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India needs to share it's evidence on suspects

Running around with propaganda mix and begging Saudis, China and Iran exposed miserable indian self. First indian politicians and media oversold this propaganda mixture under the wrap of so called “evidence”. Without REAL evidence (for Indians circumstantial information is not evidence) one can push propaganda only so far. Even mighty American failed to prove WMD hoax.

Second, indian failed to produce any proof to support their propaganda.

Now without showing off indian machismo (translation some sort of action), these indian politicians and media will render worthless in front of overly hyped indian crowd.

Latest message from GOP calling indian bluff by offering bitter “danda” has even deepened self inflicting indian propaganda wound. Even Americans has somewhat distanced themselves when they saw Indians are trying to gain mileage above and beyond uncle sam prescription.

Now that Pak troops redeployed in the east, US troops don’t like to be left alone for easy picking by ….. you know who. You can bet US is working behind the scene to push some controlling doze to overheated indian politicians. First indian report card in uncle sam file does not look good at all. Uncle must be thinking is it a reliable and competent strategic partner?

When india refused to provide so called “evidence” with country they are accusing, they have lost the case. Not to mention Indians did not even share proof or “evidence” with most renowned authority in int’l crime fighting - Interpol. With ZERO credibility India can go to Joe, Jack and Jill; but for what? For political mileage and to appease its own over hyped crowd?

If Saudis can catch the real color of Indians then they should order Indians to wait in desert sand while making their best floggers ready for ……you can guess what happens next. Pakistan should hand Saudis all of indian propaganda and genocide history against Muslims. So they can be extra kind to indian guests.

And for China you can very much predict what would be response. Iran has not much to say in it after Indians twice backstabbed them in IAEA.

(note: this commentary based on fluid situation upto today. Tomorrow is another day and another indian drama…..)
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India is trying to behave as if we are thier poodle dog they just cant get over the mentality that why does pakistan ever exist and they have been cursing the British from day one for granting Pakistans indepedence. The way I look at Mr Mukherjee's statement he is clearly threatning Pakistan after making so much noise in International Media from day one where they have been trying to get maximum attention, demonizing Pakistan but fortunately thier evil plans has been exposed first they refuse to share evidence with Interpol now Mr Mukherjee is saying India doesnt need to provide evidence to Pakistan so that means all the hue and cry about Mumbai attackers from Pakistan is fake.
Why the hell Indian are giving evidence and sharing evidence with everyone but not sharing with Pakistan....and refusing close co operation ???????...Are they building case against Pakistan and making Pakistan notorious much they can ?...extreme exploitation from Indians ?
You wanted the training camps in kashmir shut down and stop the movement of freedom fighter across into occupied kashmir.......mushy did what you asked and what did pakistan get in return....a few bus's get to cross over.

You had your chance to sort the kashmir thing out and you failed to take it.
When will you indians get it......without a fair solution to kashmir there will always be trouble between the two nation........you want "Pakistan dismantle terror infrastructure" without moving on kashmir....dream on.

Well well, here is at least an acceptance that terror mechanisms exist in Pak. So long as ppl accept that there is a prob , a soloution can / may be found.
I hope asking the allies of Pakistan to pressurize Pakistan will yield some results and result in handover of the culprits.

How about the proof of the Shamjhata Express Bombing ? We all know that there's hard evidence as to who were involved in that act of terrorism, so be ready to handover the Hindu terrorists to Pakistan.
As usual indians are putting spin with saudi this and that. Saudi spin is indian face saving ploy. Without uncle blessing india can not do a thing period. Remember uncle sam has washed its hand and distancing as soon india started using this to gain extra mileage.

I would say read other source and perhaps wait till Saudi or Pak statement comes out. As I read different news sources, next 24-48 hours said to be critical.
As usual indians are putting spin with saudi this and that. Saudi spin is indian face saving ploy. Without uncle blessing india can not do a thing period. Remember uncle sam has washed its hand and distancing as soon india started using this to gain extra mileage.

I would say read other source and perhaps wait till Saudi or Pak statement comes out. As I read different news sources, next 24-48 hours said to be critical.

These Indians think that they are very smart, so much so that they can turn day into night. I've not yet found a single statement from these 'smart' Indians that refutes this fact. They have this talent in presenting their lies in such a way that it seems the words are taken from a holy scripture and they never get tired of it. The devil rules with utter impunity in their heart.
And where is that attack gone ? you were threating pakistan of your attack ? saw just a little reaction from us and you shut up you mouth now ? all that was bla bal bla
India initiated the so-called WAR HYSTERIA by threatening with and 'not ruling out' the SURGICAL STRIKES in Pakistan, India shouted its throat hoarse with pointing a finger at Pakistan for the Mumbai Mow Down WITHOUT even providing a shred of proof, India ran to the UNSC to have banned the JuD and LeT in Pakistan, India invited INTERPOL to investigate the carnage, India approached Western Capitals to de-fame Pakistan by calling it the terrorism epicenter, India through its media hyped Pakistan bashing................YET now when everything seems to be turning on its head for India as it looses the so called MORAL HIGH, the Foreign Mantree Pranab Mukherjee shuns Pakistan for raising WAR HYSTERIA???

Frankly Pakistani's are quite SICK AND TIRED of India drama-baazi and this for the first time in our history (since the 1960's) that I have seen our nation in complete unison against any minor or major military aggression that India initiates.
Saudi didnt say anything indeed China,Iran and Saudi Arbia will help us because only 1 Muslim army with the Nuclear Power if its done we will lose all hope so dont worry about these insecure kids let the dog bark

I dont care about China Iran saudia i just said enough is enough now.. this is not BOLLYWOOOD movie GO AHEAD GO ATTACK ON US We will teach you.. We are not Afghanistan Iran Iraq or Gorgea .... few days back our airspace violation by IAF India Asshole force and when they c our hardcore reaction now Parnab (bageer demaag key Jee Jee karnay wala) start bshing and threatn pakistan WOW! actually the problem is Isreal and USAF (behind the scene) and boost India to start massive aggression against pakistan but unfortuntly India dun hav guts still after 2 power behind her back...
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How about the proof of the Shamjhata Express Bombing ? We all know that there's hard evidence as to who were involved in that act of terrorism, so be ready to handover the Hindu terrorists to Pakistan.

You didn't know $hit about Samjhautha's proof. It is Indian investigative agencies that are trying to find if Hindutava terrorism is behind. mind you, it is still not proven. Please let us know what hard evidence does Pakistan have regarding this. You are talking as if you know everything. Get down of your high horse.
First you need to dismantle raw and stop bombing Pakistan.

We'll then think about your pleas.

Please show how India has been bombing, there is not even a iota of evidence regarding that. If you had why don't you show it to everybody. Nothing but hot air.
Well well, here is at least an acceptance that terror mechanisms exist in Pak. So long as ppl accept that there is a prob , a soloution can / may be found.

What about RSS running schools for training of hindu youth in martial arts and fire arms. I am sure Pakistan also has coordinates for those terror camps as well as RAW terror camps. You deserve what you have got.
Please show how India has been bombing, there is not even a iota of evidence regarding that. If you had why don't you show it to everybody. Nothing but hot air.
You know it's there, in a country with the size of India in terms of population and landmass, and where history between both nations isn't exactly pleasant, don't tell me there are no extremist groups aimed at destabalizing Pakistan, it's widely known.
But then again, you Indians are angels, we Pakistanis are terrorists living in a terrorist state. ;)
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