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India may talk to ISI, Taliban

Now you shouldn't discuss personal experiences on a public forum.

I forgot that some go in circles.:azn:

Yupz nice way to say we will see the same repetition again and again ..
I do wish you the best of luck, but talking about blowing the lids,
One wonders what ever happened to Tehlka. com.;)

What happend to Tehlaka??That news agency is working fine here and we saw the advertisements about the magazine every day on TV :what:
Yupz nice way to say we will see the same repetition again and again ..

Well, why don't you impress us for once and break the mold by divulging
into some reality hence a healthy debate.:disagree:
What happend to Tehlaka??That news agency is working fine here and we saw the advertisements about the magazine every day on TV :what:

Now that is indeed news, 'cas last time i heard they were well and truly at the cleaners.
India is giving grants to African countries and also to some Asian countries..as i said poverty of India is an internal matter and nothing to do with Indias foreign policy..is it too hard for you to understand?

Hope this will sleep you better

India offers aid at first summit with African leaders | World news | guardian.co.uk

you must like shooting yourself in the foot.

read the first line of the link and some other quotes

India today unveiled a new strategy of "resource diplomacy"

However, with its economy growing at almost 9% a year, India has little choice but to follow in the footsteps of US, China and the EU by offering cash to secure oil, food supplies and rare metals.

"We need Africa not only for oil but for political power too. We need African votes in the United Nations to get onto the security council," said Ajay Dubey, professor of African Studies at Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru university.

once again india prove to be no more or less moral/amoral than other nations - so stop pretending, its basically a shallow weak front
so in effect you guys are all agreeing with me but with a slightly different spin, its quite funny to read.

if one if honest with himself the rationality behind this is obvious - to get a foothold in afghanistan and corner pakistan by "winning over" the afghans - yet indians will not admit this which is rather tiresome.

--and out of interest does anyone have at hand india's aid to other nations - what about africa? does india's heart not bleed for their development?

yet still there is no attempt to justify the moral reasons, of a developing nation investing billions into afghanistan whilst their own people are dying on the streets - has anyone asked these poor souls (that exist in pakistan and india) what they think?

Your query about Africa is offtopic but I will give you some pointers. Google them and READ

China & India as Africa's New Donors: The Impact of Aid on Development

"India and China have different patterns of aid. India concentrates on non-monetary aid mainly in the form of technical assistance and scholarships, while China offers a wider range of monetary and non-monetary aid packages, which include grants and loans for infrastructure, plant and equipment, as well as scholarships, training opportunities, and technical assistance."

Please use the sources you have before you jump the gun.
Your query about Africa is offtopic but I will give you some pointers. Google them and READ

China & India as Africa's New Donors: The Impact of Aid on Development

"India and China have different patterns of aid. India concentrates on non-monetary aid mainly in the form of technical assistance and scholarships, while China offers a wider range of monetary and non-monetary aid packages, which include grants and loans for infrastructure, plant and equipment, as well as scholarships, training opportunities, and technical assistance."

Please use the sources you have before you jump the gun.

read the post above yours, its very clear that this is all done for a reason,a quid pro quo type agreement - its not even a debate, unless its an indian trying to add spin.

both of your attempts to cover your spin and lies by a quick googling has only reinforced my point, you should both be embarassed.
read the post above yours, its very clear that this is all done for a reason,a quid pro quo type agreement - its not even a debate, unless its an indian trying to add spin.

both of your attempts to cover your spin and lies by a quick googling has only reinforced my point, you should both be embarassed.

Yes, every action US, China, EU and India does has a reason so do other countries who are not mentioned !!! What is the hidden agenda you see ? China has its aid attached to consumption of Chinese goods. Arguable this is also falls in the category where people have to be embarrassed. If you can't understand the simple fact that aid in some form will have strings attached then you being a Pakistani have learnt little.

If you now continue with the Afghan aid topic, this will derail the thread. This is my last reply to the Afghan aid.
read the post above yours, its very clear that this is all done for a reason,a quid pro quo type agreement - its not even a debate, unless its an indian trying to add spin.

both of your attempts to cover your spin and lies by a quick googling has only reinforced my point, you should both be embarassed.

here you go again..you asked a simple question whether India give aid to african nations ,i give you link for it..now you are twisting again to satisfy your ego..Giving Aid and support to a country is mainly for increasing the influvence in that country and also creating good will..every country is doing the same thing ..this is international diplomacy ..here some more links about Indian help to African countries

India to Devote More Resources to African Higher Education, Prime Minister Says - International - The Chronicle of Higher Education

In 2006 the country announced it would spend $1-billion to connect 53 African countries through satellite and fiber-optic networks to telemedicine and distance-education programs. A project to equip five African universities with tele-education studios and to provide course content to 53 learning centers across the continent is under way.

India has given $2-billion in grants and lines of credit to African countries over the past five years for development projects such as information-technology centers and rural electrification.
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na its not..i saw the advertisement yesterday also about Tehelka magazine

I subscribe to it and read it regularly and I quite like reading it. It has some good articles from time to time but none of them in the recent past are big catch articels.
na its not..i saw the advertisement yesterday also about Tehelka magazine

Suggest you do some home work on that.
As the owner was taken to the court for exposing the corruption within the Indian government, in fact he was labelled as a security threat.
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