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india Nuke deal in trouble


Mar 18, 2006
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Lawmakers call for release of State Department nuclear report
WASHINGTON, July 24 (AFP) Jul 24, 2006
Democratic lawmakers on Monday accused the US government of withholding a report containing information that could hurt chance of congressional passage of a US-India nuclear energy deal.
Representative Ed Markey, co-chair of the House of Representatives' bipartisan task force on proliferation, called for the release of the State Department document, which he said identifies entitities "known to be engaging" in weapons of mass destruction (WMD) proliferation activities.

"It would be absolutely unacceptable if the State Department purposefully withheld information relating to Indian entities engaged in proliferation of weapons of mass destruction until after the Congress considers the US-India nuclear agreement," Markey said.

"If the Congress is going to vote to open up the flood gates of nuclear cooperation with India, we need to know whether or not India is capable of preventing proliferation by its citizens or companies," Markey said.
Under the Iran-Syria Nonproliferation Act the US administration must submit a report to Congress every six months identifying every foreign person engaged in WMD-proliferation activities.
The last report was released in December 2005, making the current one more than one month overdue.
Other Democrats joined Markey in accusing the State Department of purposely withholding the document because its contents would thwart the administration's push for passage of the US-India nuclear cooperation accord.
"Given the grave concerns about the nonproliferation implications of the India nuclear deal, it is staggering that the State Department could be failing to provide Congress with information about illicit transfers of nuclear and chemical weapons related technology and goods from entities located in the state of India," said Representative Barbara Lee, a member of the House International Relations Committee.

Ellen Tauscher, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, added: "At a time when the international community is threatened by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, it is critical that the administration release its report on persons that may have provided or received sensitive technology from Iran and Syria -- two rogue nations with a poor record in this area."

All rights reserved. © 2005 Agence France-Presse. Sections of the information displayed on this page (dispatches, photographs, logos) are protected by intellectual property rights owned by Agence France-Presse. As a consequence, you may not copy, reproduce, modify, transmit, publish, display or in any way commercially exploit any of the content of this section without the prior written consent of Agence France-Presse.
For better or for worse, the deal has pretty much been steamrolled through. It's no different than the F-16 deal for Pakistan. Lobbys will cause noise, but that's all it is. The GOP has a majority, not the DEMs. I don't believe the deal will fail. There is too much money involved. That's why the F-16s went to Pakistan. Heaven forbid we have to lay off workers right here in Texas! It's election year.

I must be getting old- I remember when it was called General Dynamics!
But the indians gave chemical weapons to Syria ,Iran ,Iraq and Libya. india also sold Saddam hussein Nuclear material as well as assisted Iranian and Libyan Nuclear programs. I hope all this gets out soon before the final vote on the "Dangerous and Illegal Nuclear Deal for india"
RAPTOR said:
But the indians gave chemical weapons to Syria ,Iran ,Iraq and Libya. india also sold Saddam hussein Nuclear material as well as assisted Iranian and Libyan Nuclear programs. I hope all this gets out soon before the final vote on the "Dangerous and Illegal Nuclear Deal for india"
Sorry for the onliner mods, but this takes the cake :lol: :idiot: :lol:
RAPTOR said:
Lawmakers call for release of State Department nuclear report
WASHINGTON, July 24 (AFP) Jul 24, 2006
Democratic lawmakers on Monday accused the US government of withholding a report containing information that could hurt chance of congressional passage of a US-India nuclear energy deal.
Representative Ed Markey, co-chair of the House of Representatives' bipartisan task force on proliferation, called for the release of the State Department document, which he said identifies entitities "known to be engaging" in weapons of mass destruction (WMD) proliferation activities.

"It would be absolutely unacceptable if the State Department purposefully withheld information relating to Indian entities engaged in proliferation of weapons of mass destruction until after the Congress considers the US-India nuclear agreement," Markey said.

"If the Congress is going to vote to open up the flood gates of nuclear cooperation with India, we need to know whether or not India is capable of preventing proliferation by its citizens or companies," Markey said.
Under the Iran-Syria Nonproliferation Act the US administration must submit a report to Congress every six months identifying every foreign person engaged in WMD-proliferation activities.
The last report was released in December 2005, making the current one more than one month overdue.
Other Democrats joined Markey in accusing the State Department of purposely withholding the document because its contents would thwart the administration's push for passage of the US-India nuclear cooperation accord.
"Given the grave concerns about the nonproliferation implications of the India nuclear deal, it is staggering that the State Department could be failing to provide Congress with information about illicit transfers of nuclear and chemical weapons related technology and goods from entities located in the state of India," said Representative Barbara Lee, a member of the House International Relations Committee.

Ellen Tauscher, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, added: "At a time when the international community is threatened by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, it is critical that the administration release its report on persons that may have provided or received sensitive technology from Iran and Syria -- two rogue nations with a poor record in this area."

All rights reserved. © 2005 Agence France-Presse. Sections of the information displayed on this page (dispatches, photographs, logos) are protected by intellectual property rights owned by Agence France-Presse. As a consequence, you may not copy, reproduce, modify, transmit, publish, display or in any way commercially exploit any of the content of this section without the prior written consent of Agence France-Presse.

I sincerely wish that these trouble making indians lurking about in this Pakistani forum read the articles and quit degrading other members, This is NOT babaRATshak.!!
RAPTOR said:
But the indians gave chemical weapons to Syria ,Iran ,Iraq and Libya. india also sold Saddam hussein Nuclear material as well as assisted Iranian and Libyan Nuclear programs. I hope all this gets out soon before the final vote on the "Dangerous and Illegal Nuclear Deal for india"

Why is this guy able to continue the same ranting with not a single ounce of substance.Wasnt he banned for the same act????
Bull said:
Why is this guy able to continue the same ranting with not a single ounce of substance.Wasnt he banned for the same act????

Why do you guyz go against him, because he tells the truth or the reality and give you guyz hard time here?
RAPTOR said:
But the indians gave chemical weapons to Syria ,Iran ,Iraq and Libya. india also sold Saddam hussein Nuclear material as well as assisted Iranian and Libyan Nuclear programs. I hope all this gets out soon before the final vote on the "Dangerous and Illegal Nuclear Deal for india"

loll...Raptor, where in the heck do you pull your news out from? please give me your souce, if nothing else, I'll at least get a chuckle out of it :lol:
RAPTOR said:
I sincerely wish that these trouble making indians lurking about in this Pakistani forum read the articles and quit degrading other members, This is NOT babaRATshak.!!

How, why and who exactly is degrading whom??
RAPTOR said:
But the indians gave chemical weapons to Syria ,Iran ,Iraq and Libya. india also sold Saddam hussein Nuclear material as well as assisted Iranian and Libyan Nuclear programs. I hope all this gets out soon before the final vote on the "Dangerous and Illegal Nuclear Deal for india"

I can't find anything to substantiate this. Raptor, do you have any links, etc?
melb4aust said:
Why do you guyz go against him, because he tells the truth or the reality and give you guyz hard time here?

Melb4aust...Sir its the hindu way, these people get diahrea when the facts come out against their poverty infested country called hindustan. Such behavior is to be expected from them. Im just surprised why its tolerated on here.

The article clearly states that the State department is withholding info that will damage hindoostans nuclear deal due to its past record on proliferation WMDs to Syria Iraq etc.....

Lies and deciet go together with these indieeans. :D1
RAPTOR said:
Melb4aust...Sir its the hindu way, these people get diahrea when the facts come out against their poverty infested country called hindustan. Such behavior is to be expected from them. Im just surprised why its tolerated on here.

The article clearly states that the State department is withholding info that will damage hindoostans nuclear deal due to its past record on proliferation WMDs to Syria Iraq etc.....

Lies and deciet go together with these indieeans. :D1

while the rest of us are surprised why YOUR behaviour is tolerated here. Stop flame baiting!!!!:mad:
melb4aust said:
Why do you guyz go against him, because he tells the truth or the reality and give you guyz hard time here?
Do you honestly believe in what you wrote ? :what1:
House panel deliberates on amendments to nuke legislation

A key panel of the House of Representatives today took up for deliberation 10 amendments to a legislation to implement the historic Indo-US nuclear deal, a day ahead of it being taken up for debating and voting in the full house.
The House Rules Committee held closed door deliberations on the amendments to the United States and India Nuclear Cooperation Promotion Act of 2006 to decide the framework and modalities of how the legislation will be debated and voted on.
The legislation, scheduled to be taken up after the address of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki to a joint session of Congress tomorrow morning, has broad bipartisan support and is expected to clear the House of Representatives without much difficulty.
The expectation is that there will be a debate of two to three hours that will be followed by a vote. The vote is part of a drawn out legislative process to ratify the deal, which also has to be cleared by the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

On the civilian nuclear energy deal between the US and India, Howard Berman, a Democrat from California, called for restrictions in the export of uranium and "special nuclear material" to India until the president has determined the country has halted the production of fissile material.
Congressman Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska tabled an amendment that will provide Congress the ability to assess whether annual levels of India's fissile production may imply a possible violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

California's Barbara Lee has put in an amendment that would require India to commit itself to basic provisions of the NPT like declaring all its civilian nuclear facilities and opening them to international inspection and taking concrete steps towards disarmament.

Congressmen Ed Markey and Fred Upton jointly put forth the idea of a requirement that nuclear cooperation with India can come about only after a presidential determination that the US has secured India's "full and active" support in preventing Iran from acquiring weapons of mass destruction.

Congressman Brad Sherman of California proposed an amendment that would require before any nuclear cooperation with India that the president certify every year that during the preceding year India has not increased its level of domestic uranium, with the baseline for the determination being the one-year period preceding the July 18, 2005 Indo-US declaration on nuclear cooperation.

Florida lawmaker Cliff Stearns called for an amendment to reinforce the Congress' intent that nuclear cooperation is "for peaceful, productive purposes, not military". California lawmaker Lynn Woolsey has said until the president has implemented all NPT commitments of the US, no item subject to the recent agreement or transfer guidelines of the NSG may be transferred to India.

TexasJohn said:
For better or for worse, the deal has pretty much been steamrolled through. It's no different than the F-16 deal for Pakistan. Lobbys will cause noise, but that's all it is.

Agreed Taxes rightly said.

Its the money that matters otherwise US would not had indulged in wars, destroying infrastructur, create fear consequently manufacturing more weapons to fill the requirement of the scared wolrd.

So the deal wont face much hurdles i think.
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