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India may talk to ISI, Taliban

haha, typical, stop being a chicken and answer the question.

you find yourself in an impossible position of havng to positively justify the death of your own people so you chicken out.

Keep your personal insult to your self..dont be a smart *** okz..Yes its all justified we cant keep our eyes closed to a country who was tortured and opressed under a evil regime ..we are as commited in the devalopment of Afgan as any other country...because a unstable Afganistan is threat to not only India but also to the world..

in any case pakistan has taken in millions of afghanrefugees, there are historical, religious, ethnic,family and religious ties with afghanistan.

there is so much overlap between the 2 nations, afghanistan is very much our business.

Tell them to any Afganis ,as per most of the forum members here..you guys dont like each other..and you wanted them to kick out from Pakistan..ask Unity aka Ahmed. he will tell you the sentiments of Afgans towards Pakistan
What is wrong in having a friendly Afghanistan that understands India's concerns and in turn we understand theirs? If you call that foot hold we call it foreign policy.

well exactly, you are trying to purchase a "friendly" afghanistan.

this is not aid, or a goodwill gesture.

its a stratagem to gain influence in afghanistan to very likely gain a military edge over pakistan.

so in other words, stop with the cute words, they make no sense and it implies that indians are positively happy about an afgan person being regarded as more important than a poor indian - because remember, if all this money is just aid for the good of the afghans then why not towards your own people who are suffering and dying

charity starts at home. :)
It's India which after feeling the pinch has the urge to talk to other parties, much less that an invitation was sent out to India.
It's only logic that when your own kids are starving, you don't throw parties for your neighbours children.

I think Robbie S has already answered your question, but i feel you did not read his post. True we have poverty. The government has taken measures, diverted a lot of recourses to cure this, please look at out annual budget. But unfortunately, the funds are being misused by corrupt "netas" and "babus "in our Government machinery. If they are utilized, they are in managed inefficiently by some incompetent people who have this authority. Trust me it deeply hurts to accept this harsh reality. But the fact is the situation is rapidly changing now with the introduction of new young personalities in the curent political scene. The government is toughening the judiciary,and major measures are taken to dilute this problem. RTI (right to information) activists are regularly blowing the lid and making life miserable for the corrupt netas and babus. This is a big evil and we are optimistic it will be tackled soon.
can any indian give a rational and moral justification of why an afghan should be getting aid when many thousands/millions in india are dying form poverty and starvation?

is an afghan worth more than an indian?

Yes I can,

India helps Afghan raise its economy and an army. It also feeds it with internet links of how Pakistanis did bad to them (which actually is true). Now once there army becomes at least half the strength of PA, they would be deployed actively along the Durand line involving hot pursuits of terrorist who found save heaven in Pakistan territory, territories where the rule of Pakistan state does not run. Now PA would say how dare you kill our brothers and will have to post a large army to guard the border with Afghan to protect the terrorist. From then own PA will be entrusted with not just caring about the western border but also of the rest. Military spending has to considerably increased to sustain a two front war, with India and Afghan. The Pakistan economy would fail to sustain such high level of expenditure. Initial days people of Pakistan would suffer the military extravaganza. Leaders who are better and wiser would emerge from the Pakistan society, who prefer peace and not threats of war. Role of military will reduce and pave way for civilian supremacy. There won't be any more dictators in Pakistan from then on. A new chapter of cordial relation opens between Pakistan, Afghan and India. Each nation would prosper and would now be able to concentrate more own eradication of poverty and educating its masses.

And they all lived happily ever after. :cheers:

Hey Jimmy what is this dude, this is a military forum, not Bollywood movie:angry:

Hey r3alist, I hope I answered you, there were other climax possible but this was the only one with a happy ending possible for all.
Indians they are just in the process of being thrown out of Afghanistan.So they are Crying.

India has a long history of trying to corner Pakistan from West.Starting with Indian attempts to Interfere in NWFP before Independence.
well exactly, you are trying to purchase a "friendly" afghanistan.

this is not aid, or a goodwill gesture.

its a stratagem to gain influence in afghanistan to very likely gain a military edge over pakistan.

so in other words, stop with the cute words, they make no sense and it implies that indians are positively happy about an afgan person being regarded as more important than a poor indian - because remember, if all this money is just aid for the good of the afghans then why not towards your own people who are suffering and dying

charity starts at home. :)

Well sarcasm aside, do you guys really want to talk about charity?
anyways its time someone spoke about the topic, these discussions are silly and off topic, and can be moved to anther thread.
and as far as india's poverty is concerned Robbie s and i, have both replied to that issue.
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well exactly, you are trying to purchase a "friendly" afghanistan.

this is not aid, or a goodwill gesture.

its not about purchase a friendly country..its about bringing a country closer..note the devalopment works of India are mainly benifited to people in Afganistan..Its always a goodwill gesture,...it will increase the good will about India among Afghanis
its a stratagem to gain influence in afghanistan to very likely gain a military edge over pakistan.

Its exactly about increasing influvence and have a strategic edge over Pakistan,..we dont have troops committed there..

so in other words, stop with the cute words, they make no sense and it implies that indians are positively happy about an afgan person being regarded as more important than a poor indian - because remember, if all this money is just aid for the good of the afghans then why not towards your own people who are suffering and dying

charity starts at home. :)

What happens in India is strictly internal and nothing to do with India's policy towards Afganistan..Afgan is a friendly country to us and we are doing what ever we can to help them..and as for eradication of poverty in India,...government is taking enough steps about it..
Sorry mate.. I was expecting this answer. Let not say any thing what Afghans are doing for their convenience in Pakistan.

As a bigger and more prosper nation they all look upon you and people those who are saying that Pakistan is doing some kind of ''Ehasaan'' on them is not correct".
We all know the problems related to Afghanistan were thrust upon Pakistan. Pakistan never asked Russians to attack AF. Pakistan rightly helped US at that time and gained its friendship out of the way.
Same situation is with WOT. Pakistan never invited USA to come and start the war.

But the problem here is that you are fighting a war withing your own country and every day drones are hitting your villages blah blah blah..

Have you ever blamed your own people for all this mess. Same Pakistani on this very forum will one day abuse USA, another day Afghans and everyday India for whatever wrong is happening in Pakistan now.

Have you ever requested any single military pros. in PDF to explain why India can not use Afghanistan as a military deterrence against Pakistan.

What we are doing now by planning to talk with ISI is to create pressure of GoA as well as to tell upfront to ISI that Indian mission has no other design but to help building Afghanistan. We have nothing to hide. We all know the problem is with ISI not us and we are trying to negotiate with them. If the situation and security of Indians will become more vulnerable india will pack its bags for sure.

Many people ask why India is helping Afghanistan.
We been helping Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, srilanka and Afghanistan since our independence nothing new..
Unstable Afghanistan effects us due to our on going animosity with Pakistan.
More unstable Afghanistan means more infiltration.
More nourished Pakistan with aid and cutting edge weapons.
Taliban regime was a dead lock for us to recognise, we learnt this during Kandahar high jacking. It is essential for our foreign policy to support a more friendly and democratic regime in Afghanistan.

Warm regards.
now you are bringing "i ever made my own people responsible".

You were talking about the condition of refugees are not good. I told you some truths that even Pakistan own refugee faced same situations.

Is it me not understanding or you guys type one thing in one post and other in 2nd.
Indians they are just in the process of being thrown out of Afghanistan.So they are Crying.

India has a long history of trying to corner Pakistan from West.Starting with Indian attempts to Interfere in NWFP before Independence.

You forgot the south, the Indian Navy,
and the east the Indian Army,
and then the heaven, the Indian Airforce

But whose independence are you talking about, doesn't make any sense.
Pakistan has to realise that if the Afghans want Indians to stay, they can't get rid of them. Simple as that.

There is no problem between the people of Aghanistan Pakistan. Its the Pakistani institutions that are the problem. India also suffered the KAshmir militancy post 1990s when so called Jihadis were beign trained in Afghanistan and sent to Kashmir. So India has legitiamate security itnterests there. There was also the matter of Kandahar hijackings.

So India having a prescence in Afghanistan in "accordance" with the Afghan representatives wishes should not be a concern to Pakistan. So along with helping Afghans, security for Indian nationals in Kashmir and other parts of India is also one of the reasons.

Besides other countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, CARs all support India's role. Neither Saudi Arabia, Iran or China or CARs support any enhanced powers to be given to the Taliban. Infact, China has quietly invested economically a lot more (mainly in mining) with the current govt. already and they would be more averse than Indians to let them go.
so in effect you guys are all agreeing with me but with a slightly different spin, its quite funny to read.

if one if honest with himself the rationality behind this is obvious - to get a foothold in afghanistan and corner pakistan by "winning over" the afghans - yet indians will not admit this which is rather tiresome.

--and out of interest does anyone have at hand india's aid to other nations - what about africa? does india's heart not bleed for their development?

yet still there is no attempt to justify the moral reasons, of a developing nation investing billions into afghanistan whilst their own people are dying on the streets - has anyone asked these poor souls (that exist in pakistan and india) what they think?
I think Robbie S has already answered your question, but i feel you did not read his post. True we have poverty. The government has taken measures, diverted a lot of recourses to cure this, please look at out annual budget. But unfortunately, the funds are being misused by corrupt "netas" and "babus "in our Government machinery. If they are utilized, they are in managed inefficiently by some incompetent people who have this authority. Trust me it deeply hurts to accept this harsh reality. But the fact is the situation is rapidly changing now with the introduction of new young personalities in the curent political scene. The government is toughening the judiciary,and major measures are taken to dilute this problem. RTI (right to information) activists are regularly blowing the lid and making life miserable for the corrupt netas and babus. This is a big evil and we are optimistic it will be tackled soon.
I do wish you the best of luck, but talking about blowing the lids,
One wonders what ever happened to Tehlka. com.;)
so in effect you guys are all agreeing with me but with a slightly different spin, its quite funny to read.

if one if honest with himself the rationality behind this is obvious - to get a foothold in afghanistan and corner pakistan by "winning over" the afghans - yet indians will not admit this which is rather tiresome.

--and out of interest does anyone have at hand india's aid to other nations - what about africa? does india's heart not bleed for their development?

yet still there is no attempt to justify the moral reasons, of a developing nation investing billions into afghanistan whilst there own people are dying on the streets - has anyone asked these poor souls (that exist in pakistan and india) what they think?

India is giving grants to African countries and also to some Asian countries..as i said poverty of India is an internal matter and nothing to do with Indias foreign policy..is it too hard for you to understand?

Hope this will sleep you better

India offers aid at first summit with African leaders | World news | guardian.co.uk
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