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India gives Saudi proof of Pak involvement

26 Dec 2008, 1723 hrs IST, PTI

NEW DELHI: India is learnt to have furnished evidence of involvement of elements in Pakistan in the Mumbai terror attacks to the visiting foreign
minister of Saudi Arabia, who called for setting up an international body to deal with the "cancer", officials said.

Saudi Arabia has now joined India in pressing for urgent and transparent cooperation of all nations in ending terrorism.

Foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee held talks with his Saudi counterpart Prince Saud Al-Faisal and shared evidence of the complicity of elements in Pakistan in the November 26 Mumbai terror attacks and sought Saudi support for bringing the perpetrators of the Mumbai attacks to justice, official sources said.

Mukherjee is believed to have impressed upon Al-Faisal the need for Saudi Arabia using its influence on Pakistan to ensure that those behind the Mumbai carnage, who are in Pakistan, are brought to justice at the earliest.

"Terrorism is a cancer, we need to cut it out," said the Saudi foreign minister, while calling for the United Nations to set up an international body to deal with Mumbai-like terror attacks.

During the Saudi foreign minister's visit here, New Delhi will seek Riyadh's support in clamping down on the financing of terrorists, some of whom use Saudi charities and other fronts for generating funds for subversive activities, official sources said here.

Saudi Arabia has been a key ally of Pakistan and has enormous clout over the powers-that-be in that country.

At a joint media interaction with his Saudi counterpart after the talks, Mukherjee said terrorism is not an issue between India and Pakistan but a global menace.

"It was agreed that global terrorism has to be dealt with by joint action among all countries. We further agreed that whatever action has to be taken to control terrorism, should be taken without delay and in a transparent manner," he said.
India asks US, China, Iran to pressurize Pak
26 Dec 2008, 2239 hrs IST, IANS

NEW DELHI: Intensifying its diplomatic offensive, India has made it clear to the US and Iran as well as Pakistan's key allies, China and Saudi Arabia that they need to do more to use their clout to pressurize Pakistan into acting against the perpetrators of the Mumbai carnage.

Foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee spoke to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Chinese foreign minister Yang Jiechi on Thursday night and conveyed New Delhi's growing impatience with Pakistan's denial and diversionary tactics.

Mukherjee also asked his interlocutors to use their considerable clout to compel Pakistan to eliminate the infrastructure of terrorism which is a threat not only to India but the world, reliable sources said.

He also impressed upon them the need for intensified international efforts to bring the perpetrators of the Mumbai mayhem to justice.

Condemning the attacks, Yang agreed that the perpetrators should be punished and praised India for its "restraint and steadfastness" amid this provocative situation.

Rice assured India that the US has not relented in its efforts to persuade Pakistan to dismantle terror camps in that country.

Mukherjee conveyed a pointed message to the visiting Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal Friday and reminded Riyadh of many levers it has to call Pakistan to account over the use of its territory as a launching pad for terror attacks against India.

Mukherjee shared evidence of the complicity of elements in Pakistan in the Nov 26 Mumbai attacks and "communicated the sense of outrage among the people of India at the audacious and meticulously planned attack mounted by elements based in Pakistan".

"Terrorism is a cancer, we need to cut it out and destroy completely so that tragedies like Mumbai are not repeated again," said the Saudi foreign minister, while proposing to the United Nations to set up a special international body to jointly fight the menace of terrorism.

Underlining that terrorism was "not an issue between India and Pakistan but a global problem," Mukherjee called for "joint action by all countries", to tackle the menace without further delay and with transparency.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki also rang up Mukherjee Friday and conveyed Tehran's support to New Delhi against terrorism in the region.

Mottaki also assured New Delhi that Iran, an influential player in the region, will ask the powers-that-be in Islamabad to intensify its efforts to crack down on terror outfits.

Mottaki's telephone call comes days after Iran's deputy foreign minister Mohammad Mehdi Akhondzadeh visited New Delhi with a message of solidarity from the Iranian president.
Yeah proof that only India can read. Lets see how far does this so called evidence of yours go with the saudis.
I hope asking the allies of Pakistan to pressurize Pakistan will yield some results and result in handover of the culprits.
same BS from TIMES OF INDIA there is no proove and nor even give to any one.what prussre iran ask india to stop blaming chaina's fm clear india to join pak in investigation.this only word these days indians know prussre prussre.go ahead .if india think they just talk and we arrest our cityzens they dreaming.even whole indian nation cry we never move one step until we have proove against any one.if india like to war welcome but remember after war your gov come on table so better come now on table and talk.its same drama every indian election we see.
India begging CHINA, SAUDI ARABIA, IRAN and the US to 'pressure' Pakistan?? Man things must be turning really bad in Delhi than I had imagined!! Looks like the INTERPOL report and the UNSC signal about Pakistan doing the right thing is eventually taking its toll on Indian Bull$hit about Pakistan's involvement in Mumbai mow down! Like the saying goes for the Indians, YOU CAN ONLY FOOL SOME OF THE PEOPLE SOME OF THE TIME BUT NOT ALL OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME!
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These are all last ditch efforts to show that India has used up all the diplomatic options and only option left is WAR.
I hope asking the allies of Pakistan to pressurize Pakistan will yield some results and result in handover of the culprits.

forget forever pakistan will handover some one to india.its nothing more then a crazy dream.we never ever handover any pakistani even he kill 10000000000000000000 indians.
I hope asking the allies of Pakistan to pressurize Pakistan will yield some results and result in handover of the culprits.

Why? Why ask allies of Pakistan only? what happened to the Indian war waging capabilites.....24 hours dead line and then again dead line of 26 dec? where are all Indian warmongers gone too including your media?
I would suggest a little change in the heading:
India gives Saudi "proof" of Pak involvement.

(If they had so much "proof" why havent they just handed it to us yet? LOL)
Why? Why ask allies of Pakistan only? what happened to the Indian war waging capabilites.....24 hours dead line and then again dead line of 26 dec? where are all Indian warmongers gone too including your media?

These are all pure psy-ops done through media. It was never declared officially about 24hr deadline (which came in your media) and 30 days deadline (which came in our media). There are no deadlines, India will strike by taking its own time with proper intel and preparation on the ground.
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