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India not to criminalise marital rape

Mhh... interesting. From which year was this event? I only found this one from 2013
India has 3rd-highest number of HIV-infected people: UN - The Hindu

Yeah, we are the second highest populated country in the world. At that point of time in South Africa 30-40% of their population was infected. So they were talking in percentages when they said India is going to be the next one. Compared to India, US has more than a 1.3 million HIV infected. Now compare percentage to percentage and tell us what should the UN be talking about? Absolute numbers or the population estimates.

CDC - Statistics Overview - Statistics Center - HIV/AIDS

Also is the US not the highest authority and champion of human rights, wisdom, modernity, and healthcare? So what could be the reason behind the prevalence of disease in that country to such an extent?

That junior minister should have shut up and consulted some legal experts before opening his mouth , rather than giving his colgate smile for photos, all while making an weak defence of a government's decision.

I don't understand why these BJP people go for most stupid defence available, when there are much more logically sound ones that have been presented by law experts centuries before they even thought about that issue.
Yeah, we are the second highest populated country in the world. At that point of time in South Africa 30-40% of their population was infected. So they were talking in percentages when they said India is going to be the next one. Compared to India, US has more than a 1.3 million HIV infected. Now compare percentage to percentage and tell us what should the UN be talking about? Absolute numbers or the population estimates.

CDC - Statistics Overview - Statistics Center - HIV/AIDS
Are you using facts? people are allergic to them here. They want their narrative to be the gospel truth.

That junior minister should have shut up and consulted some legal experts before opening his mouth , rather than giving his colgate smile for photos, all while making an weak defence of a government's decision.

I don't understand why these BJP people go for most stupid defence available, when there are much more logically sound ones that have been presented by law experts centuries before they even thought about that issue.
BJP is being complacent. They think people have no where else to go beside them to lead the country. I say Fcuk BJP they have been far more disappointing then UPA. They are taking the mandate for a ride.
That junior minister should have shut up and consulted some legal experts before opening his mouth , rather than giving his colgate smile for photos, all while making an weak defence of a government's decision.

I don't understand why these BJP people go for most stupid defence available, when there are much more logically sound ones that have been presented by law experts centuries before they even thought about that issue.

I do not think we should dismiss culture as an argument, especially when there are no incriminating evidences to prove that our culture has harmed us. We should stop being apologetic about our culture. Also given the waste societies with alternate culture have been laid to, we should be even more interested in homing this point.

Understand this, our culture is under attack not because we failed, but because we are a success story everywhere. When they see the low crime stats, when the see Hindu students and business professionals excelling in all countries of the world, they are consumed with envy and seek to tear this down. Family is the basic unit of our economy. Destroy it and we are no different than another failed subsaharan country.

BJP is being complacent. They think people have no where else to go beside them to lead the country. I say Fcuk BJP they have been far more disappointing then UPA. They are taking the mandate for a ride

They are not being complacent. That has been their culture always to not be over reactive, even defensive. Also tell us who else is there besides BJP? You willing to live with communal violence bill? They were literally bringing Sharia back in India by rendering Hindus second class citizens officially. Consider your options before you say Fcuk BJP.

They are not being complacent. That has been their culture always to not be over reactive, even defensive. Also tell us who else is there besides BJP? You willing to live with communal violence bill? They were literally bringing Sharia back in India by rendering Hindus second class citizens officially. Consider your options before you say Fcuk BJP.

What BJP has changed tell me? Every day they are getting abused on national channels and their spokesperson come smiling to get drilled in their @ss.
I do not think we should dismiss culture as an argument, especially when there are no incriminating evidences to prove that our culture has harmed us. We should stop being apologetic about our culture. Also given the waste societies with alternate culture have been laid to, we should be even more interested in homing this point.

Understand this, our culture is under attack not because we failed, but because we are a success story everywhere. When the see the low crime stats, when the see Hindu students and business professionals excelling in all countries of the world, they are consumed with envy and seek to tear this down.

I do not mean that.

What I mean is that using excuse of culture, when there is already a robust defence available in legal literature, is out right stupid.

When he give an excuse of "Marriages are sacred , so Marital rapes don't apply" , it does not make logical sense in first look and sound more like an apology from rape.There is some logic in it, but it is obfuscated in layers which I have pointed out in one of my post to Ayesha. It is better to make a point regarding "impossibility of proving lack of consent", and from there describe how it would wreck marriage by making every domestic dispute into a nuclear event.
I do not mean that.

What I mean is that using excuse of culture, when there is already a robust defence available in legal literature, is out right stupid.

When he give an excuse of "Marriages are sacred , so Marital rapes don't apply" , it does not make logical sense in first look and sound more like an apology from rape.There is some logic in it, but it is obfuscated in layers which I have pointed out in one of my post to Ayesha. It is better to make a point regarding "impossibility of proving lack of consent", and from there describe how it would wreck marriage by making every domestic dispute into a nuclear event.
I agreee with you, BJP leader saying that will draw flak towards how hindus. And there are enough takers in Indian media to spin it in any way they want. BJP leaders either need to STFU big time or mind their statements.
What BJP has changed tell me? Every day they are getting abused on national channels and their spokesperson come smiling to get drilled in their @ss.

For one, they have made life for NGOs miserable. For two, most media houses are under investigation. For three, they are revamping and modernizing our military faster than UPA or any other govt in the history of India did. These are just a few examples.

Media abusing BJP and twisting their words or not alloting them time to speak is to be expected. People can see through their malintent. There has never been so much rage in India before about media or so much awareness before of the ill doings of previous govts. The more media protects the corrupt, the more discredited they get.

Do you think if BJP sends a technically clever person to address media they are not going to resort to dirty tricks? Do you think International media is bothered about truth?

This is what turned out of Ramdev's logical defense today.


I do not mean that.

What I mean is that using excuse of culture, when there is already a robust defence available in legal literature, is out right stupid.

When he give an excuse of "Marriages are sacred , so Marital rapes don't apply" , it does not make logical sense in first look and sound more like an apology from rape.There is some logic in it, but it is obfuscated in layers which I have pointed out in one of my post to Ayesha. It is better to make a point regarding "impossibility of proving lack of consent", and from there describe how it would wreck marriage by making every domestic dispute into a nuclear event.

Actually, he is right. He is appealing to the sentiments of rural Indians who still do not buy legal defense arguments. Marriage is sacred to them. Political victory is determined by the rural folks, not by the libtards in few cities. Even Supreme Court cannot go against the nature of the society. BJP's USP is not that they are educated and legally sound advocates, but that they are a protector of our culture and representative of such. Otherwise, it would sound that BJP does not consider marriage anything more than a legal contract and it is only the improbability of proving marital rape which is preventing them from bringing the law in.
For one, they have made life for NGOs miserable. For two, most media houses are under investigation. For three, they are revamping and modernizing our military faster than UPA or any other govt in the history of India did. These are just a few examples.

Media abusing BJP and twisting their words or not alloting them time to speak is to be expected. People can see through their malintent. There has never been so much rage in India before about media or so much awareness before of the ill doings of previous govts. The more media protects the corrupt, the more discredited they get.

Do you think if BJP sends a technically clever person to address media they are not going to resort to dirty tricks? Do you think International media is bothered about truth?

This is what turned out of Ramdev's logical defense today.

I expected the government to stick a bamboo up presstitutes's @ss for reporting flase news but when I see Jaitley giving exclusive interviews to NDTV I feel cheated and betrayed. It's been almost an Year yet presstitutes were allowed to create a narrative of India being unsafe for women.
I expected the government to stick a bamboo up presstitutes's @ss for reporting flase news but when I see Jaitley giving exclusive interviews to NDTV I feel cheated and betrayed. It's been almost an Year yet presstitutes were allowed to create a narrative of India being unsafe for women.

They are going to deep throat the media. They cannot be brought to the book now, because the deep state is intact. As long as the roots of the deep state are not pulled out, going after media will just result in a severe backlash.
I expected the government to stick a bamboo up presstitutes's @ss for reporting flase news but when I see Jaitley giving exclusive interviews to NDTV I feel cheated and betrayed. It's been almost an Year yet presstitutes were allowed to create a narrative of India being unsafe for women.

Jaitely is probably most media savvy of all BJP's MP's (probably more than modi). Though he gave an interview to NDTV, but he ripped apart every narrative, whether it was on LAB or on attack on Christians, of NDTV.

BJP should trot him out more.
They are going to deep throat the media. They cannot be brought to the book now, because the deep state is intact. As long as the roots of the deep state are not pulled out, going after media will just result in a severe backlash.
So we must swallow what media serve us with? right?

Jaitely is probably most media savvy of all BJP's MP's (probably more than modi). Though he gave an interview to NDTV, but he ripped apart every narrative, whether it was on LAB or on attack on Christians, of NDTV.

BJP should trot him out more.
Thank you.
I do not think we should dismiss culture as an argument, especially when there are no incriminating evidences to prove that our culture has harmed us. We should stop being apologetic about our culture. Also given the waste societies with alternate culture have been laid to, we should be even more interested in homing this point.

Understand this, our culture is under attack not because we failed, but because we are a success story everywhere. When they see the low crime stats, when the see Hindu students and business professionals excelling in all countries of the world, they are consumed with envy and seek to tear this down. Family is the basic unit of our economy. Destroy it and we are no different than another failed subsaharan country.

They are not being complacent. That has been their culture always to not be over reactive, even defensive. Also tell us who else is there besides BJP? You willing to live with communal violence bill? They were literally bringing Sharia back in India by rendering Hindus second class citizens officially. Consider your options before you say Fcuk BJP.
these dick heads are the most racist people on the earth, Motherfuckers....
Anyway, In countries where marital rape is criminalized, there has been near zero conviction for type of marital rape which is not recognized as a crime in India (There are types of marital rape which are recognized as a crime in India).

So all this outrage is basically because India is not hypocrite enough, to legislate a law for a crime that could never ever be proved.
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