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India not to criminalise marital rape

This law can also be misused by wives belonging to rich urban class as a way to either trap or blackmail their husbands just like what happened with Domestic violence act..
Any law can be misused, and often are. That doesn't mean that the law should be scrapped. Rape and sexual assault laws have been misused. That doesn't mean that rape should be legalized. Everybody, please stop repeating this complete non sequiter ad nauseum - the potential for misuse of a law is no reason for voiding the law.

I think peoples in here ignored a basic point in the OP.
Current laws in our constitution is enough to protect the womens from any type of torture from their families.
Apparently not. A man forcing himself on his wife when she doesn't want to do it, is OK according to this news. "Any type of torture" does not seem to include sexual assault.
Good for you.

Weasel out of any argument which require more than IQ of 60 that you have. You are no better than a retarded slave who could only regurgitate what someone else feeds him; completely incapable of independent thought.

I have always considered you a retard which cannot possess independent thought.Doesn't change anything for me. I only asked you to answer that post because whole of your pinko army has been unable to refute that post.Probably you may have tried , but alas! This when, probably I am only person in this thread who is arguing on basis of procedural difficulties in prosecuting marital rapes vs legions of pinkos regurgitating propaganda which media has fed them, or arguing on basis of religious dogma.

Yeah, I am not capable of independent thought :) Please stop hurting my feelings! You soooo mean!

Are you proud of yourself now after typing that?

Or after saying that I might be gay? :lol: Or that I am spreading pinko propaganda ("gay propaganda") or religious dogmas? :lol:

Are you for real?!?!?!?!

Please dont stop, continue entertaining me with your conspiracy theories and pseudo intellectual way of writing... No seriously, you infinite stupidity and hypocritical way of arguing genuinely entertains me!

Besides, what do you have against gay people? Is it against nature? Or let me say, whatever you seem to understand under that term?
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My wife my property i will take care how much stress she can take to fulfill my desire
Sorry, but your wife is not your property, like your furniture or house is. Are you her property, or does that bridge only go one way? I don't know your wife, but I can assure you that most self respecting women do not want to be considered anybody's "property" - we have our own individuality.
Any law can be misused, and often are. That doesn't mean that the law should be scrapped. Rape and sexual assault laws have been misused. That doesn't mean that rape should be legalized. Everybody, please stop repeating this complete non sequiter ad nauseum - the potential for misuse of a law is no reason for voiding the law.

Apparently not. A man forcing himself on his wife when she doesn't want to do it, is OK according to this news. "Any type of torture" does not seem to include sexual assault.

The whole point of "not criminalizing marital rape" has genuine legal reasons.

There is no way ,barring a confession or a video recording, that consent or lack of it ,in condition where two people are in long term sexual relationship, could be established.

In India too, Marital rape is considered rape when " a woman has filed for separation (not divorce) in family court" as in that situation lack of consent could be proved.

What Feminists (or I should say FemNazis) are demanding in India is to criminalize marital rape in case where a woman has not notified a fallout with her husband, to concerned authorities. In this situation ,only way marital rape could be prosecuted is if we believe that "womens never lie" which is another line being pushed by radical Feminists.
. I also saw a report that an Indian man converted to Islam and his passport was cancelled, meaning he wasn't even an Indian citizen anymore.
FFS, could you please keep such BS out ot this thread? There is enough on topic BS as it is.

No, Indians' passports do not get cancelled for being muslims.

I am asking for stats how many married women suffer marital rape? where is the study?

Actually you didn't ask me for any suuch stats before. You just accused me of not providing stats for my claims, when I did not make any claim in the first place. You on the other hand, used a statistic to imply something else.

Anyway, I don't have any stats for marital rape - does it matter? Is there any reason you are asking for stats? By the way, what stats exactly? Number of marital rapes that happen in India per year, something like that?

I don't have stats at hand, but I can tell you this - rape is a crime, no matter what the frequency of its occurence. You may not have "statistics" for pickpocketing, but you would still agree that it should be outlawed. (Which it is.)

So please let me know what your point is, in saying (correctly) that I don't have statistics available.
Yeah, I am not capable of independent thought :) Please stop hurting my feelings! You soooo mean!

Are you proud of yourself now after typing that?

Or after saying that I might be gay? :lol: Or that I am spreading pinko propaganda ("gay propaganda") or religious dogmas? :lol:

Are you for real?!?!?!?!

Please dont stop, continue entertaining me with your conspiracy theories and pseudo intellectual way of writing... No seriously, you infinite stupidity and hypocritical way of arguing genuinely entertains me!

Besides, what do you have against gay people? Is it against nature? Or let me say, whatever you seem to understand under that term?

Looks like out Low IQ retard does not know the meaning of terms on which he wants to do point scoring.

Pinko is a colloquial for Leftists, Idiot @Koovie .

Pinko is a slang term coined in 1925 in the United States to describe a person regarded as being sympathetic to communism, though not necessarily a Communist Party member. It has since come to be used, derogatorily, to describe anyone perceived to have leftist or socialist sympathies.

Pinko - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FFS, could you please keep such BS out ot this thread? There is enough on topic BS as it is.

No, Indians' passports do not get cancelled for being muslims.

Actually you didn't ask me for any suuch stats before. You just accused me of not providing stats for my claims, when I did not make any claim in the first place. You on the other hand, used a statistic to imply something else.

Anyway, I don't have any stats for marital rape - does it matter? Is there any reason you are asking for stats? By the way, what stats exactly? Number of marital rapes that happen in India per year, something like that?

I don't have stats at hand, but I can tell you this - rape is a crime, no matter what the frequency of its occurence. You may not have "statistics" for pickpocketing, but you would still agree that it should be outlawed. (Which it is.)

So please let me know what your point is, in saying (correctly) that I don't have statistics available.

I have , though of US.

In US, only 9% of reported rapes are marital rapes. And marital rapes have least conviction ratio of all rapes in US (I have outlined causes for it earlier).

The whole point of "not criminalizing marital rape" has genuine legal reasons.

There is no way ,barring a confession or a video recording, that consent or lack of it ,in condition where two people are in long term sexual relationship, could be established.

Then you should have no issue with criminalizing marital rape - it can't be proved anyway, right? The fact that it is difficult to prove is actually a point for, not against criminalizing it. I already explained earlier on the thread, that since proving marital rape is difficult, proving a false accusation of marital rape is even more difficult, and hence such a law is unlikely to be misused to frame an innocent husband.

Besides, there are many crimes that are difficult to prove - that doesn't mean that those crimes should be legalized. Young girls often endure harassment that is difficult to prove - like obscence comments or gestures. Many young girls (and boys) face sexual harassment even within their family - a relative groping her breasts or pinching her butt is near impossible to prove in a court of law. Such acts are also not recorded on cameras. But that doesn't mean they should be legalized.

Long story short, if it is difficult to prove something, then there is no harm in having a law against it, if it is a criminal act.
I am more concerned with people's ideological stand. Though his being a Christian would partially explain why he falls for "persecution propaganda" done by media without reasoning about its pro's and con's independently

There are two communities I take for granted as ideological against Hinduism. Their entire world view is colored by the West, Islam, and Communism. That is the mallu and the bong community. Then add the religious angle to it and you can decide on their degree of hatred for Hindus and Hinduism. Of course, that does not mean there are no honorable exceptions in these communities. There are Christians here who do not fall in this category and are our ideological allies, but none of them mallu or bong unfortunately.
I have , though of US.

In US, only 9% of reported rapes are marital rapes. And marital rapes have least conviction ratio of all rapes in US (I have outlined causes for it earlier).


OK. And your point is?

As I said before, just because proving a crime is difficult doesn't mean you legalize the crime.
Actually if a law cannot help in correcting or punishing for the crime it was made for it is a useless law and needs to be discarded. Pinkos though would like to bring in this law not because of its efficacy, there is none, but because the West has it. It is their quest to prove themselves as modern as the West even though belonging to Islamic heritage or due to belonging to Islamic heritage.
Actually you didn't ask me for any suuch stats before. You just accused me of not providing stats for my claims, when I did not make any claim in the first place. You on the other hand, used a statistic to imply something else.

Anyway, I don't have any stats for marital rape - does it matter? Is there any reason you are asking for stats? By the way, what stats exactly? Number of marital rapes that happen in India per year, something like that?

I don't have stats at hand, but I can tell you this - rape is a crime, no matter what the frequency of its occurence. You may not have "statistics" for pickpocketing, but you would still agree that it should be outlawed. (Which it is.)

So please let me know what your point is, in saying (correctly) that I don't have statistics available.

Are you asking the govt to make a law not based on stats?

Looks like out Low IQ retard does not know the meaning of terms on which he wants to do point scoring.

Pinko is a colloquial for Leftists, Idiot @Koovie .

Pinko - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have , though of US.

In US, only 9% of reported rapes are marital rapes. And marital rapes have least conviction ratio of all rapes in US (I have outlined causes for it earlier).

If you go through first 2-3 pages of this thread I provided the stats how 498A has been abused by women. These women want nothing but to prosecute men by lock stock and barrel.

It's a money making enterprise for some women and has nothing to do with Equality.
Are you asking the govt to make a law not based on stats?
Did the govt have stats when they made a law against pickpocketing? Did they have statistics when they made cheating and impersonation a crime, in the infamous section 420? Did they have stats when they made "grievous injury" a crime? Did they have stats when they made murder a crime?

Statistics show how prevalent or rare a crime is. But irrespective of that, a crime is a crime. With or without statistics, rape should be a crime.
Did the govt have stats when they made a law against pickpocketing? Did they have statistics when they made cheating and impersonation a crime? Did they have stats when they made "grievous injury" a crime? Did they have stats when they made murder a crime?

Statistics show how prevalent or rare a crime is. But irrespective of that, a crime is a crime.
Does naming a 2-3 year old niece or nephew in 498 A is criminal or not? A woman's word is enough to put the entire family of the husband behind bars with no sign of bail for atleast 6 months. Give me hard facts and statistics to prove how many women are being raped in marriage not just a narrative.

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