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India needs urgent intervention. Sky news.

LOL Pakistan is Even more Poor

Per capital Index ,Human development index And GNI
And Multidimensional power index in All Status Pakistan Among Lowest of Lowest

four people have trillion dollars, 10 people have million and 2 million can barely afford two meals
calculate all the indices

Seems like you haven't been home for a while now. You are probably confusing Mississauga, Milton and Thorncliffe Park for Karachi, Lahore and Rawalpindi. You probably go there on weekends, see all the nice stuff and think Pakstan must be like this :lol:. No, far from it. Pakistan's per capita gdp is lower than Bangladesh. It's the poorest country in South Asia barring Bhutan and Nepal, which don't even count, since they are pretty much Indian satellite states.

why dont you call Gippy Girwal and ask him, I heard he has been to Pakistan recently
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Thank we are not like thus in Pakistan
.I went out last night for a walk at 9.30pm...hardly a soul about. This morning went for groceries. Alhumdulillah all peaceful. Very few people out all wearing masks and shops full. Thank you Allah for Pakistan

I don't think walking outside is essential at this time. Many of my relatives are getting groceries delivered to their houses.

four people have trillion dollars, 10 people have million and 2 million can barely afford two meals
calculate all the indices

why dont you call Gippy Girwal and ask him, I heard he have been to Pakistan recently

Not heard of him, but i reckon he's some actor who went there. Well all these actors live in the best neighbourhoods/hotels when they visit, stay for a few days, only mingle with celebrities etc, so their experience is limited to say the least. If an actor from Pakistan visits Mumbai, he will probably stay in a good area like Lower Parel, Powai or Marine drive rather than the slum in Dharavi. He will only associate with celebrities, be invited to their nice bungalows, never getting a chance to see how the poor live.
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Thank we are not like thus in Pakistan
.I went out last night for a walk at 9.30pm...hardly a soul about. This morning went for groceries. Alhumdulillah all peaceful. Very few people out all wearing masks and shops full. Thank you Allah for Pakistan

It is same in India... problem is with poor daily wagers... Delhi and Kerala governments intentionally created this environment of chaos...

Post no. 51 might help you to understand the role of DELHI GOVERNMENT...
Hahahahaja...... As of now, if any leader is having question mark then Name is Imran khan.... A confused PM and he says something but happens something else.. He says, no Lockdown. states declared Lockdown..... He says, no Lockdown in the country.... Ispr - says something else.

All Muslims countries has shut the mosques and request to pray from home. But he is confused....

You know sunshine, its the international media which is calling for the bloody "INTERVENTION" in India, and do you know what it means? World has realised that Modi has failed on all accounts and now world must move in to contain this deadly virus spread in India. India is a time bomb, and its not matter of if but when it explode on the face of the world community.

As for IK, he is leading from front. and the strategy he has employed is clearly showing the dividends. While Modi, is an utter failure , hell he himself apologies for his cockup lol, but no apology will bring back the precious time he wasted by not bothering to test and let the world know the situation in India. For the likes of his arselickers, you lot do not matter, as the world know, even when Modi is become a super carrier himself, you lot will still be licking his behind. LOL.

The only issue with Imran I have is that he cannot foresee the need for 24 feet concrete wall along the entire Indian border, to hold the Zombies on the other side.


So young crowd at the age of 30 is Corona proof and so Corona should not be taken seriously in Pakistan? No lockdown should be there and young crowd should be allowed to do whatever they want? They will 100% not suffer more than flu and cold and will 100% survive? Is that he wants to say? Yes if Modi was in below video he would be joke of the day on pdf....

Hey Indian clown, there is no "lockdown" as such in the countries size of Pakistan and India. This vary thread is the eye opener of the consequences which will follow. Go and put your reading glasses on and watch the sky news report again.

Hell, even the country like China, the power and economic might, didn't even impose the full country lockdown. Its impractical. You have to first identify the zones which are infected and then quarantine them. This is the same method used in Pakistan where even remote villages are in forced lockdown when the reports of outbreak came about.

While India now has to deal with double whammy of Modi regime inaction of not start the testing early and identifying the infected zones, but now the hunger and desperation which might lead to law and order situation. Enjoy your arselicking of Modi! LOL

I can tell you how a vulture named ARVIND KEJRIWAL activated his dirty trick department... In the night, announcements were made that REACH ANAND VIHAR buses are ready to send people to native villages... DTC buses were PUSHED ON DUTY... those who were able to catch one... went to Anand Vihar via bus... rest walked...

At Anand Vihar, border was sealed... thus, this chaos...

P.S.: these people used railway tracks to breach the blockade successfully... and someone with 3/4 friends distributed cold drinks, water bottles, water pouches, fruity, chips to them...

Ah now its kejriwal!! Was he also responsible for the thousands of Hindu terrorists who descended from Utter Pardesh, which is ruled by Hindu terrorist named YOGI, to do the pogrom in Muslims quarters of Delhi?

The border is closed? You mean border with UP? Its YOGI who is in charge of that state!
I don't think walking outside is essential at this time. Many of my relatives are getting groceries delivered to their houses.

I am in pakistan and yes delivery is available but I would rather get it myself... a brisk walk with a mask and gel in hand is good for the body and mind.

It is same in India... problem is with poor daily wagers... Delhi and Kerala governments intentionally created this environment of chaos...

Post no. 51 might help you to understand the role of DELHI GOVERNMENT...
It's very sad. I hope they are ok but the situation and seen at the railway terminals is critical
Hahahahaja...... As of now, if any leader is having question mark then Name is Imran khan.... A confused PM and he says something but happens something else.. He says, no Lockdown. states declared Lockdown..... He says, no Lockdown in the country.... Ispr - says something else.

All Muslims countries has shut the mosques and request to pray from home. But he is confused....

This is what happens when you shoot from the hips without understanding the rational.

PMIK's stance is crystal clear - 25% of the population works on daily wages, concern is, there is no mechanism to provide them food and other day to day basic necessities. More to the point, these vulnerable's cant even afford to eat twice per day. THIS IS HIS CONCERN.

On the same note, your own MODI is apologizing on his irrational call of lockdown.



ANYBODY WITH EVEN 2 ACTIVE BRAIN CELL'S CAN SEE WHY KHAN IS RELUCTANT... Its easy to gibe at IK but one will look totally fool if he/she cant see the rational behind his decision.

That said, better you STOP worrying about us and START doing more testing on COVID-19. Because doing few tests per days doesnt mean Indian have low infected and confirmed cases.
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India needs urgent intervention, perhaps UN lead task force! Modi government has been a utter failure. This failure has global implications for region where Pakistan is situated as well, but also for world at large. After all we are talking about billion plus poor people left abandoned by their "democratically elected" government.
Damn even in China I don't see this chaos. I can be very sure the virus is spreading like hell fire.

India needs urgent intervention, perhaps UN lead task force! Modi government has been a utter failure. This failure has global implications for region where Pakistan is situated as well, but also for world at large. After all we are talking about billion plus poor people left abandoned by their "democratically elected" government.
Damn even in China I don't see this chaos. I can be very sure the virus is spreading like hell fire.
Damn even in China I don't see this chaos. I can be very sure the virus is spreading like hell fire.

Damn even in China I don't see this chaos. I can be very sure the virus is spreading like hell fire.

I don't know where all the support from west in last two decade went to propel/project India as a bulwark against China!

These scenes and conditions are worst then sub Sahara.
I think its time for India to accept that there's nothing we can do to prevent the virus from spreading. The migrant laborers have probably carried the virus everywhere. Get everyone back to work and ask healthy couples to stop using contraceptives and have more s*x to replace the lost population.
I think its time for India to accept that there's nothing we can do to prevent the virus from spreading. The migrant laborers have probably carried the virus everywhere. Get everyone back to work and ask healthy couples to stop using contraceptives and have more s*x to replace the lost population.

you are alraeady over populated ....
Hahahahaja...... As of now, if any leader is having question mark then Name is Imran khan.... A confused PM and he says something but happens something else.. He says, no Lockdown. states declared Lockdown..... He says, no Lockdown in the country.... Ispr - says something else.

All Muslims countries has shut the mosques and request to pray from home. But he is confused....
dont worry, the results will be evident in 10 days
then we will see who is confused and who is not

Did you heard, what imran gave excuses to not Lockdown in Pakistan....

Thanks to Jinnah and Nehru.... We are happy that we both are separated
Nehru ? I though you Modi worshipping Hundutwas hated Nehru
dont worry, the results will be evident in 10 days
then we will see who is confused and who is not

Nehru ? I though you Modi worshipping Hundutwas hated Nehru

I didn't say that indian (infected) count will be less then Pakistan.

But, I am telling that Modi is taking decisions as a national leader. Other hand, Imran Khan looks surprisingly different. He is not ready to act proactively.

What will happend (Upper wala na kare) situation will like Italy then Imran will act accordingly. As of now, Italy and US are regretting to not imposed lockdown in a time.

Lockdown is not a solution but social distance is best solution as of now...
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You are 'saying' it's important but your deaths from diarrhea and starvation is even more. I don't see Indians doing anything right? Demonetization killed a few thousand Indians, so? You guys are overreacting, you need to calculate the costs, lockdown is gonna kill more than the virus genius. I am just advising you from self destruction. Yoh are not China, what we did, not even the Americans can do. Their isolation hospitals are now tents whereas China built almost 30-40k bed modular containet hospitals in 8 to 10 days. NO COUNTRY CAN DO THIS EXCEPT CHINA!
this is the reason why Pakistani prime minister is against complete lock down in Pakistan which Indians and theoir illiterate and ignorant media made fun of day and night instead of looking at their own pathetic situation and now this happening in India.
as PM IK said we need to take decisions in smart and educated and calculated way which we all know cannt expected from indian leaders and indian govt only knows how to spread hindu extremism against minorities and all neighboring countries.

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