't care the costs associated with Kashmir. That is the precise reason why India is not interested in talking with Pakistan on Kashmir, nor has MMS ever visited Pakistan in last 10 years.

However, here you are a missing another important point. Can Pakistan afford to have constant enmity with India? For Pakistan, is Kashmir worth fight for? or is Pakistan loosing something very important in the whole process - itself ?

Questions... Pakistanis should ask themselves.
In short, India doesn't care the costs associated with Kashmir. That is the precise reason why India is not interested in talking with Pakistan on Kashmir, nor has MMS ever visited Pakistan in last 10 years.

However, here you are a missing another important point. Can Pakistan afford to have constant enmity with India? For Pakistan, is Kashmir worth fight for? or is Pakistan loosing something very important in the whole process - itself ?

Questions... Pakistanis should ask themselves.

Its a Monkey Trap.

It is as good as asking the Monkey why he does not let go of the bait :lol: ............its just not possible. Time to move on.

Its a Monkey Trap.

It is as good as asking the Monkey why he does not let go of the bait :lol: ............its just not possible. Time to move on.

A country that was model for economic development in 1960's, a country that was a role model for South Korea when they embarked on the path of economic development lies in tatters.

Terrorism, sectarianism, violence, and unrest that we are witnessing today in Pakistan have genesis in its obsession with Kashmir.
I would any day prefer Pakistan as a good and reliable friend to India than china or USA. Neighbors make the best of relations.

If only you can stop stroking this business of terror. Without that any talk is pointless and useless.

Both India and Pakistan in this case have a habit of saying

---- if only the other country stops stoking terrorism.

unfortunately this approach ignores the root cause of problem which almost always is a local one.

I hope you understand.
Both India and Pakistan in this case have a habit of saying
---- if only the other country stops stoking terrorism.
unfortunately this approach ignores the root cause of problem which almost always is a local one.
I hope you understand.

I understand that the Monkey will never let go of that bait. Which is why India needs to build a huge wall, a second layer of Fence and then move on with our life.
...obsession with Kashmir.

it is partly true.

Both India and Pakistan have obsession with pulling down each other whenever possible.

Nothing new.

Our gad-awful region has centuries old history of big raja fighting against little raja until the day both rajas are destroyed by Afghanistanis.

Today too,

Both INdian and Pakistani rajas are using Afghanistanis and Goras to interfere into each other.

The result will be simple as per history.

-- Afghanistani hoards will destroy one then the other
-- Then goras will step in to "calm the region down and manage it" for the better of brown people.

I understand that the Monkey will never let go of that bait. Which is why India needs to build a huge wall, a second layer of Fence and then move on with our life.

Calling Pakistanis a Monkey?

--- knowing full well how Indians felt the sting when a gora called Indian "makaka".

Oh how quickly we forget

how fing quickly!
Calling Pakistanis a Monkey?
--- knowing full well how Indians felt the sting when a gora called Indian "makaka".
Oh how quickly we forget
how fing quickly!

It was an analogy w.r.t the Monkey Trap. I thought you were smart enough to get it.
Look at the thread title and topic,
then see if you chose the right analogy.
I am sure you are smart enough to see your error.

Sadly the Monkey Trap is a very accurate analogy to describe Pakistan today. This analogy also helps one understand Pakistan's behavior and predict its future.

It also points to the answer to the question asked in this thread. Which is that India needs to build a tall wall and move on with its life.

It is not a flattering description, but as I said, Its accurate. Some etiquette is scarified for bringing clarity. Least the 'white man' bring that clarity.
Sadly the Monkey Trap is a very accurate analogy to describe Pakistan today. This analogy also helps one understand Pakistan's behavior and predict its future.

It also points to the answer to the question asked in this thread. Which is that India needs to build a tall wall and move on with its life.

It is not a flattering description, but as I said, Its accurate. Some etiquette is scarified for bringing clarity. Least the 'white man' bring that clarity.

If you are an honest observer you would use "monkey trap" analogy for both Indian and Pakistani policies.

And still avoid using "monkey" to be used either for Indians or Pakistanis.

Knowing full well how stung you would feel if called one.

If you are an honest observer you would use "monkey trap" analogy for both Indian and Pakistani policies.
And still avoid using "monkey" to be used either for Indians or Pakistanis.
Knowing full well how stung you would feel if called one.

India is moving ahead and has not suffered any serious set back due to kashmir. So the monkey trap analogy does not hold true for India.

There is NO India-Pak parity here. No equal equal bullshit that will disguise this harsh reality.

No one has called you a monkey, its just an analogy for god sake.
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