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India not to criminalise marital rape

You are defending a practice India uses to oppress muslims

No, I'm saying that such a practice does not exist. Indians do not have their passports cancelled for becoming muslim.

Instead of taking the news
"News"? All I saw was your assertion. In any case, I know for a fact that Indians converting into islam do not stop becoming citizens or have their passports cancelled.

You are talking typically like a head nodding person for Hindutva leaders and this is what makes our people left there weak.

Indian muslims are not "your people". Just as Pakistani hindus or sikhs are not "our people". In fact you are the one siding with the hindutva brigade on this one, implying that Indian muslims are Pakistan's.

Anyway I was pointing out the general problems either we had or other migrating families had.
Not in the sentence I quoted. You were saying that recently an Indian man's passport was cancelled for being muslim. That's the BS I had to call you on.
Marital rape in narrow circumstances could be proven, and in those circumstance GoI has already declared marital rape as a crime.

Yes, where injury is established such as could not have happened even in violent lovemaking. As said, in those cases the man already goes to the prison.
If laws do not serve the purpose they are made for, what is the point in law making?
the only reason ..... women want to make money on the expense of men.

Obviously, since there is no law against it (Thus, no proper investigations), its quite hard to get perfect statistics, so all we have in numbers are estimates (NOT guesses).

And if you criticize estimates from reputable sources try to bring in similarly sources to refute them.
Do share the link for those estimates .... why are shying away from presenting them?
UN comes out with all kinds of spurious stats with regards to India. Be it rape, poverty, slavery, child abuse, HIV/AIDS, etc etc. I do not think India gains anything by being part of UN. It is a bunch of Islamic and Christian countries club where the pagans will always be tried to be discredited. Either we get a veto in UN, or we exit UN.

So can you show us some evidence to refute any of those "false" statistics? (Except of baseless conspiracy theories)

the only reason ..... women want to make money on the expense of men.

Do share the link for those estimates .... why are shying away from presenting them?

I was talking about the numbers given by the UN
Marital rape in narrow circumstances could be proven, and in those circumstance GoI has already declared marital rape as a crime.
They want special laws, feminists would love to slap a guy but if the guy slap them back they would b!tch about how could a man slap the weaker sex.
Yes, where injury is established such as could not have happened even in violent lovemaking. As said, in those cases the man already goes to the prison.

No Injury could be due to BDSM play. Though serious injuries would be treated as attempt to murder and accused would go to jail for longer period that he would have gone for rape. + Attempt to murder is non bailable too.

GoI recognize marital rape as rape when woman has filed for separation in family court. This is not equivalent to filing of divorce as there is a step of mediation after filing of separation and before filing of divorce petition after which there is a waiting period before divorce is granted. It is because in this case lack of consent has been established.
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When you presents an argument that marital rape should be criminalized, even in face of the fact that there is practically no chance of establishing innocence or guilt, thus turning it into exclusively an harassment tool, you are condoning its misuse.

No. I am pointing out the opposite - if marital rape cannot be proved, then it is even less likely to be used as a harassing tool. There is even lesser means for a wife to prove a rape that did not happen, than one that did happen.

UN report says 75% of women face marital rape in India. And there is roughly 75% of arranged marriages in India. So the narrative they are trying to spin is that every Arranged marriage result in Marital rape is preposterous and down right disgusting.

So according to you pick pocketing == marital rape?

OK, at this point I have to bang my head against the wall for having entered into a discourse with you, if this is your comprehension skill. I will not waste my time on this inane level of discourse. Too dim for my taste.
So can you show us some evidence to refute any of those "false" statistics? (Except of baseless conspiracy theories)

Sure. There was a big hue and cry about India being the next big AIDS destination after South Africa and that Indians are getting infected in their millions not more than a decade ago. The Indian NGOs estimated there were 5 million plus AIDS patients in India at that time. Within 2 years it was found to be a rubbish claim when it was found that India had around 2 million or less HIV infected population. The numbers had not come down due to the supposed AIDS victims dying off, but because of lack of integrity and confirmation bias in the reporting of the NGOs. This was just one case. There are plenty of such cases including the one you are championing that all Indian woman have been raped.
I was talking about the numbers given by the UN
So you are saying every 3 married women out of 4 are being raped in India? And since love marriages are based on consent of both man and woman only they arranged marriages result in marital rape?

I was talking about the numbers given by the UN

UN estimate that 75 per cent of the married women in India are subjected to marital rape
Marriage Sacred in India, So Marital Rape Does Not Apply: Government

OK, at this point I have to bang my head against the wall for having entered into a discourse with you, if this is your comprehension skill. I will not waste my time on this inane level of discourse. Too dim for my taste.

Check the above link.

Sure. There was a big hue and cry about India being the next big AIDS destination after South Africa and that Indians are getting infected in their millions not more than a decade ago. The Indian NGOs estimated there were 5 million plus AIDS patients in India at that time. Within 2 years it was found to be a rubbish claim when it was found that India had around 2 million or less HIV infected population. The numbers had not come down due to the supposed AIDS victims dying off, but because of lack of integrity and confirmation bias in the reporting of the NGOs. This was just one case. There are plenty of such cases including the one you are championing that all Indian woman have been raped.

Suffering in India equals to uncountable $ to the NGOs lead by feminists and liberals. Such people wouldn't shy away from whoring out for some moolah.
No. I am pointing out the opposite - if marital rape cannot be proved, then it is even less likely to be used as a harassing tool. There is even lesser means for a wife to prove a rape that did not happen, than one that did happen.

The whole point of filing false rape charges is to harass the accused by forcing him to fight an exhaustive battle (emotional and financial) in court. This is the reason that 48% of rape charges (vanilla variety) are found to be false. Winning the case here is never a goal ,harassment by dragging an individual in court is; because unless accuser is ultra intelligent and/or accused is ultra dumb, there would always be enough holes in a false charge that an accused would be able to extricate himself from that charge after spending years, and a King's ransom on that case.

As I have stated before repeatedly, There is practically no instance in which presence or absence of consent could be established; materially, theoretically, or philosophically; in a case concerning marital rape. This is a crime in which each and every reported case is bound to be a harassment case, and including it in the statue would mean official support for harassment of individual.

I ask you to give even a single mechanism ,except putting CCTV camera in every bedroom, by which definitive presence or lack of consent could be established.
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Sure. There was a big hue and cry about India being the next big AIDS destination after South Africa and that Indians are getting infected in their millions not more than a decade ago. The Indian NGOs estimated there were 5 million plus AIDS patients in India at that time. Within 2 years it was found to be a rubbish claim when it was found that India had around 2 million or less HIV infected population. The numbers had not come down due to the supposed AIDS victims dying off, but because of lack of integrity and confirmation bias in the reporting of the NGOs. This was just one case. There are plenty of such cases including the one you are championing that all Indian woman have been raped.

I was asking for UN statistics.
It was UN who was publishing those reports based on which Bill Gates rushed to India.
he is skirting the issue. had he been that honest, instead of asking other members here about their mother getting raped by their father he would have shared details about females from his own family who went through all this.
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