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India Mulls Stationing of Ground Forces in Afghanistan

Götterdämmerung;4307904 said:
You guys should ask the Philippines for advices. They have a lot of expriences in sending maids to clean up for others.

Neither Afghanistan nor China need Filipino maids; those type they already have.

Any doubts?

It so appears that in a few years, China may need Japs, Americans, Indians and Russians for a clean-up .. of a different kind.

The sort Germany saw between 1939-45.

Any doubts?
i would like to be a kafir or slave of hindu or whatever than a terrorist. Man you people are sick may Allah give you hidayath and save Islam from Pakistan. AMEEN, SUMMA'AMEEN.

It's not his fault actually ,he has grown up in homogeneous population, hence he can't understand the culture of secular country which has Sikh PM,Christian Sonia,Christian defence minister,Sikh COAS,Muslim IB chief,Muslim,Chief Justice of Supreme court,Muslim Foreign minister,Muslim Vice-President.
Come one ... Sri-Lanka was completely a Different story ... where at one point of time all parties LTTE, Local Population & the Sri Lankan Government all became against Us ...

& the country was lead by a incompetent leader like Rajiv Gandi ...

India were confused whom to support LTTE or the Government ... along with that intelligence failure, ill equipped soldiers & political pressure from Tamil Nadu made it worse...

& i am saying to send Army in case only if a Country like China, USA , NATO, Russia is collaborating ...

All countries look out for their own interests. Don't expect help from them, I am only against Indian boots on ground. In Sri Lanka Premdasa turned hostile after requesting help from India, to be honest I don't like and trust Karzai. And if you think Rajiv Gandhi was bad, just imagine how bad Maunmohan and our future PM Rahul baba will be in handling the situation.

I am saying this because I know one of my teacher who had lost her brother in IPKF operation and during my school days we had a gurkha driver who had suffered a bullet injury in his leg, for fighting a war that was never ours.
It seems pakistanis are perpetually at awe with Afghanistan. No doubt you gotta here pretty hilarious stuffs about pakistanis in afghan forums. ;-)

Born slaves don't talk of being enslaved again. I will happily obliterate our new guests to set the records straight. Call me anything :D
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@Yzd Khalifa

Are you listening comerade,time to faqback is arriving. Are your guys ready for 1982 all over again?...because me and my man @Hyperion are making arrangements to 'welcome' our new guests.. :smokin:
Why can't you do by yourself instead of riding afghan back, all you gotta do to take back what you claim is yours. ;-)
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Born slaves don't talk of being enslaved again. I will happily obliterate our new guests to set the records straight. Call me anything :D

Arrogant is the person who thinks he is superior to all but he doestn't.
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All countries look out for their own interests. Don't expect help from them, I am only against Indian boots on ground. In Sri Lanka Premdasa turned hostile after requesting help from India, to be honest I don't like and trust Karzai. And if you think Rajiv Gandhi was bad, just imagine how bad Maunmohan and our future PM Rahul baba will be in handling the situation.

I am saying this because I know one of my teacher who had lost her brother in IPKF operation and during my school days we had a gurkha driver who had suffered a bullet injury in his leg, for fighting a war that was never ours.
The problem was not only with Premadasa ... he is known to have tricked Rajiv into that situation...

As even Indian Army was against such operation ... many Army men questioned how could they fire Bullet on another Indians..

it was basically a Indian Killing an another Indian for the sake stupid policy of Rajiv Gandi ...

many in Army tipped the LTTE ... before the raids ... so that they wont have to kill the people of their own origin ...

& Indian army sympathised with the LTTE... as many LTTE commanders where trained by Indian Army during Indira's era...

My uncle is retired Army man ... he said there was discontent inside the army because they where asked to kill the people of Indian origin...
India Mulls Stationing of Ground Forces in Afghanistan

NEW DELHI — The Indian government is evaluating the possibility of stationing troops in Afghanistan after the international forces begin leaving the country in 2014.

An Indian Ministry of Defence source said no decision has yet been taken, but the possibility of putting boots in Afghanistan is under consideration by the Indian government.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai is visiting New Delhi May 20-22 and the issue of stationing of Indian troops is likely to be discussed, said an official of the Indian External Affairs Ministry.

“It is in India’s interest to enhance security and defense cooperation with Afghanistan,” added the official, but he would not comment if a decision has been made.

Currently, India’s defense relations with Afghanistan is only at the cooperation level, including training of personnel at Indian institutes. The Indian government had previously opposed stationing ground troops unless it is under the umbrella of the United Nations.

“New Delhi will have to be very careful in supplying weapons and equipment and stationing troops in Afghanistan so that it does not project itself to be over enthusiastic in its presence in Afghanistan, once the international troops leave in 2014,” said analyst Nitin Mehta.

India has built roads and infrastructure in Afghanistan with the assistance of the Border Roads Organisation.
India Mulls Stationing of Ground Forces in Afghanistan | Defense News | defensenews.com

Good but they should strictly advise their army officers not to indulge in these affairs in Afghanistan
Abandoned Afghani bride’s struggle against Indian army doctor inspires many women | The Langar Hall
I hope the deployment would be a major one. Not some 50-100 soldiers guarding a Indian consulates or embassies.

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