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India needs to share it's evidence on suspects

I hope asking the allies of Pakistan to pressurize Pakistan will yield some results and result in handover of the culprits.
Yeah we're under intense pressure, the allies are coming back to us "Can you get those annoying folks off our back, nobody understands what they're saying".

Thats the whole thing, India is giving "proof" to everyone except Pakistan. Because they are more interested in cashing in the deaths after the Mumbai incident and making a tamasha out of everything.
Yeah we're under intense pressure, the allies are coming back to us "Can you get those annoying folks off our back, nobody understands what they're saying".

Thats the whole thing, India is giving "proof" to everyone except Pakistan. Because they are more interested in cashing in the deaths after the Mumbai incident and making a tamasha out of everything.

That is called 'many birds at one shot'. India trying to get as much mileage possible out of this instead of seeing it as a one off incident.
where are all these indians coming from? are they being trained and sent from Bharat-Rakshak? one cyber-warrior fails to hold out against some of the Pakistani members whether its Kashmir or military, and leaves. Another one is sent to fill his place? I seriously hope Bharat-Rakshak is not trying to outnumber us and wear us out, are they?
That is called 'many birds at one shot'. India trying to get as much mileage possible out of this instead of seeing it as a one off incident.
Yes, there's the same goal for the Tamashay walay. I don't know if India has monkey dance shows on the streets. But that's what they do too. They make a monkey dance and then when a crowd gathers around, the monkey goes and collects money from the crowd.

Mumbai is India's monkey.
Yes, there's the same goal for the Tamashay walay. I don't know if India has monkey dance shows on the streets. But that's what they do too. They make a monkey dance and then when a crowd gathers around, the monkey goes and collects money from the crowd.

Mumbai is India's monkey.

Well you can twist the logic and give any hue to the story, but the facts remain same, that is, to pressure Pakistan dismantle terror infrastructure.
Well you can twist the logic and give any hue to the story, but the facts remain same, that is, to pressure Pakistan dismantle terror infrastructure.

You wanted the training camps in kashmir shut down and stop the movement of freedom fighter across into occupied kashmir.......mushy did what you asked and what did pakistan get in return....a few bus's get to cross over.

You had your chance to sort the kashmir thing out and you failed to take it.
When will you indians get it......without a fair solution to kashmir there will always be trouble between the two nation........you want "Pakistan dismantle terror infrastructure" without moving on kashmir....dream on.
To all you Indians stop talking bull crap about pressurizing Pakistan, Your own External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee has said India doesn't need to provide evidence to Pakistan it wants Pakistan to take action against militants, we are already doing that cant you Indians see how much we are suffering from bomb blasts, suicide bombers. Its time you Indians take action against Hindu extremists who are holding whole India hostage.
well i think this can be fruitful for india if somehow india succeeds in doin so. KSA have got lot of respect amongst pakistanis and same goes for china. if these two countries force pak to do somethin pak might end up doin something even though if pak believes india is wrong.
however i really doubt if KSA and China will even think about puting any kind of pressure on pak.
also i dont get one thing wat exactly does india want pak to do at this stage. pak has taken steps by baning JuD as told by UNSC and have also arrested its leaders. this is the maximum pak could have done untill now. now its time for india to provide evidence so that pak could move on with its investigation. and if india thinks evidence is still not mature enough to be handed over to pakistanis then india has got no right to demand any further actions from pak. india should wait for the investigation to finish and then after providing evidence to pak, pak should be asked to cooperate. india and her leaders have only tried to build pressure on pak without goin through the procedure. this only portrayed india as weak country with no say and at the same time demoralised indians which is not gud for india. gov top priority durin such situations should be to keep the morale of the ppl high which is wat the pak gov is doin.
It's pissing me off by the minute by reading certain posts in this thread.
linkinpark, who the **** do you think you're dealing with? Threatening our people with war? I know you want it, you're dieing for it, you want that "last option" to be used, you disgust me, now I don't want this post to be removed or whatever so i'll keep it shut.
It seems as if India has no other options available, I see some sense of desperation, I mean, they even asked China for support..?
They're trying to convince others but it's just not working, it's done, India has no solid proof, Indian groups are behind attacks inside Pakistan, and Pakistani groups are behind attacks in India, both sides need to clean up their own house.
India has ABSOLUTELY no right to tell Pakistan what to do, neither do they and their people have the right to threaten ours with death and destruction. :tsk::angry::angry::angry:
Pakistan will not give in to their demands, simple as that.
Who do these people think they are.
Who do these people think they are.

Sappairay? Lol!

Just read this news on their website. Indian behaviour is something that we're familiar with. But what the hell is up with the Saudi's?
Well you can twist the logic and give any hue to the story, but the facts remain same, that is, to pressure Pakistan dismantle terror infrastructure.
First you need to dismantle raw and stop bombing Pakistan.

We'll then think about your pleas.
To all you Indians stop talking bull crap about pressurizing Pakistan, Your own External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee has said India doesn't need to provide evidence to Pakistan it wants Pakistan to take action against militants, we are already doing that cant you Indians see how much we are suffering from bomb blasts, suicide bombers. Its time you Indians take action against Hindu extremists who are holding whole India hostage.
They are the ones who are bombing us, 4 Indians arrested for the Lahore blasts...

I think we should strike Indian terrorist training camps first. Since in India's case these ARE state actors, Delhi Parliament is a fair target.
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