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India needs to share it's evidence on suspects

NEW DELHI: Indian external affairs minister, Pranab Mukherjee Friday pressed Pakistan to launch action against terrorists instead of asking for evidence.

Talking to media, he said: “We have informed Pakistan’s friends that those responsible for Mumbai carnage came from Pakistan”. This issue demands continued focus and attention on priority basis, he added.

He termed his talks with his Saudi counterpart as fruitful.

The Saudi foreign minister agreed with the Indian view that Mumbai attacks must be seen in the context of global wave of terrorism and dealt with under international war against terror.
WTF..Why can't they just share proof?
Oh so Pakistan has allies????? I was made to believe by indians on this same forum that there is a full scale diplomatic offensive lauched by India against Pakistan and so "effective" it has been that Pakistan has been isolated in the world!!!!! Has the archaic indian propaganda machinery failed once again???? Guys, please add another one to the miserable and ever growing list of indian failures.

Infact, its contrary to what you say. hindustan tried to use the chest thumping military option first to intimidate Pakistan but when it met its doom only then you reverted back to your senses and the only feasible option of diplomacy. Infact, diplomacy is your last option..... war..... as they say, " barking dogs seldom bite". Cliche but fits here nicely.

I remember, how you guys have mellowed from open threats of "teaching lesson" to "surgical strikes" to "dead lines" to "diplomatic offensive", finally ending up with hollow threats. Quite a transition actually, more like a bitter pill to swallow or super power chimera coming crashing down.
As far as preparation is concerned, i'm sure Pakistanis are not sitting idle either and have plans ready to kick some real rump in reply for strike against Muridke, if at all it comes and if it all they manage to reach Muridke in one piece. :cheers:

You have to have some more patience to see whether handing over of culprits or WAR will happen or not.

As of now, I see the both countries are moving troops towards the border, probably something is in the offing.

You really think, he was citizen of pakistan, well them im sorry to say RAW agency got no brains, they are still living in the stone age. So much for india being technology hub fiing bunch of reatard in you RAW agency.

If it was me in RAw, this is wt i would do.
1. Call all the international media, gather interpol,RAW,ISI,CIA.
2.Get kasab and his parents do a fukin DNA test, morons.

That will prove hes a pakistani citizen or not.

Even if you prove that it still wont mean pakistan was after the attacks.
They are ordering us like we are their Servents .....

pathetic Indians ....

Funny too
If you don't have enough for yourself, you can't share it with others.

That's the same for food and for proof.
they think they are the victims of 9/11 lol, and think they are backed by the world.
you guys are so pathetic and cheap its not even funny anymore SA will not do anything to offend Pakistan is because Pakistan is the Muslims have...they are more concern about our country than even us
ha ha ha. Your President was covering his *** by saying it was a technical ingression. That was funny:lol:.

There is no gentleman game, we were in your air space and you couldn't do nothing. You should have took a shot.

linkinpark,kindly stick to the topic,don't try derail it.
ha ha ha. Your President was covering his *** by saying it was a technical ingression. That was funny:lol:.

There is no gentleman game, we were in your air space and you couldn't do nothing. You should have took a shot.

Murad Sahib has already cleared this, several times:

I have said it a 100 times you can't just shoot a plane, weather he is in Pakistan Air Space or over lahore .If the planes take any aggressive action then yes can can open fire, SOP is to escort them out of the airspace.
1982 weather was bad one of our F-6 because of bad weather and a junior officer ended up 50 miles inside India. He was escorted back into Pakistan Air Space.
Easy for you to say shoot them down are you ready to fight when the time comes. I don't think so

There are various issues to consider here, especially the fact that India could deny any violation and term a potential IAF fighter downed by Pakistan as 'an act of war" or aggression against India, especially if the wreckage fell inside Indian territory.

Not a good idea with tensions at the level they are. Pakistan acted appropriately and responsibly.
This thread is about some alleged evidence being given to the Saudis, not the IAF violation -stick to the thread please. Further off topic posts will be deleted without warning.
post 67
Thank you Agoustic for clearing that up, some people just dnt kno what they are talkin about.
I think Saudis know what is happening in India. There wasn't given any actionable proof, that's for sure. It's only a threat but Pakistan can handle it in a very good manner.
Of-course India is backed by the world, if not then why did you guys sealed Jamat-ud-dawa offices? Why UN bans your 3 organizations in a single day???!! Why UK prime minister bashed Pakistan? Why US foreign ministers says that Pakistan should do more in-front of your President in a press conference and still your President don't object!!!! Your President speaks about fighting till last drop of blood but can't object in-front of the international media:tsk:???!!! Thats because he is under tremendous pressure from international community who is backing INDIA:cheers::cheers:

I belive Interpol asked for proof i would think they think unless india has a proof its all a lie.

USA and england the same countries that had a proof of WMD in iraq there credibilty went down the drains long AGO

You intelligence agencies knew of the attack yet they didnt do nothing why?
your prime minister and others keep talking about them having a proof yet TIME passing by nothing so far why?
INstead of blaming others may be just may be its time to actually put the indian army officers behind bars and get it over with or if ya like we will investigate them for ya.:rofl::cheers:
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