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India needs urgent intervention. Sky news.

LOL Pakistan is Even more Poor

Per capital Index ,Human development index And GNI
And Multidimensional power index in All Status Pakistan Among Lowest of Lowest
True that and yet we seem to be in lot more control of things than India. We are sure sympathetic towards situation in India and pray that people come out of this with least amount of damage. After all we are all humans! Ameen!
Do they get persecuted by the law for disagreeing with Modi? If that was true all opposition leaders in India would have been be jail by now.

Rahul Gandhis main slogan in 2109 election was 'Modi chor hai' ,Delhi CM Kejriwal called Modi a psychopath and coward,and it still goes on. Nobody bothers to take notice as it is part of freedom of speech. Can anyone imagine that in China , just last week China expelled three US journalists for critical reporting on corona epidemic.
What's a summary accusation of treason from a BJP politician have to do with due legal process?

Do you not know how India works?

BJP doesn't waste time with legal wrangling. It has people to enable whatever it wants.



Why make the target the victim of some supreme court indictment for treason which will take years, when some brainwashed goons can dish out appropriate punishment in a few hours?
India situation is very bad. Vast majority is infected with Corona virus but they don't know. They are thinking it is normal cold or flu. The doctors are so patriot that they feel that it is their duty to follow govt propaganda.
This is the capital of India, imagine the situation in less privileged cities.

I can tell you how a vulture named ARVIND KEJRIWAL activated his dirty trick department... In the night, announcements were made that REACH ANAND VIHAR buses are ready to send people to native villages... DTC buses were PUSHED ON DUTY... those who were able to catch one... went to Anand Vihar via bus... rest walked...

At Anand Vihar, border was sealed... thus, this chaos...

P.S.: these people used railway tracks to breach the blockade successfully... and someone with 3/4 friends distributed cold drinks, water bottles, water pouches, fruity, chips to them...

India situation is very bad. Vast majority is infected with Corona virus but they don't know. They are thinking it is normal cold or flu. The doctors are so patriot that they feel that it is their duty to follow govt propaganda.

So what shall we do... shall we start testing people WITH FAULTY CHINESE KITS... with 90% FALSE results...

There is a reason for COMPLETE LOCKDOWN... and inadequate medical infrastructure to tackle CHINESE WUHAN VIRUS is that reason...
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Of course ...we need intervention...But our methof of surivial will be unique as Western method can not be applied as we are not as rich as them...And nor we can apply Chines model, because every f** people will crib about human rights issue...Then we need to find our own jugaad to surivive and stay strong under crucial circumstances.....
different method of surviving huf, your survival is already unique in usa. i feel bad for those who are in india and cant afford to survive 70% of india population is poor.. kill the poor and survive thats what you mean then i guess its unique.
India situation is very bad. Vast majority is infected with Corona virus but they don't know. They are thinking it is normal cold or flu. The doctors are so patriot that they feel that it is their duty to follow govt propaganda.

I also have cold, cough and flu.....n as per your logic i have also infected with corana virus. but, i m working from home past 20 days and didn't meet to anyone.

RIP to all other infections such as viral fever, malaria, typhoid etc.... if i believed on your thoughts.
I can tell you how a vulture named ARVIND KEJRIWAL activated his dirty trick department... In the night, announcements were made that REACH ANAND VIHAR buses are ready to send people to native villages... DTC buses were PUSHED ON DUTY... those who were able to catch one... went to Anand Vihar via bus... rest walked...

At Anand Vihar, border was sealed... thus, this chaos...

So what shall we do... shall we start testing people WITH FAULTY CHINESE KITS... with 90% FALSE results...

There is a reason for COMPLETE LOCKDOWN... and inadequate medical infrastructure to tackle CHINESE WUHAN VIRUS is that reason...
Stop spending money on military and buy kits from Europe and United States or elsewhere if you think Chinese kits are fake. Pakistani military voluntarily took reduction in their budget, why can't Indian military do it.

I also have cold, cough and flu.....n as per your logic i have also infected with corana virus. but, i m working from home past 20 days and didn't meet to anyone.

RIP to all other infections such as viral fever, malaria, typhoid etc.... if i believed on your thoughts.

How do you know it is Corona virus? Did it last for more than 14 days?

Anyways stay safe. And you are responsible enough to stay isolated.
Stop spending money on military and buy kits from Europe and United States or elsewhere if you think Chinese kits are fake. Pakistani military voluntarily took reduction in their budget, why can't Indian military do it.

How do you know it is Corona virus? Did it last for more than 14 days?

Anyways stay safe. And you are responsible enough to stay isolated.

please ask pakistan army to reduce military defence budget percentage of gdp (less then 1.5). as of now around 4.00 (approx)

then it will make more sense...

How do you know it is Corona virus? Did it last for more than 14 days?

Anyways stay safe. And you are responsible enough to stay isolated.

Thnks, yesterday i took bath very late evening so i know, it caused me for cold & cough
please ask pakistan army to reduce military defence budget percentage of gdp (less then 1.5). as of now around 4.00 (approx)
They already did voluntarily. Pakistan first stimulus package is almost as close to figure as the defence budget. 6.7 billion$ vs military budget of 7.5 billion.

Anyways I'm not comparing. And anyways it is india's internal matter how you prioritize your issues.
Stop spending money on military and buy kits from Europe and United States or elsewhere if you think Chinese kits are fake. Pakistani military voluntarily took reduction in their budget, why can't Indian military do it.

How do you know it is Corona virus? Did it last for more than 14 days?

Anyways stay safe. And you are responsible enough to stay isolated.

EU and USA are not EXPORTING TESTING KITS... second, before military... there are several other fields from where we can pull out/divert funds... like new parliament building...

Pakistan and its military... no comments... only IMF loans to tackle this and tackle that...

Now see, how some FREELOADERS are using THIS OPPORTUNITY...

The real tragedy will unfold in india
i wonder if theyill start a war to distract

India needs urgent intervention, perhaps UN lead task force! Modi government has been a utter failure. This failure has global implications for region where Pakistan is situated as well, but also for world at large. After all we are talking about billion plus poor people left abandoned by their "democratically elected" government.
Thank we are not like thus in Pakistan
.I went out last night for a walk at 9.30pm...hardly a soul about. This morning went for groceries. Alhumdulillah all peaceful. Very few people out all wearing masks and shops full. Thank you Allah for Pakistan

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