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India must apologize to Sri Lanka

you'll find enough links about your poverty which is 41% and ours is 30%. Accept the reality and don't talk like a loser. lol

Since you are talking about poverty again and again . Let me show you mirror Major.Make sure you wash your face before looking at mirror haha

UN Human Development Report 2009

Population living below $2 a day (%) 2009

India = 75.6%

Pakistan= 60.3%

Source: Human Development Report 2009 - Population living below $2 a day (%)

I am talking about percentage. I am not saying that you have more population that's why you have more poverty. If we count total numbers of peoples live below poverty then it will be triple in India as compare to Pakistan. Major now wear your glasses and look at these statistics before calling yourself superior
You are arguing with a troll. You are not going anywhere with him. I salute the Sri Lankans for kicking the terrorist Tamil LTTE into the history of infamy. Great job buddy.

You suddenly pop up on a thread and accuse me of trolling. Its like Pakistan accusing every other country and other Intellegiece agency for its own home grown terrorist problem.
Yes LTTE is a terrorist outfit like Hamas/Hezbollah/LET/JEM/Hizb-ul-Mujahideen /Harkat-ul Mujahideen/Jamait-ul-Mujahideen /Lashkar-e-Jabbar (LeJ)/Harkat-ul-Jehad-al-Islami(HUJI)/Muttahida Jehad Council/Muttahida Jehad Council/Tehrik-ul-Mujahideen/Al Jehad/Jammu & Kashir National Liberation Army/Kashmir Jehad ForceIs/lamic Students League/Tehrik-e-Hurriat-e-Kashmir/Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqar Jafaria/Tehrik-e-Jehad-e-Islami/Muslim Mujahidee/Tehrik-e-Jehad/Islami Inquilabi Mahaz and they needed to be kicked out like LTTE. You are correct. Great post.
From Congratulations to condemnation. Authentic video. The Srilankan Representative refusing that like many Sinhalas and showing the middle figure to the world. See the way he escapes from the press because truth hurts, yes by 40,000 Tamil lives. UN is coming...

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Sri Lanka is not disputed territory. You're interfering in a soverign nation. That would be terrorism.

Kashmir is disputed terriroty. India has stolen some land. That too is terrorism.

Pakistan wants plebiscite in Kashmir. That is not terrorism.

When you look at South Asia with some knowledge, India is the biggest state-backed terrorist unit as the examples above show.

pakistan attacked and invaded india first...----------- 0:47

in 1962 china attacked india and occupied aksai chin ------------ 1:12

india never stolen anyone's land.... [always defensive policy..] till today... (even after mumbai attack showed great maturity.........)

india stolen that, india attacked first etc,etc are only rumors.... and people blind belief....
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Dorothy Byrne: Why we decided that the footage had to be shown - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Dorothy Byrne: Why we decided that the footage had to be shown

Friday, 10 June 2011

The bodies of naked women are thrown and dragged on to the back of a truck. As each woman is pulled aboard, soldiers make crude remarks and laugh. Elsewhere, other soldiers film themselves laughing at the bodies of dead, bound women who appear to have been raped before they were murdered. In other mobile phone footage, a woman kneels as instructions are given as to how to execute her. Then her brains are blown out.

This is just some of the footage we will be showing in Sri Lanka's Killing Fields on Tuesday night. I never thought I would see sequences like these, showing the mutilation, murder and degradation of women, on British television. I don't urge you to watch this programme. It's horrific. The images will remain in your mind, maybe for years. I can't get them out of my head. The programme goes out at 11pm and the worst images appear in the last part – several hours past the watershed which protects children. But there are probably many adults who shouldn't watch; people who can't watch horrible stuff on the news. I would rather I had never seen it.
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We shouldn't have to show this film at all: a UN panel has already said there is strong evidence that war crimes and crimes against humanity were carried out by the government during and in the aftermath of Sri Lanka's civil war. They believe that up to 40,000 innocent civilians were killed. That panel of experts called for a major war crimes investigation. Nothing has happened. The Sri Lankan government didn't allow journalists or UN personnel to see what happened but both Tamils and government forces filmed themselves, often on mobile phones. It is this footage we show.

The video which appears to have been taken on phones by soldiers themselves is the most grisly. They film and photograph themselves executing prisoners. There is film, and hundreds of photographs, of the dead lying in pits or in long rows. Many are bound and many have shots to the head; these do not appear to be the victims of shelling or other forms of "legal" warfare. A small group of children lie in a pit. Prisoners are shown alive, some- times being taunted, and then dead.

The Tamil footage is at moments even more harrowing. There is strong evidence hospitals and refugees were deliberately targeted.

The Sri Lankan government has claimed the footage of the executions and the aftermath of killings is fake. Not what the forensic pathologists and video experts say. The Sri Lankan government rightly say the Tamil Tigers killed people. Yes they did, but they didn't kill 40,000 civilians. Some other force did that and all the evidence is that the murder was systemic.

It's not for us to tell you what to think. Watch yourself and judge. It makes you think there should be some international body that holds people to account for atrocities like that. Wait a minute, there is.

Dorothy Byrne is Channel 4's head of news and current affairs

Warning : Disturbing images 3:30 onwards
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You suddenly pop up on a thread and accuse me of trolling. Its like Pakistan accusing every other country and other Intellegiece agency for its own home grown terrorist problem.
Yes LTTE is a terrorist outfit like Hamas/Hezbollah/LET/JEM/Hizb-ul-Mujahideen /Harkat-ul Mujahideen/Jamait-ul-Mujahideen /Lashkar-e-Jabbar (LeJ)/Harkat-ul-Jehad-al-Islami(HUJI)/Muttahida Jehad Council/Muttahida Jehad Council/Tehrik-ul-Mujahideen/Al Jehad/Jammu & Kashir National Liberation Army/Kashmir Jehad ForceIs/lamic Students League/Tehrik-e-Hurriat-e-Kashmir/Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqar Jafaria/Tehrik-e-Jehad-e-Islami/Muslim Mujahidee/Tehrik-e-Jehad/Islami Inquilabi Mahaz and they needed to be kicked out like LTTE. You are correct. Great post.

This post has the distinctive smell of curry !!

BTW I am from the land where the best curries are cooked ( little dis-claimer before I get labeled racist by the saffron flag bearers), thats why it comes easy for me to find the saffron curry lover hiding behind a flag !!!

The fact remains that LTTE blew the head off Rajiv Gandhi, whose mommy dear's pet snake was LTTE. This my friend is ironic to say the least. I say poetic justice was partially served to the Sri Lankans when Hydra ( LTTE) blew Rajiv's head off.

I used to like Rajiv better than the mother, I was saddened by his untimely demise.
This post has the distinctive smell of curry !!

BTW I am from the land where the best curries are cooked ( little dis-claimer before I get labeled racist by the saffron flag bearers), thats why it comes easy for me to find the saffron curry lover hiding behind a flag !!!

The fact remains that LTTE blew the head off Rajiv Gandhi, whose mommy dear's pet snake was LTTE. This my friend is ironic to say the least. I say poetic justice was partially served to the Sri Lankans when Hydra ( LTTE) blew Rajiv's head off.

I used to like Rajiv better than the mother, I was saddened by his untimely demise.

Thanks for accepting that those Terrorist organization in the list should be banned. And Like you , Like many Srilankan Tamils, I don't agree with the Rajiv Gandhi Killing. That is the big mistake that LTTE made.
From Congratulations to condemnation. Authentic video. The Srilankan Representative refusing that like many Sinhalas and showing the middle figure to the world. See the way he escapes from the press because truth hurts, yes by 40,000 Tamil lives. UN is coming...

I have seen this video years ago, there is a phrase in this video clearly targeting SL government, this is fake!
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You suddenly pop up on a thread and accuse me of trolling. Its like Pakistan accusing every other country and other Intellegiece agency for its own home grown terrorist problem.
Yes LTTE is a terrorist outfit like Hamas/Hezbollah/LET/JEM/Hizb-ul-Mujahideen /Harkat-ul Mujahideen/Jamait-ul-Mujahideen /Lashkar-e-Jabbar (LeJ)/Harkat-ul-Jehad-al-Islami(HUJI)/Muttahida Jehad Council/Muttahida Jehad Council/Tehrik-ul-Mujahideen/Al Jehad/Jammu & Kashir National Liberation Army/Kashmir Jehad ForceIs/lamic Students League/Tehrik-e-Hurriat-e-Kashmir/Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqar Jafaria/Tehrik-e-Jehad-e-Islami/Muslim Mujahidee/Tehrik-e-Jehad/Islami Inquilabi Mahaz and they needed to be kicked out like LTTE. You are correct. Great post.

lol, you are comparing srilanka with kashmir, srilanka is an independent country kashmir is a disputed territory, lashker this lashker that, your babarity is making you repay it
I am sure India will apologize to Sri Lanka the day Pakistan apologizes to India. Popcorn?
We will not appologize to Srilanka, what the hell you are going to do about it?
lol, you are comparing srilanka with kashmir, srilanka is an independent country kashmir is a disputed territory, lashker this lashker that, your babarity is making you repay it

I am not comparing Srilanka with Kashmir, I am comparing only the terrorist organizations. If there is a comparison to Srilanka its Palestine. Read the full thread or all my posts before coming to a conclusion. I can't get your last statement. If you are talking about barbarity and repay, then its your country's fault.
I have seen this video years ago, there is a phrase in this video clearly targeting SL government, this is fake!

You are more sounding like Pakistani members in this thread. Just refuse which implicates you and your country as FAKE. Its difficult to wake up a person who is acting as sleeping. Good luck with your understanding.
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