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India Mulls Stationing of Ground Forces in Afghanistan

Good but they should strictly advise their army officers not to indulge in these affairs in Afghanistan
Abandoned Afghani bride’s struggle against Indian army doctor inspires many women | The Langar Hall

This is very heinous,that doctor should be court-martialed for his acts.of earning bad name for India :tdown:

My foremost concern would be also of that ,GOI helps this lady in granting her rights of being that idiot's spouse on fast track basis.

Our Response was as follows(excerpt from your link

Overnight, her cause was adopted by local activist groups. A signature campaign began. Women and students waved placards and protested in support of her, and blocked traffic for five hours demanding that Pant be punished. Ahmadzai addressed the crowds. The city’s newspapers splashed her story on their front pages. Ahmadzai’s mother fell sick and returned to Kabul, but Ahmadzai came to New Delhi and met the home affairs minister and the National Commission for Women.
doesn't necessarily means soldiers fighting taliban ,think about strategic planners / consultants ,defence trainers etc .

Afghans needs to institutionalize their army, for which India can help.

Exactly....ANA can not rely on Pakistan army for help.....They have to fight Taliban after American withdrawal and India can help them with training and equipments.....
:lol: I think India should just give it a try for sake of kicks, get our neighbor hyperventilating and running around, besides will be a good experience for our future force projection.
It's not his fault actually ,he has grown up in homogeneous population, hence he can't understand the culture of secular country which has Sikh PM,Christian Sonia,Christian defence minister,Sikh COAS,Muslim IB chief,Muslim,Chief Justice of Supreme court,Muslim Foreign minister,Muslim Vice-President.

Exactly, So repeatedly trying to convince these one way thinking "well frogs" is futile.:hitwall: They cannot visualize, comprehend or even think about something like this. These type persons does not know what peace is. They will be happiest person on earth when the entire earth becomes one big Fight Club.
Guess who wrote "Hindi hain hum watan hai Hindustan hamara". :cheesy:

Let me tell you an interesting thing.....when pakhtuns from hills settled in plain areas of KPK, they called the indigenous people in that area and across the indus (punjabis) as hindi/hindki/hindko even though they were mostly muslims...
Read this thread "When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims"

ohhh!!! In that case TTP should have been completely obliterated by the all the muslims of Pakistan. Contradictory theories by pakistanis I must say....
It is a good idea that India to station ground force in the Ghan to protect the Chinese billion dollar copper mine.
Even if 500,000 Muslims in India support Taliban then India will rock. Recently there was a Indian film about Taliban & Osama and there was major problems in south India.

There is a difference between India and Pakistan that India never allowed gulf countries to interfere in India. But story of Pakistan is different, you allowed everyone to interfere in Pakistan.
Fact 4: Reports indicate that the Pentagon wants to keep between 6,000 and 20,000 US troops in Afghanistan until at least 2024.

On November 12, 2012, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters that the Obama administration would come to a decision within the next few weeks about the magnitude of the US post-2014 military presence in Afghanistan. Panetta would not comment on the troop levels being considered. Since then, it has been reported that General John Allen, head of the ISAF, has submitted three plans for an enduring US presence in Afghanistan:

With 6,000 troops, the focus of the US mission would be on counterterrorism missions, and logistical and training support for Afghan forces would be limited;
With 10,000 troops, the US could expand training and logistical support from the 6,000 troop plan;
With 20,000 troops, US convential forces could be used to patrol certain areas.

All of these options include troop commitments smaller than the 25,000 troops the Pentagon is said to have favored since Obama's drawdown announcement.

However, just days after General Allen's recommendations made news, the Wall Street Journal reported that President Obama requested three additional proposals in which troop levels did not exceed 10,000. The plans sumbitted by the Pentagon included:

A 3,000 troop option, which Pentagon officials strongly warned against;
A 6,000 troop option, assumed to be the same as the 6,000 troop option described above;
A 9,000 troop option, assumed to be similiar to the 10,000 troop option above.

Out of these three options, the Pentagon is said to favor the 9,000 troop option, while the White House is said to favor the 6,000 troop option.

Keep in mind that there were only 34,000 troops there when Obama took office. If 20,000 troops are kept in Afghanistan after 2014, that means that the net withdrawal would be a mere 14,000 troops. Furthermore, before 2007, troop levels were at roughly 20,000 or less. So leaving 20,000 troops in Afghanistan would be to merely return to 2006 troop levels. Leaving 9,000 or 10,000 troops would be a return to 2003 troop levels.

If the Pentagon gets its way, the US will be at war in Afghanistan for at least 12 additional years--that's one more year than we've been at war to this point. That means that we wouldn't even be at the half-way mark today, let alone nearing the end!

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