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India maintains presence in South China Sea

VN and Philo people in fact want India to be more involved and India is making the right moves in South Asia, the Chinese are just getting pissed off because now one gives a crap about their "WARNINGS" shows that China is full of gas and hot air.
Hajmola :tup:
But given a chance they'll even produce fake gastrointestinal(ayurvedic) meds :lol:
I am 100% Vietnamese and living in Hanoi. I have been in this forum for at least 4 years.

Some young Vietnamese here are anti-China. I can understand the sentiment. I am neither pro- or anti-China, but I have been to China many times and worked with them, and I respect them. I have also worked with Indian and have friends working in India. I also have read India media for quite long time.

I never care about India boasting themselves as superpower in other threads, because I know this is a fantasy or morphin for all Indian, including NRI and Indian living in India alike, but this thread is about Vietnam. I do not mean to insult anyone, unless they insult my country first. In this case, I feel that Indian here are arrogant towards my country, so I just post some facts.

I just represented for myself. But if you Indian think that people in Vietnam are like some young Vietnamese in this forum, you are delusional again.

And the Chinese members here are showering their respect for Vietnam? :cheesy:
Yes, in PDF many Chinese used false flag to spamming, to cheating. It's Chinese habitat.

He sounds exactly like a Chinese who were 3 decades ago starving to deaths and now gone crazy after seeing wealth. Otherwise we all are third world countries and we surely know our reality.
China is now our biggest trading partner, biggest tourist source, biggest source of machinery import and possibly biggest destination for university education. You hate it or not, it is real life. Your thought clearly do not represent for majority of Vietnamese.

You're wrong.
China is the largest export to VN, ie VN the largest trade deficit. In the $ 40 billion, VN only grossed $10 billion.
China mainly exported to VN low-quality consumer goods.
US is the largest export market of VN. VN has largest surplus in this market.
US is the largest destination of the VN students today.
Chinese travel to VN because of their many frauds. They to VN to work with a tourist visa.




If you want to win people in real life or even in discussion forum, need to keep your head cool. Insulting personnally never win.

China is now our biggest trading partner, biggest tourist source, biggest source of machinery import and possibly biggest destination for university education. You hate it or not, it is real life. Your thought clearly do not represent for majority of Vietnamese.

You are idiot chinese, Vietnam is suffered deficit in relation with China. It reported in Vietnam about Chinese cheaters:

Điều tra vụ thương lái Trung Quốc quỵt nợ
12/05/2012 3:57
Trong số những thương lái Trung Quốc quỵt nợ tiền cua của người dân tại tỉnh Cà Mau, có bà Wang Juan Mei (tự A Kiều, 38 tuổi), một thương lái quốc tịch Trung Quốc đến địa phương thu mua cua và biến mất cùng món nợ hơn 10 tỉ đồng.

Theo lời các chủ nợ thì A Kiều không chỉ nợ tiền cua mà còn nợ tiền vay, tiền hụi. Trước khi bỏ trốn, A Kiều đã vay mượn hàng tỉ đồng của người dân trong Xóm Miễu (thị trấn Năm Căn, H.Năm Căn).


Can you read it ? :smokin:
@bindas not all of them have got the share of money sir. They also have poors in their country like any other SE countries do but ccp is master of delusion.
AViet said:
I am 100% Vietnamese and living in Hanoi. I have been in this forum for at least 4 years.

Some young Vietnamese here are anti-China. I can understand the sentiment. I am neither pro- or anti-China, but I have been to China many times and worked with them, and I respect them. I have also worked with Indian and have friends working in India. I also have read India media for quite long time.

I never care about India boasting themselves as superpower in other threads, because I know this is a fantasy or morphin for all Indian, including NRI and Indian living in India alike, but this thread is about Vietnam. I do not mean to insult anyone, unless they insult my country first. In this case, I feel that Indian here are arrogant towards my country, so I just post some facts.

I just represented for myself. But if you Indian think that people in Vietnam are like some young Vietnamese in this forum, you are delusional again.
First: Many Chinese here call VNese(including you) is monkey , so tell me what do you think if someone call your parents is monkey ?? still Respect them ???

Second: India always help VietNam a lot from Vn war untill now , VN has two great friend are Russia and India, but some racist Russian skinheads even kill VNese when I never heard racist Indian kill VNese, so if you feel Indian is arrogant, then you're stupid .
First: Many Chinese here call VNese(including you) is monkey , so tell me what do you think if someone call your parents is monkey ?? still Respect them ???

Second: India always help VietNam a lot from Vn war untill now , VN has two great friend are Russia and India, but some racist Russian skinheads even kill VNese when I never heard racist Indian kill VNese, so if you feel Indian is arrogant, then you're stupid .

Cool down Bro! he just trying to create conflict between us. But this is not going to happen & he knows it.

So whatever is coming out from him is out of frustration.
First: Many Chinese here call VNese(including you) is monkey , so tell me what do you think if someone call your parents is monkey ?? still Respect them ??? No, not my respect to the stupid and arrogant Chinese boys here. I said I respect China as a whole.
Second: India always help VietNam a lot from Vn war untill now , VN has two great friend are Russia and India, but some racist Russian skinheads even kill VNese when I never heard racist Indian kill VNese, so if you feel Indian is arrogant, then you're stupid .
Im sure you are young and never work with Indian. I did. I believe in IQ and the importance of IQ to the future of our country. With IQ = 99,5 for Vietnamese, we do not need the help from a nation with IQ = 82. They can not help themselves, how can they help us.

What did India help us during the war? Nothing. At the time of Vietnam war against the US, they are the leader in Non-Alliance Bloc, actually the puppet of the US. I respect any country who stand up against the US, like Iran or North Korea, although I may not like their political system. But India have always been the darling of the West. I am sure they supported the US during Vietnam war. If you do not believe me, just recall any anti-war protest or any aid or any industrial plant they gave us during the war, if you can.

About India racism: They are racist towards black people, but they look up to East Asian. They even like Nazi Germany, because Germany call themselves Aryan race, and Indian ancestors are also called Aryan people. That is the mentality of Indian.
@Aviet India was never darling of the west. Kindly brush up ur history. We had allied with Soviets and they r ours true friend and supported in hard times. It will be kind enough of u plz give some link about helping US in Vietnam war. They were calling Indira Gandhi Witch at that time. And also ur comment about racism was very amusing.
After seeing ur post i really doubt u know anything about history or not. Nazi aryan concept is completely different. Do care to see other threads too. Talk logic. U r an insult to viets.
fatithfulguy, we make our own ships. like these




Why u insert a picture of China's 054:D
Come on bro,PDF is a military forum.:hitwall:
Im sure you are young and never work with Indian. I did. I believe in IQ and the importance of IQ to the future of our country. With IQ = 99,5 for Vietnamese, we do not need the help from a nation with IQ = 82. They can not help themselves, how can they help us.

I worked for Indian company when i was in Saigon. The Indian big boss from HQ located in Philipine is quite bad, but my boss in VN is very friendly, he called me :"Mr.....", we're just like brothers that time.

btw: I don't know if any VNese care about IQ , do you still rememer what happened to "IQ problem"when our parliament discussing about bullet-train's plan ??
What did India help us during the war? Nothing. At the time of Vietnam war against the US, they are the leader in Non-Alliance Bloc, actually the puppet of the US. I respect any country who stand up against the US, like Iran or North Korea, although I may not like their political system. But India have always been the darling of the West. I am sure they supported the US during Vietnam war. If you do not believe me, just recall any anti-war protest or any aid or any industrial plant they gave us during the war, if you can.
Oh man, stop lying from now, will you ??

India supported Vietnam's independence from France, opposed U.S. involvement in the war and supported unification of Vietnam. India established official diplomatic relations in 1972 and maintained friendly relations, especially in wake of Vietnam's hostile relations with the People's Republic of China, which had become India's strategic rival
After seeing his post about aryan race i really doubt why he was so proud of his iq:undecided:
I worked for Indian company when i was in Saigon. The Indian big boss from HQ located in Philipine is quite bad, but my boss in VN is very friendly, he called me :"Mr.....", we're just like brothers that time.

btw: I don't know if any VNese care about IQ , do you still rememer what happened to "IQ problem"when our parliament discussing about bullet-train's plan ??

Oh man, stop lying from now, will you ??

Sorry for saying that you never work with Indian.
I also have my experiences like you in working with Indian in Korea. Indian always say very politely "sorry sir, excuse me, sir"... etc. In overall, I find that Indian are polite, may be too polite, but inefficient. Working with Chinese bring totally different experiences. They are cold, a little bit arrogant, saying little, but in overall, they are very hard-working and efficient, not unlike German or Korean which I worked with. In this aspect, I find that Indian are much like Indonesian or Fillipinos.

I am not lying. You may find that some Indian governments opposed US involvement in the Vietnam war, but their voice was very weak. In addition, not all Indian government supported Vietnam, because there are always pro-US element in the goverment. Remember, they are a weak multi-party system, unlike western europe or the US and do not have a rigid line for external affairs. They danced between the US and the Soviet Union. In fact, I doubt if you can recall any material aid from India, other from some lip service.
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