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India Now Admits Certain Eventualities

I have to agree with you... Downing of MiG 21 Bison has changed the entire scenario...

Now IAF WANT to speed up the induction of Tejas... and HAL is ready for that...

HAL Rolls Out 16th Light Combat Aircraft Tejas; Meets Target[\b]


Next year's target is 24/year... as per FOC standard...
Dude I want to thank you for that laugh I needed that this morning....lol

Also in that article was "Production of the fighter began in 2014 with a capacity of eight aircraft per annum."

Behind final clearance for Tejas, 10 concessions given to fighter jet
Final operational clearance to Tejas was granted even though the jet's drop tank & other weapon configurations are yet to be cleared while airframe fatigue test is still underway.

A project of concessions and waivers
When the LCA Tejas had got the initial operational clearance (IOC) in December 2013, the number of concessions was around 32, sources said.

In July 2018, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) found “53 significant shortfalls” in the Mark-I version of the Tejas (weaponised version), which “had reduced its operational capabilities and survivability”.

Among these concessions, the CAG had pointed out the lack of a trainer model of the aircraft which would adversely impact pilot training, and said that the LCA Mark- I fails to meet the electronic warfare capabilities as the self-protection Jammer could not be fitted on the aircraft due to space constraints and about the poor percentage of indigenous content in the aircraft.
India is already saying it... the only difference is that

Pakistan says that they DELIBERATELY fired the bombs in inhabited areas...
India says that they MISSED the targets and fell in inhabited areas...
Pakistan officially claims it hits the grounds next to military installations . while india officially calim it hit the target (international media and satellite imaginary oppose this claim ).

Yes, there is a reason because of which Balakot site is still INACCESSIBLE for MEDIA...

If I'm not wrong... after 2016 strikes... INTERNATIONAL MEDIA was reporting live from SPOT... after 2/3 days...

I feel that REPAIR WORK is HUGE this time...
bbc was there the next day strike took place. get your fact corrects,lots of local and international media reported from there.

Well actually Pakistan had been very truthful from the start.
Lets analyse the response of two countries and their forces after 26th and 27th Feb strikes.

1- IK said in the parliament that Pakistan wanted to assess first if there were any casualties as a result of the 4 bombs dropped by the Indians. IK said in the Parliament that Pakistan wanted to make appropriate response.
Because we knew that no casualties were in Pakistan's areas, therefore, we decided not to attack the facilities and cause casualties in IoK.

2- DG ISPR said the same thing that the targets were locked, to show to the Indians that what we are capable off doing to them. But then the actual bombs were dropped at nearby open spaces.

Indians, this is the mature and honest way to communicate to the world, what we did.

Now let's see Indians response.

1- We targeted "Militants" hide out. Providing no proofs.
2- Pakistan showed the sites that the bomb fallen on trees. International media confirmed Pakistan claimed later.
3- While Indians keep repeating the claims weeks after. Claiming that their bombs were so advanced and precise they just drilled little holes in the building's roofs and killed everyone inside the buildings.
Whole world is laughing on your stupid lies and stories.

While your bombers ran away immediately after challenged by PAF, missing all their targets in haste.
Make no mistake, you wanted to hit the targets not deliberately missed them.
You kept claiming you hit the targets and killed over 300 people.

Pakistani bombers, locked on their targets, then dropped the bombs on adjoining open areas before making back.
As a bonus they downed at least 2 of your jets. A third, Bison may be a hit too rather than a crash, so probably was Mi 17.

The problem for you is that PAF/PA has proofs of their successes and locking of the targets in IoK including the Brigade headquarters and probably the recording of the Pilots too that they were ordered to deliberately not hit the targets.

Imagine if and when PAF/PA made those proofs public.

India would be humiliated around the world. Your Army Chief Bipin knows it, your Air Chief knows it too.

That's why they are not saying anything.

Instead they and Modi like whinnies wishing they had "Rafale", so this didn't happened.
How defeatist your brass is and look at you liars, still boosting. Shame on Indians, #fakeindia.
exactly thats what i am thinking . we do have lots of proofs . dont forgt the recordings of downed indian mig .
Any one remembers this guy, this is what Indians are behaving like.
Imagine if PAF had order to attack the Brigade HQ in Poonch.:mad::mad:
General Bipin would be in swarag, and the earth would have been a better place.
One thing positive happened though, the General has gone quiet, probably rest of his life.
He is quietly following General Bajwa now like a shadow.:drag:

I just followed the link, the article headline says;

This is naughty Indians, very naughty.
You see my Pakistani fellows, that's what I mean, they should have smoke Bipin. Imagine the headlines then.
A jackel makes a lot a noise a lion just takes a bite and then rests
But someone told that he is an ISRAELI PILOT...

Let the international community to view Indian lies with their own eyes... or repair work is still onn
that some one is who ?
atleast not indian government ministers who claom 350 dead bodies.

Yet it was Al Jazeera and BBC that showed the fotos of nothing happening in Balakot except 1 old man having a head injury :unsure:

Wonder which drone they used to airlift their anchor with their cameras to cover that?....
indians are vedic lairs . their scientific societies are claiming gravitational forces as their discovery.
Apart from other discrepancies and the habitual chest thumping nonsense, Indians now admitting to some of the claims made by Pakistan after striking Indian targets across the LOC.
It's worth remembering that in his first briefing the ISPR made it clear that there was no intention to engage any ground targets directly however adjacent areas to certain facilities were hit just to prove our point.
Here are some disclosures made by the Indians

"On February 27, the Pakistani Air Force with its package of more than 20 planes led by the American F-16s along with the French Mirage-IIIs and Chinese JF-17, fired 11 H-4 1,000 kg bombs from ranges of around 50 kms inside their territory at military targets at three locations but failed to hit any of them," government sources revealed to ANI

"The H-4s are not very accurate and missed their targets. In one of the attacks on an army camp in Jammu and Kashmir, the building was protected by a tall and thick tree which suffered extensive damage but deflected the Pakistani bomb," the sources added.

It is learnt that senior officers were present inside the campus when the attacks took place. The three locations where the bombs fell are in Poonch and adjoining sectors. A Board of Officers has been formed to analyse the remains of the Pakistani bombs and other debris from the explosion caused by the bombs'


So we avenged our trees atleast...

Yes, there is a reason because of which Balakot site is still INACCESSIBLE for MEDIA...

If I'm not wrong... after 2016 strikes... INTERNATIONAL MEDIA was reporting live from SPOT... after 2/3 days...

I feel that REPAIR WORK is HUGE this time...

You live on some "special juice"? Or just retarded or delusional as a whole?
Which media is not allowed? Or your brain is closed to any reporting which countless media outlets have already done, and only opens up to your stupid bollywood media shit?
Well according to Indian chemistry, a tree can not only withstand a 1000 kg rocket boosted bomb but can even defect the weapon away.

Yeah and a glide bomb is supposedly flying like a terrain hugging cruise missile, that it hit a tree and stopped there. Does it really take an extra bit of IQ for them to figure the tree itself happened to be at the wrong spot which was a direct target?
What is more important to notice that despite debunked by foreign sources with credible & plausible evidences, Indian State run specific group on media continues with usual lies. That actually transpires that current Indian setup is not to share proof or wash itself before foreign observers rather an election campaign is being ran through propaganda based upon unavoidable nationalism whereby populace doesn't have any choice but to accept whatever being thrown at them. Be it Balakot claims or Aerial retaliation, I don't see anyone succeeding to make them realize about the facts.

As soon as Indian propaganda houses reads debunking comments/evidence on this Forum or any other platforms; we may need to gear up for yet another story of "Farcical Claims" and as soon as that is debunked, the cycle continues. To cover a lie, comes more lies and then tons of more lies to cover every single lie. There is no stoppage to that until & unless every single sane mind in India goes to silent mode.
They even didn't crossed a meter during their claim of so called first surgical strike let alone destroying any building in Balakot attack.
Well according to Indian chemistry, a tree can not only withstand a 1000 kg rocket boosted bomb but can even defect the weapon away.
There is a small difference between us and them,they destroyed our trees unintentionally while we destroyed theirs intentionally.
Imagine if PAF had order to attack the Brigade HQ in Poonch.:mad::mad:
General Bipin would be in swarag, and the earth would have been a better place.
One thing positive happened though, the General has gone quiet, probably rest of his life.
He is quietly following General Bajwa now like a shadow.:drag:

I just followed the link, the article headline says;

This is naughty Indians, very naughty.
You see my Pakistani fellows, that's what I mean, they should have smoke Bipin. Imagine the headlines then.

& South Asia would be in radioactive fumes.
Yeah. That's why I went through so much pain in other threads to highlight that we should admit our shortcomings and make sure that it didn't happened. Like the Indians found an opening in Muzaffarabad sector after maneuvering in the south.
While Indians are still boosting despite huge breaches in their air defenses.
Pakistan had a golden chance to finish off Indians claims and their superiority complex forever by killing Bipin and destroying their command and control centers, their ammo and fuel depots.
Imagine Kashmir now, if they did that.
Probably free Kashmir movement have already started.
To me, it looks like a very grave error by PA. This is not new position by me, I have consistently said that from the day of the strikes by Pakistan. Golden chances missed.
my post was just a joke. killing army chief may have lead to a full scale conflict and majority of the key board warriors would have ceased to exist and those who survive would have been standing in log queues wearing a vest and a shalwar with a bucket and a lota in hands at some hand pump.
looking at the ground realities we must admit that there are no chances of free kashmir. UN wont do anything other then issuing some statements. world powers will support india just like they are still selling their weapons to saudia despite their failed military campaign in yemen which has killed thousands. free kashmir means total destruction of the entire sub continent. there is no other way. i am sorry but its the truth.
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