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India-Pakistan: Can We Ever Be Friends?

Why don't Pakistanis think same! Just because Kashmir remains a part of India, it doesn't goes to moon or Mars. Kashmir will always remain a part of the region

Those are wrong too.

This is why we must realize that Kashmir is for Kashmiris, not for India or Pakistan.

Thank you

That's one thing that's never going to happen.NEVER.
East or West, they considered themselves German. North or South, they considered themselves Korean. Here, Pakistan's identity is that We're NOT Indian! Sure, Pakistan might lose in a war with India, but other than a treaty with them to end all hostility & perhaps the rest of Kashmir, India would want nothing more with Pakistan & vice versa.
Plus, think of the huge boost the Muslims of the subcontinent would receive if the Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims united. India, for all it's secularism, will NEVER allow that either.


The reason Pakistan came into being was that Congressis and Hindus didn't want Muslim majority provinces to become part of the government in post-1947 period.

Congressi Propaganda: Hindu Majority provinces and Muslim Majority provinces can't live together | Page 2
Those are wrong too.

This is why we must realize that Kashmir is for Kashmiris, not for India or Pakistan.

Thank you

70 years of water has flown down Indus. National identities have already been formed in both countries. There is no need to disturb it now. The repercussions of such a disturbance could be catastrophic for India.

Anyway, if 200 Million Muslims can call India their home, I don't see why 6 Million Muslims of Kashmir should have problem.
70 years of water has flown down Indus. National identities have already been formed in both countries. There is no need to disturb it now. The repercussions of such a disturbance could be catastrophic for India.

Anyway, if 200 Million Muslims can call India their home, I don't see why 6 Million Muslims of Kashmir should have problem.

200 million Muslims exist in BIMARU states and they are poor destitute minority even by the standard of BIMARU states.

Perhaps Kashmiris do not want to live like pathetic and poor Biharis. Who knows.

This is why it is not a good idea to lump all the Muslims around the world or around India into one basket.

Thank you.
Those are wrong too.

This is why we must realize that Kashmir is for Kashmiris, not for India or Pakistan.

Thank you


The reason Pakistan came into being was that Congressis and Hindus didn't want Muslim majority provinces to become part of the government in post-1947 period.

Congressi Propaganda: Hindu Majority provinces and Muslim Majority provinces can't live together | Page 2
Let's just say one can't clap without the participation of both hands.:agree:
200 million Muslims exist in BIMARU states and they are poor destitute minority even by the standard of BIMARU states.

Perhaps Kashmiris do not want to live like pathetic and poor Biharis. Who knows.

This is why it is not a good idea to lump all the Muslims around the world or around India into one basket.

Thank you.

I don't know where you got that statistics. but yes they are the below the line , so are many Hindus, but they are as hopeful as other Indians. And that is the reason why India in spite of having third largest Muslim population in the World is peaceful.
Only war is the option to get Kashmir but if you pakistanis will have war with us you will loose your occupied kashmir too, so back off and improve your nation and let us improve ours. :lol:

Its funny how they beg for kashmir haha :lol:
Let's just say one can't clap without the participation of both hands.:agree:

Yes if the two parties are equal, it is like that.

However if one side is giant by the numbers and resources, and other side is tiny,

then it is not a clapping of hands


Slapping on the head.

Hope you understand.
Bihar's GDP grew by 11.03%, which made Bihar the second fastest growing economy in India during that 5 year period, just behind Gujarat's growth of 11.05%.[8] Another survey conducted by Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) and National Sample Survey Organisation, under MOSPI, said that Bihar saw 14.80 percent growth in factory output in 2007-08, which was slightly less than the Indian rate of 15.24 percent.[9
Economy of Punjab, Pakistan your largest state have much less growth rate than bihar
n 2007, Punjab achieved a growth rate of 7.8%[4] and during the period 2002-03 to 2007-08, its economy grew at a rate of between 7% to 8% per year.[5]and during 2008-09 grew at 6% against the total GDP growth of Pakistan at 4%

who Is Bimaaru ?

Listen bhai sahib,

I have travelled to Punjab and I have travelled to Bihar to see my cousins.

Bihar with all the numbers you quote, is still BIMARU compared to Punjab. even Indian Punjab let alone its Western cousin.

Wiki is a start of your analysis and not the end.

open your eyes and ears.

Travel meet people then decide.

Thank you

It would remain part of India. Why is it so hard for you to realize that?

If Kashmir will remain part of India the way it is now


India will remain in trouble in that part the way it is now.

Why is it so hard for you to realize that?

Sorry to sound rhetorical. But that was the quickest and shortest way to explain things.
bhai sahib do you have some statistical fact to sustain your claim if there is please put it...if not keep continue :blah::blah::blah::blah::blah:

You throw in GDP growth of a BIMARU state. Heck it can beat even American GDP growth rate. hahahahaha.

Does that mean my ancestral state of Bihar is no longer BIMARU but even better than America.

You throw in GDP growth of a BIMARU state. Heck it can beat even American GDP growth rate. hahahahaha.

Does that mean my ancestral state of Bihar is no longer BIMARU but even better than America.


Actually Bihar is now one of the fastest growing states in te country- Nitish has built one new bridge every two years.
Actually Bihar is now one of the fastest growing states in te country- Nitish has built one new bridge every two years.

May Allah bless Bihar with more.

I am just saying it remains part of BIMARU states at the moment.

Hope it gets out of that group soon.

If and when that happens, Sadly we'll be left with

IMARU states. :lol:

May Allah bless Bihar with more.

I am just saying it remains part of BIMARU states at the moment.

Hope it gets out of that group soon.

If and when that happens, Sadly we'll be left with

IMARU states. :lol:


BIMARU is not an applicable term any more. Rajasthan and MP have also done excellent progress...of the sort that you should wish in your own country.
BIMARU is not an applicable term any more. Rajasthan and MP have also done excellent progress...of the sort that you should wish in your own country.

Don't take me wrong bro.

If you have seen my posts, I implore Pakistanis to follow the lead of Chinese, S.Koreans, Turks, and Indians in terms of being pro-global, friendly, and hospitable.

Unfortunately many among us want to ape Islamic Emirates like Afghanistan, Yemen, and Somalia. or Socialist Emirates like North Korea.

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