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India not as corrupt as China and Russia: Fitch

What a thread, India not as corrupt as China and Russia? is this some practical jokes? did Indians bribed the writer of the article to paint "shinning India" craps again?:whistle:
But how you can convince the world when India need to bribe 72 countries inorder to host a low quality sports event that hardly anyone care? :lol:
'India bribed 72 nations to get Delhi CWG' - India News - IBNLive
No doubt Indians did master the "ART OF CORRUPTION" they could even made money out of nothing that anybody could imagine, something like "TOILET PAPER", "AMAZING INDIANS" Hat off to you:tup:
Hmmm, after a deep reseach, wait, Indians might be actually the "VICTIM" of such a "TOILET PAPER" scandle, WHY? simple. Indians DON'T use "TOILLET PAPER", may be they just got CHEATED" by crooks "BIG TIME" due to "LACK of KNOWLEDGE" of "TOILET PAPER" instead :oops:
What a thread, India not as corrupt as China and Russia? is this some practical jokes? did Indians bribed the writer of the article to paint "shinning India" craps again?:whistle:
But how you can convince the world when India need to bribe 72 countries inorder to host a low quality sports event that hardly anyone care? :lol:
'India bribed 72 nations to get Delhi CWG' - India News - IBNLive
No doubt Indians did master the "ART OF CORRUPTION" they could even made money out of nothing that anybody could imagine, something like "TOILET PAPER", "AMAZING INDIANS" Hat off to you:tup:
Toilet-Paper Scandal in India
Hmmm, after a deep reseach, wait, Indians might be actually the "VICTIM" of such a "TOILET PAPER" scandle, WHY? simple. Indians DON'T use "TOILLET PAPER", may be they just got CHEATED" by crooks "BIG TIME" due to "LACK of KNOWLEDGE" of "TOILET PAPER" instead :oops:

WoW Looks like My low chap here knows something that the Chairman of Fitch doesn't.
If you consider LA times Chinese propaganda then yes.

Chinese currency: China not currency manipulator, U.S. says - latimes.com

Don't talk about stuff you have no idea about retard.

Really you claim intellectual superiority by calling the other guy a retard?
Now lets go through your link on which you base your 'greater intellect'.

Washington — The Obama administration declined Friday to cite China for manipulating its currency to gain trade advantages against the United States.

But the Treasury Department noted that China said in June that it would begin allowing its currency to rise against the dollar. The department said the pace of revaluation has been too slow since and more rapid appreciation is needed.

This means the US Govt has merely refused to 'cite' China for manipulation, not that it has accepted China as a non-manipulator. Now you may ask since China isn't being cited so it is not a manipulator. Well read further,

The Treasury Department said Chinese President Hu Jintao had assured President Obama during a visit to Washington last month that China would intensify its efforts to "further enhance exchange rate stability."
Which means Hu Jintao agreed to do something with regards to the manipulation, obviously not because he woke up and found his righteousness one fine morning, but because of the threat of being cited.

Just harping on the title without going into its depth, calling others retards and stupids and implying yourself intellectually superior, merely proves otherwise.
Really you claim intellectual superiority by calling the other guy a retard?
Now lets go through your link on which you base your 'greater intellect'.

This means the US Govt has merely refused to 'cite' China for manipulation, not that it has accepted China as a non-manipulator. Now you may ask since China isn't being cited so it is not a manipulator. Well read further,

Which means Hu Jintao agreed to do something with regards to the manipulation, obviously not because he woke up and found his righteousness one fine morning, but because of the threat of being cited.

Just harping on the title without going into its depth, calling others retards and stupids and implying yourself intellectually superior, merely proves otherwise.

It's interesting that you find run of the mill IR maneuvering so such a shock and take a moralistic tone with it.
It's interesting that you find run of the mill IR maneuvering so such a shock and take a moralistic tone with it.

Going through the article the poster brandished with so much authority it was a shock to find out what he was claiming was nowhere to be found, two things come to mind. Either he has read the article and is lying, or that he has not read the article and calling the other guy a retard based on it. I took the rather less harsh possibility of him being a less gifted guy who just shoots off his mouth over the internet rather than being a liar, which in civilized discussions can be a shock.
Going through the article the poster brandished with so much authority it was a shock to find out what he was claiming was nowhere to be found, two things come to mind. Either he has read the article and is lying, or that he has not read the article and calling the other guy a retard based on it. I took the rather less harsh possibility of him being a less gifted guy who just shoots off his mouth over the internet rather than being a liar, which in civilized discussions can be a shock.

Just because he went by the headlines, it means he is less gifted? Why so judgmental?
Usually I wouldn't be so 'judgemental', but this guy really shoots his mouth off calling the other a retard, and apparently he is no better.


Well I'm sorry but I did not read the article. The thread was moving pretty fast and I didn't bother. Teach me to trust headlines again but I only responded so vehemently because JayAtl is a well known China hater and has started numerous thread to try to try to prove his point.
Why compare India to oligarchy like Russia and a failed state like China ....

Because India is more oligarchy and more failed than these two countries: neither of the two countries has 2 million children starved to death each year; either country has higher literacy, longer life expectancy than India...
Pretty tame imo compare to the stuff that get flinged around here, but to each his own. His posts when not arguing is pretty well written.

I agree with that, too much mud being flung around here for my comfort, thats why i just make an occasional post, like the one to your assertion that SC Bose was a Nazi, but oh well we can dismiss that too as just routine mud-slinging so not much thought to be given to.

Well I'm sorry but I did not read the article. The thread was moving pretty fast and I didn't bother. Teach me to trust headlines again but I only responded so vehemently because JayAtl is a well known China hater and has started numerous thread to try to try to prove his point.

Well if it's your personal issues that make you denigrative of him then I have no business between you two,pardon me for any offensive comments and I retract them, just read the factual parts.
To the jaundiced eye, everything looks yellow. China is simply a central government debt fuelled economy with massive leverage being used to build vacant buildings and polluting over capacity monster under the assumption that Americans wont save and consume as before. Business is not going to be as usual. The Chinese better let their currency appreciate and trade fairly, lest we see another communist monolith come crashing down.

Understandable: in this world no debtor dose not hate the creditor.
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