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India needs to share it's evidence on suspects

By Sumit Sharma

Dec. 31 (Bloomberg) -- Pakistan is in a state of “denial” over last month’s terror attacks on Mumbai, refusing to accept evidence of the involvement of its citizens, Home Minister P. Chidambaram said.

The father of Ajmal Kasab, the terrorist captured by the Mumbai police, had admitted on a Pakistan-based news channel that the militant was his son, Chidambaram said in New Delhi. The terrorist had revealed his nationality in a letter to the Pakistan government, the minister said.

“If anyone is in a state of denial, anything that we give will be denied,” Chidambaram told reporters.

Pakistan’s probe of the attacks in Mumbai has started to show links between the 10 gunmen and the Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Wall Street Journal reported earlier, citing a senior Pakistani security official.

The disclosure may bring new international pressure on Pakistan to accept that the attacks, which left 164 people dead, originated within its borders and to prosecute or extradite the suspects, the newspaper reported.

Zarar Shah, a top Lashkar commander captured in a raid in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir, admitted a role in the assault during interrogation, the unidentified Pakistani official told the Journal. The admission is backed by U.S. intercepts of a phone call between Shah and a terrorist at Mumbai’s Taj Mahal Palace and Tower Hotel, the official is cited as having said.

Pakistan has asked India for evidence so that it can locate terrorists involved in the Mumbai attacks and punish them. Pakistan is also under pressure from the U.S. and the U.K. to take more effective measures to curb terrorism.

Kasab, the only one of the 10 terrorists captured by the Mumbai police, also asked the Pakistan government for legal assistance in his letter. Pakistan has said it hasn’t received any evidence its nationals were involved in the attacks.

Gather Intelligence

India today started its nodal center to gather intelligence relating to terrorism as the world’s second-most populous nation strengthens coordination to prevent a repeat of attacks similar to the ones in Mumbai last month, Chidambaram said in a statement released by the government today.

“There will be a distinct improvement in the gathering and sharing of intelligence relating to terrorism, terrorist threats and terrorist offences,” Chidambaram said.

The government approved setting up of a National Investigative Agency. It plans to set up four hubs for the elite National Security Guard and procure 20,000 bullet-proof jackets for the security forces, according to the statement.

To contact the reporters on this story: Sumit Sharma in Mumbai at sumitsharma@bloomberg.net

Bloomberg.com: India & Pakistan
Mumbai attack proofs to be shared with Pak, US


New Delhi: India is ready to provide Pakistan with proof of its links to the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. Pakistan has been claiming that India has not given it any proof to which can show that there was a Pakistani link to the attacks.

Now sources have told CNN-IBN that India is ready with a dossier of proof of Pakistan's link to 26/11 and will share it with Pakistan and the United States of America next week.

The dossier contains all the transcripts, call logs, GPS details, captured terrorist Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab's confession and forensic material relevant to the investigation. But the sources said the dossier going to Islamabad will contain only some selected details.

Sources all say that in the past Pakistan has used the evidence given by India to either cover up its tracks or to actually neutralise the evidence.
So this time India will be more selective in what is given to Pakistan. But it will be enough to pressure Pakistan to act on those links.

Details will also be shared with Saudi Arabia, a country known to exercise considerable influence in Islamabad and also with key officials of US president-elect Barack Obama's transition team.

The dossier is India's answer to Pakistani complaints that no evidence has been given to it which New Delhi sees as an excuse to avoid all action.
"Statements are not important, actions are important. That way I don't think any noticeable change in the attitude of Pakistan," Defence Minister AK Antony said.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has told External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee to expect good news from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

It's not clear whether she was referring to the FBI team presently in Faridkot trying to trace Kasab's family. The team wants to match Kasab's DNA with that of his family but the local authorities say there's no record of such a family.

Rice may also have been referring to the likelihood of Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists Zaki-ur Rehman Lakhvi and Zarar Shah to being handed over to the US. Washington wants to try them in US courts as six American nationals died in the Mumbai attacks. However, officially Islamabad is not confirming it.

"Pakistan has courts and a judiciary. We will prosecute them according to our laws," said Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.
But if Pakistan does hand over the suspects to the US, it could potentially open the door to India being allowed to interrogate them in that country.

Mumbai attack proofs to be shared with Pak, US


So, finally evidence will be shared with Pakistan.
Mumbai attack proofs to be shared with Pak, US


New Delhi: India is ready to provide Pakistan with proof of its links to the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. Pakistan has been claiming that India has not given it any proof to which can show that there was a Pakistani link to the attacks.

Now sources have told CNN-IBN that India is ready with a dossier of proof of Pakistan's link to 26/11 and will share it with Pakistan and the United States of America next week.

The dossier contains all the transcripts, call logs, GPS details, captured terrorist Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab's confession and forensic material relevant to the investigation. But the sources said the dossier going to Islamabad will contain only some selected details.

Sources all say that in the past Pakistan has used the evidence given by India to either cover up its tracks or to actually neutralise the evidence.
So this time India will be more selective in what is given to Pakistan. But it will be enough to pressure Pakistan to act on those links.

Details will also be shared with Saudi Arabia, a country known to exercise considerable influence in Islamabad and also with key officials of US president-elect Barack Obama's transition team.

The dossier is India's answer to Pakistani complaints that no evidence has been given to it which New Delhi sees as an excuse to avoid all action.
"Statements are not important, actions are important. That way I don't think any noticeable change in the attitude of Pakistan," Defence Minister AK Antony said.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has told External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee to expect good news from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

It's not clear whether she was referring to the FBI team presently in Faridkot trying to trace Kasab's family. The team wants to match Kasab's DNA with that of his family but the local authorities say there's no record of such a family.

Rice may also have been referring to the likelihood of Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists Zaki-ur Rehman Lakhvi and Zarar Shah to being handed over to the US. Washington wants to try them in US courts as six American nationals died in the Mumbai attacks. However, officially Islamabad is not confirming it.

"Pakistan has courts and a judiciary. We will prosecute them according to our laws," said Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.
But if Pakistan does hand over the suspects to the US, it could potentially open the door to India being allowed to interrogate them in that country.

Mumbai attack proofs to be shared with Pak, US


So, finally evidence will be shared with Pakistan.

I doubt very much if India has any substantiated proof. This is more of a political stunt since India now seems to be loosing its initial sympathetic & diplomatic support from Western Capitals especially the US. Even China, Iran and Saudi Arabia have not shown any mentionable interest!

As time goes on, the Indian case against Pakistan is becoming weaker and weaker!
What surprises me is why isnt the media or people holding the Indian government responsible. It was a massive intelligence failure and the performance shown by Indian security officials was extremely incompetant. How can 11 people take a city of 20 million people hostage?
thats gud news. india should definately do that coz otherwise pakistan cant hold anyone responsible for the attacks. attackers should be brought to justice doesnt matter if they were pakistanis or indians. india providing evidence to pak will make it easier for pak investigators to investigate into the attacks. if pak and india dont work together the real attackers will escape the punishment which they must get.
India compiles dossier to nail Pak's lie on 26/11

Sumon K Chakrabarti / CNN-IBN
Published on Sat, Jan 03, 2009 at 21:15, Updated on Sat, Jan 03, 2009 at 22:26 in Nation section

New Delhi: India has compiled foolproof evidence on the Mumbai terror attacks and Union Home Minister P Chidambaram will take the dossier to the United States of America next week.

US Ambassador David Mulford called on Chidamabarm on Saturday in New Delhi ahead of the Home Minister's visit to Washington.

The dossier details the role of non-state actors operating from Pakistani soil such as the Lashkar-e-Toiba and the possible complicity of some Pakistani agencies including the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)

Chidambaram handing over of the dossier to the US government containing all evidences will mark the first step in a major diplomatic campaign that India will be launching to nail the perpetrators of 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.

The evidence include confessions made by captured Mumbai attacker Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab, records of satellite phone used by the terrorists and transcript of conversations between the attackers with their Lashkar handlers based in Pakistan, who were based near a Pakistani Army camp.

It also contains the log book recovered from MV Kuber, the fishing trawler hijacked by the terrorists to enter the Indian waters and tracks it journey from Karachi to Mumbai.

Evidences also point to the involvement of the ISI in planning and executing the terror attacks and includes taped conversations between ISI Majors and Generals.

It is still not clear if the Generals are still in service or not. ISI top commander Nadim Taj is the prime minder.

All the 10 terrorists who attacked Mumbai were given commando and survival training in a Lashkar camp, which is based near a Pakistani Army camp.

They were also trained in Army camps in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir and Peshawar and the entire operation was planned by a former Pakistan Special Forces operative who was also involved in training the terrorists.

Calls made by Mumbai attackers to No. 4 in Lashkar hierarchy, Muzammil, have also been tracked. Muzammil controls Lashkar operations in Bangladesh and India.

Sources have also told CNN-IBN sources that the details of the dossier will be also be shared by China along with some other countries.

Chidambaram will also share the dossier with US intelligence agencies including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

FBI will also help India in the investigations and Chidambaram will point out that will if Pakistan is not stable then Afghanistan will also not be stable and that means more problems for the US.

Sources say that India is not just building up more international pressure on Pakistan, it move to share the dossier is aimed at convincing US to force Islamabad to hand over Lashkar terrorists responsible for executing Mumbai attack - Zaki-ur Rahman Lakhvi and Zarar Shah.

India compiles dossier to nail Pak's lie on 26/11
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I think its the Indians who are fooling themselves to a great extent question is why are they still refusing to share evidence with worlds premier police agency INTERPOL? and Pakistan also has said its willing to cooperate to the maximum but its still waiting for the evidence to act and there is no way Pakistan will ever extradite any of Pakistani nationals to India.

Pakistan already has a dossier on Indians involvement in terror in Pakistan, This article shows how desperate Indians have become bent on maligning Pakistan and trying to save their own skin since they don't have the balls to strike Pakistan.
Desperate Times for GoI calls for Desperate Measures??
nice dreams of our friends.sleep tight Indian media is waking.we give free hand to indians for monkey dance.who care abut indian probes now?
Pak lies lol........???gunman wen'll you compile your shi..t
Lies originated from ur nation Lies being written and thrown everywhere from your politicians and media and lies being feed into common poor hindus by your govt and you say lies by Pakistan... you Hindu's need to compile you **** and bring it together before pointing finger at others...You hindu's have done everything since 1947 but what did you achieve???Pakistan is still Standing...:)
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Is the 'half baked investigation' complete yet?

That is exactly what India said in response to Interpol's statement of no evidence or information has been shared with them, 'that half baked evidence from an incomplete investigation will not be shared with anyone'.

The same response to Pakistan's demands for sharing evidence - 'after investigations are complete'.

"Half baked investigation results" must be considered sufficient for the US apparently.

The GoI appears far more interested in a PR exercise to try and paint Pakistan as 'uncooperative', through its own refusal to cooperate! They need to stop flip flopping and make up their minds on what position to take - contradictions and shiftiness galore.
The title of the thread and topic is blatantly misleading. Pakistan cannot 'lie' since India has not shared evidence with Pakistan that Pakistan could deny and therefore 'lie' about.

The Indian media continues to sink from one depth to the next in its lack of objectivity and 'Tamasha news' in the drive to malign Pakistan and brainwash the Indian population with hate against Pakistan.
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Omg!! why close this thread??!!
Everyone knows the point of the 'dossier' is to pressurize Paksitan Govt.
And theres a relevant report.
I dont see why this should be closed.
Omg!! why close this thread??!!
Everyone knows the point of the 'dossier' is to pressurize Paksitan Govt.
And theres a relevant report.
I dont see why this should be closed.

I was going to close it, because there is nothign in the article that can be verified, and has been the norm of late, just more jingoism and belligerence against Pakistan.

I think the Indian media has become far to unreliable and nonobjective to serve as reliable source for discussion on matters related to India and Pakistan.

The only thing threads based on IM articles do is start flames and stir acrimony.
Please compile all such basless without proof propaganda items in one thread so that members can be saved from wasting time in every such thread which is based on such uselsess PR by Indians.
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