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India not to criminalise marital rape

Anyway, In countries where marital rape is criminalized, there has been near zero conviction for type of marital rape which is not recognized as a crime in India (There are types of marital rape which are recognized as a crime in India).

So all this outrage is basically because India is not hypocrite enough to legislate a law for a crime that could never ever be proved.

Make it a law and the outcome in India would be way different. The same law works differently in USA and India just like democracy and secularism works differently in both these countries.
I do not think we should dismiss culture as an argument, especially when there are no incriminating evidences to prove that our culture has harmed us. We should stop being apologetic about our culture. Also given the waste societies with alternate culture have been laid to, we should be even more interested in homing this point.

Understand this, our culture is under attack not because we failed, but because we are a success story everywhere. When they see the low crime stats, when the see Hindu students and business professionals excelling in all countries of the world, they are consumed with envy and seek to tear this down. Family is the basic unit of our economy. Destroy it and we are no different than another failed subsaharan country.

They are not being complacent. That has been their culture always to not be over reactive, even defensive. Also tell us who else is there besides BJP? You willing to live with communal violence bill? They were literally bringing Sharia back in India by rendering Hindus second class citizens officially. Consider your options before you say Fcuk BJP.
I will support the bill if there is a provision of marital rape of males too...I mean if a man comes from office tired and is not interested to have sex with his wife and she forces him emotionally or by threaten of another man to have sex...If a husband says NO...it means to no too...if that counts as a rape. I think we should have this law. Divorce rates will go up by few folds for sure.
Yes, proving marital rape is difficult. But guess what, framing a husband on false charges of marital rape is even more difficult. So why not have the law in place? Maybe not a single case of marital rape will be succesfully prosecuted. But having the law at least makes it clear that just because you can get away with it, does not make it OK to do something.

I'm sure you know a few other crimes that are difficult to prove, but are nonetheless, crimes.

I don't disagree but I understand where the viewpoint of the government is coming from. To your point of a single case being successfully prosecuted, the question of how will remain and how many unsuccessful attempts will be required for that to occur? I do not disagree at all about your view on this issue but the point of both proof and false allegations remain important ones. A person need not be successfully prosecuted on rape charges, the mere allegation would serve the purpose both in terms of locking the person up or in terms of the social opprobrium that would follow. Much better to make a case of assault, provable if evidence suggests that, and a quick granting of divorce in such cases.
Any law can be misused, and often are. That doesn't mean that the law should be scrapped. Rape and sexual assault laws have been misused. That doesn't mean that rape should be legalized. Everybody, please stop repeating this complete non sequiter ad nauseum - the potential for misuse of a law is no reason for voiding the law.

Apparently not. A man forcing himself on his wife when she doesn't want to do it, is OK according to this news. "Any type of torture" does not seem to include sexual assault.

It includes,domestic violence is also come under that category . And this law would be headche to our judiciary even if it passed . Look @levina post in this thread .
That is indeed a problem .
In cases like this Judiciary cant identify who is the culript and who is the innocent .

Rani Padmini's case is an example of Jauhar and not Sati.

But that war was for Padmini .If I am not wrong it was Khilji
There are two communities I take for granted as ideological against Hinduism. Their entire world view is colored by the West, Islam, and Communism. That is the mallu and the bong community. Then add the religious angle to it and you can decide on their degree of hatred for Hindus and Hinduism. Of course, that does not mean there are no honorable exceptions in these communities. There are Christians here who do not fall in this category and are our ideological allies, but none of them mallu or bong unfortunately.
LOL...Who is behind separatist Dravidanadu,Anti Brahminsm ideas,electing anti hindu parties like DMK,anti hindi movement,calling Sanskrit as outsiders language,supporting a terrorist group like LTTE??...Who killed Rajiv Gandhi??...Who are protesting against Kundankulam plant??..mallu or bong?...Sadly,its your own very TAMIL community,a bunch of anti hindus,anti nationals,terrorist sympathizers,bearers of false language pride...
It includes,domestic violence is also come under that category . And this law would be headche to our judiciary even if it passed . Look @levina post in this thread .
That is indeed a problem .
In cases like this Judiciary cant identify who is the culript and who is the innocent .

But that war was for Padmini .If I am not wrong it was Khilji

Yes. It was a war for Padmini.
Duly noted. But that does not give non suicidal men to rape their wives. It is completely unrelated.

Nor does it give women right to file false cases on their husbands. Whats with women outright ignoring or bypassing the issue ? If you want us to understand then at least try to understand other side as well.
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islam does not accept slavery, is what i showed... did you read my interpretation?? remember, not many can interpret.

LOL at your "interpretation" ....... clutching at straws. spare me the nonsense about "not many can interpret". That only works with illiterate arab Bedouin. :lol:

such callous disregard for human life.
sati == murder.
that is what i showed.


according to history, the british governor general of india in 1829, abolished sati in bengal in that year... the proper nawab of bengal, siraj ud daulah, had died in 1757... so why was sati being practiced 70 years after the death of siraj??

A practice become a custom over hundreds of years. Similar to how Varna became caste.

exactly... this was extreme racism against muslims where the hindu harmed themselves... what a tragi-comedy.

LOL. Those poor muslims were not allowed to Rape and take slaves and pimp them because the women killed themselves. Real Funny. :sick:
LOL...Who is behind separatist Dravidanadu,Anti Brahminsm ideas,electing anti hindu parties like DMK,anti hindi movement,calling Sanskrit as outsiders language,supporting a terrorist group like LTTE??...Who killed Rajiv Gandhi??...Who are protesting against Kundankulam plant??..mallu or bong?...Sadly,its your own very TAMIL community,a bunch of anti hindus,anti nationals,terrorist sympathizers,bearers of false language pride.
What separatism? Anti Hindi movement has my support because I do not want any regional language to be sidelined because of Hindi even though I am more of a Hindi speaker and cannot string together a sentence in Tamil. Supporting terrorist group LTTE was govt of India first and then the Christian church. Kudankulam plant again Christian church. Mallu Christians have their own gig going capturing the land and forests of Western ghats. If any group deserves to be tagged as antinationals, it is the Christians.
Yes. It was a war for Padmini.

Actually Chittorgarh has been attacked multiple times and each time all the men fought themselves till death and the women of Chittorgarh has committed Jauhar 3 times in different era.

1. First was when Allaudin Khilji attacked Rana Rattan Singh in 1303. All the men refused to surrender and fought till they all died. All the women folk including Rani Padmini committed Jauhar. It was retaken in 1326 by Hammir Singh.

2. Second attack was in 1535 when sultan Bahadur Shah attacked Rana sanga. The entire men of Chittorgarh (around 32,000) fought till their death and refused to surrender. Again ALL the women including Rani Karnawati comnitted Jauhar.

3. Third attack was in 1567 when Akbar attacked Udai Singh (father of MahaRana Pratap). Again the rajput's refused to surrender and fought till they all died. This time however Akbar also massacred all the civilians inside Chittorgarh too. Needless to say, again ALL women inside Chittorgarh committed Jauhar and killed themselves again.

4. The story of MahaRana Prata and his last stand is know to all Indians.

There is something special about the men and women of Chittor. :tup: A history written in blood, Respect carved out in flesh.

What separatism? Anti Hindi movement has my support because I do not want any regional language to be sidelined because of Hindi even though I am more of a Hindi speaker and cannot string together a sentence in Tamil. Supporting terrorist group LTTE was govt of India first and then the Christian church. Kudankulam plant again Christian church. Mallu Christians have their own gig going capturing the land and forests of Western ghats. If any group deserves to be tagged as antinationals, it is the Christians.

It is rather unfair to generalize and tar everybody with the same brush.
This topic is clear and does not deserve 17 pages. Both from a legal stand-point and a culural one, this law would not be apt for India.

Good that GoI is thinking for itself and not merely copy-pasting from the west or giving into AdarshLiberals.

I do not mean that.

What I mean is that using excuse of culture, when there is already a robust defence available in legal literature, is out right stupid.

When he give an excuse of "Marriages are sacred , so Marital rapes don't apply" , it does not make logical sense in first look and sound more like an apology from rape.There is some logic in it, but it is obfuscated in layers which I have pointed out in one of my post to Ayesha. It is better to make a point regarding "impossibility of proving lack of consent", and from there describe how it would wreck marriage by making every domestic dispute into a nuclear event.

Politics is a lot of times about emotions and not logic. The people who vote in India in particular, are unlikely to resonate with the legal justification as much as they might with the cultural ones.

This is not a one size fits all, it should never be. The argument should depend on the forum. If it does not, I'd agree that would be stupid.

This is similar to why people loose mouths like Shakshi Maharaj are tolerated. They appeal with a certain base and their hold over a vote bank is critical.
What separatism? Anti Hindi movement has my support because I do not want any regional language to be sidelined because of Hindi even though I am more of a Hindi speaker and cannot string together a sentence in Tamil. Supporting terrorist group LTTE was govt of India first and then the Christian church. Kudankulam plant again Christian church. Mallu Christians have their own gig going capturing the land and forests of Western ghats. If any group deserves to be tagged as antinationals, it is the Christians.
LOL...Sovereign state 'Dravidanadu' was coined by two anti Indians 'Periyar and Annadurai(who later became CM of Tamilnadu) were from Tamilnadu and most importantly were Hindus..A classical example of Tamil Hindus love for India...Even the current spokesman of LTTE from Tamilnadu 'Vaiko' is a Hindu..
False language pride,We other south Indians have no problem with Hindi nor our regional languages get sidelined in our state just because we are learning Hindi in schools...
forest encroaching??..haha..Atleast we are encroaching land in our own state not like your tribes,who are smuggling sandalwoods from other states,eg Andra police gunned 20 Tamilnadu smugglers just a month ago..No wonder,Even your Tamil politicians are not very different,jayalalitha,2G Raja,Maran,Kanimozhi are living examples..
Kundangalum again Tamil Christians,If religion is behind..They are doing the very same against a proposed neutrino observatory in a Hindu majority Theni district..So i don't think its a religious issue..
if all Christians are anti nationals,same for your LTTE sympathizer tribes..Atleast we didn't blown up a former Indian PM like you...
I don't disagree but I understand where the viewpoint of the government is coming from. To your point of a single case being successfully prosecuted, the question of how will remain and how many unsuccessful attempts will be required for that to occur? I do not disagree at all about your view on this issue but the point of both proof and false allegations remain important ones. A person need not be successfully prosecuted on rape charges, the mere allegation would serve the purpose both in terms of locking the person up or in terms of the social opprobrium that would follow. Much better to make a case of assault, provable if evidence suggests that, and a quick granting of divorce in such cases.

That underlined statement seems to be causing the biggest apprehension here. @anonymus said the same thing to me in another post, so my reply is to both of you.

1) Yes, that is generally true in India, and even here in the US. "Malicious prosecution", endless litigastion etc are used as a tool to harass possibly innocent people. In India, the press is often at the receiving end from governments - simply filing a case of defamation against a journalist, even if untenable and unwinnable, would necessitate the journalist to be physically present for endless court hearings and legal red tape, effectively scuttling his journalistic career. Small media houses and independent publications end up financially ruined as well. Such tactics have been used by many state govts.

None of that should happen - neither to journalists, nor (innocent) husbands. But do note that in the latter case, the wife also has to go through the same time consuming and exhausting process. Both of them will be burdened, unlike governments, which have taxpayers' money and state propsecutors at their disposal.

Now to narrow it down a bit - why not make it a bailable offence? Or a "non jailable" offence for the duration of the trial? Don't put him in jail until and unless the case against him has been conclusively proved. In other words, the good old maxim of "innocent until proven guilty." (In fact that should apply to any undertrial, and anybody who is not a flight risk should not be jailed until the charges are proved.)

2) Please take a moment and think about the "social opprobrium" part. In India, who will face more social opprobrium, the man or the woman? Remember, many people do not even consider marital rape to be rape. Women raped by strangers or even relatives often do not report it, for fear of ostracization. Even their mothers discourage them from reporting it. So do you think that it would be easy for a woman to level a charge of rape against the man she is married to? And if she does, who will face more (undeserved) disgrace?

A man who rapes his wife will not be viewed in the same league as other rapists by society. It is my hunch that he will be viewed sympathetically, if certain comments on this thread are anything to go by. It is the woman who will be called "bitch", "feminazi", "adarsh liberal", "NGO" etc, for having the nerve to assert her rights to her body.

Heck, until recently, and maybe even today, rapists (the non husband variety) faced far less social stigma than the rape victims themselves. I can assure you, it will not be the husband who will have to deal with social stigma.

In short, here is my proposal: The wife should have the right to file a case against the husband for rape. The burden of proof will be on her to prove it. (As it is always the case, for the prosecution.) The husband should not be jailed or penalized until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. (As it always is, for the defence.) Both parties should be given a fair hearing, undergo the due process of law, and have access to free legal aid, or paid one if they so choose. (As it is for anybody.)

I'd like to know if anybody disagrees on this proposal. That is all that all those "bitches", "feminazis" etc are asking for.

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